Georgetown Conservation Commission
Friday August 23, 2024
The order of items in transcripts appear in the chronological order in which they were taken up. Some Agenda items may have been skipped.
SPEAKER164.25 -64.25 So64.25 we'll64.49 just64.73 say64.89 we65.13 can't65.29 begin65.45 the65.77 meeting.65.93 Everybody,66.81 please67.29 put67.53 yourselves67.69 on68.17 mute.68.41 71.53 SPEAKER271.53 -71.53 K.71.53 Well,71.77 72.01 SPEAKER372.01 -72.01 I72.01 can72.17 talk.72.33 73.7 SPEAKER173.7 -73.7 You73.7 can73.86 talk,74.03 but74.27 we74.42 can't74.58 talk74.83 about74.98 any75.14 of75.31 the75.39 projects75.55 or75.94 anything76.03 else.76.34 77.31 SPEAKER377.31 -77.31 Hi,77.31 David.77.55 We78.03 don't78.19 have78.34 a78.5 quorum78.67 yet.79.06 We79.86 don't80.03 have80.27 a80.42 quorum80.58 yet,80.98 so81.86 we're82.19 waiting.82.34 86.13 Worst86.13 case,86.37 everybody's86.77 coming87.33 back87.57 from87.81 vacation88.05 next88.53 week,88.77 so89.09 we89.25 will89.41 have89.65 a89.81 quorum89.97 or91.97 next92.21 month,92.45 I92.93 should93.17 say.93.41 99.33 SPEAKER499.33 -99.33 He's99.33 he's99.89 muted.100.29 Okay.101.98 113.58 SPEAKER3113.58 -113.58 We113.58 did113.83 we114.26 did114.5 hope114.66 that115.14 the115.38 1115.54 person115.86 that116.18 was116.5 going116.82 to117.06 be117.14 at117.3 the117.46 meeting117.54 would118.02 log118.26 in,118.5 but118.82 she119.06 hasn't119.3 logged119.7 in119.94 yet.120.26 So,120.66 we've122.66 been122.9 texting123.14 her.123.54 135.83 We'll135.83 give136 it136.16 about136.31 10136.63 we'll137.25 give137.64 it138.01 10138.4 8139.35 minutes139.59 and140.31 10141.83 minutes.142.07 We142.4 probably142.63 should143.03 give143.12 it143.44 10143.68 minutes,143.91 and144.4 we'll146.13 see148.05 what148.29 happens.148.45 161 SPEAKER5161 -161 We161 should161.16 have161.31 waiting161.63 music.161.96 163.31 SPEAKER3163.31 -163.31 I'm163.31 sorry?163.56 164.35 SPEAKER5164.35 -164.35 We164.35 should164.51 have164.75 waiting165 music.165.31 166.68 SPEAKER3166.68 -166.68 Oh,166.68 yeah.166.91 We167.16 should.167.31 You167.72 can167.88 play168.11 some168.35 music168.51 if168.83 you169 want.169.16 170.19 SPEAKER1170.19 -170.19 I170.19 can't170.28 because170.59 I'm170.83 on171 my171.16 phone171.31 right171.56 now.171.72 If171.96 I172.11 could172.19 find172.35 my172.88 iPad.173.2 173.44 SPEAKER3173.44 -173.44 I173.44 I173.68 can't.173.76 I174.08 don't174.24 I174.48 don't174.64 have174.8 a175.04 radio175.2 in175.6 here.175.76 177.36 SPEAKER4177.36 -177.36 If177.36 I177.44 177.52 SPEAKER1177.52 -177.52 could177.52 find177.68 my177.92 iPad178.16 at178.56 the178.64 moment,178.8 I179.12 would179.28 put179.44 music179.68 on180 for180.16 everybody.180.32 181.44 SPEAKER3181.44 -181.44 We181.44 we181.68 could181.84 have,182.08 oh,184.56 we185.13 could185.36 be185.53 like185.84 the186.08 chick186.49 what187.04 were187.28 they187.53 called?187.69 The188 chicks188.16 on188.56 the,188.72 convention?189.21 We189.84 could190.08 do190.49 acapella.190.81 Sing192.41 a192.64 song.192.72 193.44 SPEAKER1193.44 -193.44 Nobody193.44 wants193.84 to194.16 play194.32 this194.49 today.194.72 Nobody196.08 wants196.49 that.196.88 No.197.93 I198.73 could198.89 put199.13 on199.29 some199.53 cello200.09 music,200.49 the201.45 Bach201.69 cello.202.09 Yeah.203.13 That's203.29 nice.203.77 I204.41 don't204.57 know204.81 where204.97 that205.13 is,205.29 though.205.53 207.05 SPEAKER3207.05 -207.05 Yeah.207.05 I207.29 don't207.45 have207.69 a207.93 I208.17 used208.25 to208.49 have208.57 a208.73 radio208.89 in209.29 here,209.45 but209.69 I210.17 don't210.33 have210.49 a210.65 radio210.81 in211.21 my211.29 office211.53 anymore.211.85 216.57 Open216.57 space,216.97 you217.29 don't217.45 have217.69 a217.94 radio.218.01 219.94 SPEAKER1219.94 -219.94 Yeah.219.94 Sound220.25 doesn't220.5 travel.220.81 Right.222.33 224.66 SPEAKER3224.66 -224.66 Wait.224.66 You225.06 could225.13 have225.38 satellite225.61 radio.226.09 I226.57 imagine.226.66 238.21 SPEAKER2238.21 -238.21 I'll238.21 be238.37 right238.61 back,238.85 and239.25 I'll239.41 make239.57 a239.81 call.239.97 241.09 SPEAKER3241.09 -241.09 Okay.241.09 249.91 SPEAKER2249.91 -249.91 You,249.91 428.34 SPEAKER3428.34 -428.34 Chris,428.34 did428.66 you428.9 try429.06 to429.3 call429.46 her?429.62 430.26 SPEAKER2430.26 -430.26 Yep.430.26 Yeah.430.66 You432.02 left432.18 a432.42 message.432.58 Yeah.433.78 You434.66 left434.82 a435.06 message435.22 to435.62 both435.78 of436.02 them.436.18 437.46 SPEAKER3437.46 -437.46 Both437.46 who?437.78 439.29 SPEAKER2439.29 -439.29 Heidi439.29 and439.61 443.37 Becky.443.37 Yeah.443.62 536.28 SPEAKER1536.28 -536.28 The536.28 jeopardy536.36 539.72 SPEAKER2539.72 -539.72 Sorry?539.72 542.71 SPEAKER1542.71 -542.71 Is542.71 that542.87 what543.02 you543.11 say?544.3 The545.5 jeopardy545.75 theme546.38 the547.42 jeopardy547.66 theme548.23 song548.54 is548.95 going549.11 through549.5 my549.99 head550.23 right550.47 now.550.71 Oh,551.5 553.5 MICHELE553.5 GRENIER553.5 -553.5 GEORGETOWN553.5 CONSERVATION554.07 COMMISSION554.07 -554.07 Okay.554.07 So,554.07 I555.9 guess556.07 we556.3 should556.54 decide558.57 now559.13 because559.53 we're561.21 one561.53 minute561.77 away,562.09 and562.57 I562.89 don't562.97 think563.21 I563.45 just563.61 gonna563.77 come564.01 on.564.25 She565.21 would565.45 call565.69 and565.85 say,566.01 oh,566.33 I'm566.49 sorry.566.73 You567.21 know?567.37 SHOW NON-ESSENTIAL DIALOGUE
568.49 SPEAKER2568.49 -568.49 Yeah.568.49 Since569.05 nobody569.53 571.91 SPEAKER1571.91 -571.91 Do571.91 you572.04 have572.15 quorum572.63 with573.12 3573.43 members?573.84 No.575.04 No.575.67 576.63 SPEAKER3576.63 -576.63 No.576.63 Only577.04 4.577.6 580.48 Well,580.48 there's581.04 only581.27 6581.6 of581.91 us.582.08 Right?582.32 583.51 SPEAKER2583.51 -583.51 No.583.51 We583.75 have583.91 7584.15 on584.48 the584.55 board.584.63 No.584.96 585.12 SPEAKER1585.12 -585.12 We585.12 have585.2 7.585.43 Oh,585.75 we585.91 586.08 SPEAKER3586.08 -586.08 do586.08 have586.32 7586.63 now?586.88 Yep.587.34 589.98 SPEAKER2589.98 -589.98 And589.98 1590.86 other591.18 person591.42 was591.82 supposed592.06 to593.34 be593.5 here593.66 tonight,593.98 596.3 SPEAKER3596.3 -596.3 but596.3 Chris596.46 is596.86 not.597.02 599.02 SPEAKER1599.02 -599.02 2599.02 are599.26 on599.34 vacation.599.58 601.02 SPEAKER3601.02 -601.02 Mhmm.601.02 601.74 SPEAKER1601.74 -601.74 1601.74 wasn't601.98 coming.602.46 1603.28 was603.52 coming.603.76 604.49 SPEAKER2604.49 -604.49 1604.49 was604.73 coming.604.96 Correct.605.45 GRENIER609.85 -609.85 Oh,609.85 yes.610.08 Seven.610.96 Okay.611.52 Well,611.92 do614.64 you614.88 wanna615.04 try615.61 for615.85 a616.08 meeting616.16 next616.57 week?616.88 CHRIS618.23 CANDIA618.23 -618.23 CONSERVATION618.23 COMMISSION618.23 MEMBER618.23 -618.23 I618.23 would.618.39 I619.35 mean,619.51 I619.67 620.39 GRENIER620.39 -620.39 Just620.39 to620.39 get620.39 these620.55 because620.79 the621.03 tree621.19 got621.43 621.99 CANDIA621.99 -621.99 I621.99 want621.99 to621.99 get621.99 this622.15 agenda622.47 taken622.95 care623.27 of.623.51 And623.99 the624.23 tree,624.31 gentlemen.624.71 Residents625.75 that627.03 have,627.27 you627.75 know,627.99 directed628.47 stuff630.8 for631.04 us631.28 to631.52 take631.68 care631.85 of.632.16 And632.49 we634.64 can634.8 do635.13 that635.37 as635.76 soon636.33 as636.57 we636.64 can.636.96 640.49 GRENIER640.49 -640.49 Yep.640.49 I'm642.16 free.642.57 645.13 CANDIA645.13 -645.13 Tom,645.13 are645.37 you645.45 available645.61 next646.25 week?646.49 647.53 GRENIER647.53 -647.53 Next647.53 Thursday?647.85 649.37 THOMAS649.37 HOWLAND649.37 -649.37 CONSERVATION649.37 COMMISSION649.37 MEMBER649.37 -649.37 Next649.37 Thursday?649.77 Got650.41 anything650.57 going650.89 on651.13 next651.37 Thursday?651.61 I652.73 don't652.89 think653.13 I'll653.37 check653.69 my653.93 calendar654.17 again.654.81 I657.58 think,657.74 659.01 GRENIER659.01 -659.01 And659.01 I659.25 can659.34 do659.5 the659.65 same660.3 Zoom661.1 too.661.58 662.54 HOWLAND662.54 -662.54 Yeah.662.54 I662.77 can662.86 do663.1 it,663.25 665.5 GRENIER665.74 -665.74 Which665.74 is665.74 kinda665.89 neat.666.3 We666.54 should666.7 probably666.86 just667.25 have667.42 a667.58 reoccurring667.74 Zoom.668.38 669.43 CANDIA669.43 -669.43 Mr.669.43 Allen,669.91 are670.23 you670.31 okay670.55 coming670.95 back671.27 for671.67 next671.83 Thursday?672.15 I'm673.11 really673.35 sorry.673.67 674.55 DAVID674.55 ALLEN674.55 -674.55 RESIDENT674.55 -674.55 Oh,674.55 that's674.63 okay.674.95 It675.27 should675.51 be675.75 fine675.91 for676.47 me.676.63 678.55 GRENIER678.55 -678.55 Okay.678.55 I679.11 mean679.19 should679.67 you679.91 not680.15 be680.39 able680.63 to,680.95 682.23 ALLEN682.23 -682.23 Is682.23 that683.03 the683.27 28th?683.35 685.63 GRENIER685.63 -685.63 August687.07 29.687.47 688.67 ALLEN688.67 -688.67 Okay.688.67 7689.55 o'clock?689.87 691.14 GRENIER691.14 -691.14 Yes.691.14 692.59 ALLEN692.59 -692.59 Okay.692.59 694.02 CANDIA694.02 -694.02 Thank694.02 you694.26 so694.43 much.694.67 I'm694.9 sorry.695.23 696.9 ALLEN696.9 -696.9 You696.9 guys.697.07 Sorry.697.55 It697.95 didn't698.11 work698.59 out.698.9 But699.14 SHOW NON-ESSENTIAL DIALOGUE
700.18 SPEAKER1700.18 -700.18 Yeah.700.18 So700.82 sorry.701.22 Enjoy701.62 your701.94 evening.702.1 703.62 SPEAKER2703.62 -703.62 Thanks703.62 so703.94 much.704.1 704.42 SPEAKER1704.42 -704.42 You704.42 had704.5 a704.66 good704.74 time?704.9 Well,705.14 I705.3 wasn't705.46 singing,705.78 so706.18 that's706.34 why706.58 you706.74 had706.9 a707.02 good707.14 time.707.3 708.98 SPEAKER2708.98 -708.98 Take708.98 care.709.3 We'll709.54 see709.7 you709.86 next710.02 week.710.26 No.710.5 710.74 SPEAKER6710.74 -710.74 You710.74 you'll711.06 have711.3 to711.54 sing711.62 now711.86 so712.1 I712.34 can712.42 tell712.58 whether712.82 that's713.14 true713.38 or713.62 not.713.7 714.1 SPEAKER1714.1 -714.1 Oh,714.1 no.714.66 I'm714.9 not715.06 subject.715.3 No.715.75 Goodbye.716.79 Have717.2 a717.51 nice717.6 night.718.08 Good719.43 night,719.6 everybody.719.91 721.36 SPEAKER2721.36 -721.36 Good721.36 night.721.51 See722 you722.24 next722.32 week,722.55 everyone.723.12 Bye724 bye.724.24 Bye724.72 bye724.88 now.725.84