Georgetown Conservation Commission
Friday August 23, 2024
The order of items in transcripts appear in the chronological order in which they were taken up. Some Agenda items may have been skipped.
553.5 MICHELE553.5 GRENIER553.5 -553.5 GEORGETOWN553.5 CONSERVATION554.07 COMMISSION554.07 -554.07 Okay.554.07 So,554.07 I555.9 guess556.07 we556.3 should556.54 decide558.57 now559.13 because559.53 we're561.21 one561.53 minute561.77 away,562.09 and562.57 I562.89 don't562.97 think563.21 I563.45 just563.61 gonna563.77 come564.01 on.564.25 She565.21 would565.45 call565.69 and565.85 say,566.01 oh,566.33 I'm566.49 sorry.566.73 You567.21 know?567.37
GRENIER609.85 -609.85 Oh,609.85 yes.610.08 Seven.610.96 Okay.611.52 Well,611.92 do614.64 you614.88 wanna615.04 try615.61 for615.85 a616.08 meeting616.16 next616.57 week?616.88
CHRIS618.23 CANDIA618.23 -618.23 CONSERVATION618.23 COMMISSION618.23 MEMBER618.23 -618.23 I618.23 would.618.39 I619.35 mean,619.51 I619.67
620.39 GRENIER620.39 -620.39 Just620.39 to620.39 get620.39 these620.55 because620.79 the621.03 tree621.19 got621.43
621.99 CANDIA621.99 -621.99 I621.99 want621.99 to621.99 get621.99 this622.15 agenda622.47 taken622.95 care623.27 of.623.51 And623.99 the624.23 tree,624.31 gentlemen.624.71 Residents625.75 that627.03 have,627.27 you627.75 know,627.99 directed628.47 stuff630.8 for631.04 us631.28 to631.52 take631.68 care631.85 of.632.16 And632.49 we634.64 can634.8 do635.13 that635.37 as635.76 soon636.33 as636.57 we636.64 can.636.96
640.49 GRENIER640.49 -640.49 Yep.640.49 I'm642.16 free.642.57
645.13 CANDIA645.13 -645.13 Tom,645.13 are645.37 you645.45 available645.61 next646.25 week?646.49
647.53 GRENIER647.53 -647.53 Next647.53 Thursday?647.85
649.37 THOMAS649.37 HOWLAND649.37 -649.37 CONSERVATION649.37 COMMISSION649.37 MEMBER649.37 -649.37 Next649.37 Thursday?649.77 Got650.41 anything650.57 going650.89 on651.13 next651.37 Thursday?651.61 I652.73 don't652.89 think653.13 I'll653.37 check653.69 my653.93 calendar654.17 again.654.81 I657.58 think,657.74
659.01 GRENIER659.01 -659.01 And659.01 I659.25 can659.34 do659.5 the659.65 same660.3 Zoom661.1 too.661.58
662.54 HOWLAND662.54 -662.54 Yeah.662.54 I662.77 can662.86 do663.1 it,663.25
665.5 GRENIER665.74 -665.74 Which665.74 is665.74 kinda665.89 neat.666.3 We666.54 should666.7 probably666.86 just667.25 have667.42 a667.58 reoccurring667.74 Zoom.668.38
669.43 CANDIA669.43 -669.43 Mr.669.43 Allen,669.91 are670.23 you670.31 okay670.55 coming670.95 back671.27 for671.67 next671.83 Thursday?672.15 I'm673.11 really673.35 sorry.673.67
674.55 DAVID674.55 ALLEN674.55 -674.55 RESIDENT674.55 -674.55 Oh,674.55 that's674.63 okay.674.95 It675.27 should675.51 be675.75 fine675.91 for676.47 me.676.63
678.55 GRENIER678.55 -678.55 Okay.678.55 I679.11 mean679.19 should679.67 you679.91 not680.15 be680.39 able680.63 to,680.95
682.23 ALLEN682.23 -682.23 Is682.23 that683.03 the683.27 28th?683.35
685.63 GRENIER685.63 -685.63 August687.07 29.687.47
688.67 ALLEN688.67 -688.67 Okay.688.67 7689.55 o'clock?689.87
691.14 GRENIER691.14 -691.14 Yes.691.14
692.59 ALLEN692.59 -692.59 Okay.692.59
694.02 CANDIA694.02 -694.02 Thank694.02 you694.26 so694.43 much.694.67 I'm694.9 sorry.695.23
696.9 ALLEN696.9 -696.9 You696.9 guys.697.07 Sorry.697.55 It697.95 didn't698.11 work698.59 out.698.9 But699.14