Georgetown Conservation Commission
Thursday July 18, 2024
The order of items in transcripts appear in the chronological order in which they were taken up. Some Agenda items may have been skipped.
SPEAKER10.08 -0.08 Sure.0.08 Now0.48 Catherine0.8 will1.2 be1.36 on.1.6 3.92 SPEAKER23.92 -3.92 Okay.3.92 Are4.32 you4.48 guys4.64 ready?4.96 7.44 SPEAKER37.44 -7.44 I'm7.44 ready.7.68 8.55 SPEAKER28.55 -8.55 Okay.8.55 Here8.79 we9 go.9.2 Ready,11.12 Chris?11.52 12.47 SPEAKER112.47 -12.47 Yep.12.47 12.79 SPEAKER312.79 -12.79 Okay.12.79 I'll14.39 open14.79 the15.04 meeting.15.2 16.06 SPEAKER216.06 -16.06 Yep.16.06 16.42 SPEAKER316.42 -16.42 We16.42 haven't16.78 voted17.1 yet.17.5 17.66 REBECCA17.66 CHANE17.66 -17.66 CONSERVATION17.66 COMMITTEE17.66 CHAIR17.66 -17.66 So,17.66 welcome18.46 to18.78 the18.94 July19.5 18th,19.98 202420.7 Conservation21.5 Commission22.14 meeting.22.78 It24.2 is24.52 now24.85 725.16 O'clock25.48 PM.25.89 Let's27.01 take27.25 a27.48 roll27.64 call27.96 vote.28.29 SHOW NON-ESSENTIAL DIALOGUE
29.96 Chris29.96 Candia?30.29 Here.32.19 Rachel33.31 Bancroft?33.87 38.35 Yeah.38.35 She38.67 she's38.99 here.39.31 Tom39.71 Holland?40.03 Here.40.99 43.05 SPEAKER343.05 -43.05 Logan43.05 Unburger?43.37 44.48 SPEAKER444.48 -44.48 Here.44.48 45.92 SPEAKER345.92 -45.92 And45.92 I46.41 do46.57 why?46.8 Yeah.47.28 Yeah.48.16 48.41 CHANE48.41 -48.41 So48.41 we48.65 have48.8 a48.97 full49.13 commission49.52 this50.33 evening.50.57 The55 first55.16 item55.4 on55.88 our56.12 agenda56.36 this56.76 evening57 are57.4 minutes57.56 to57.88 approve58.26 from58.58 June58.73 20th.59.14 Has59.7 everybody59.94 reviewed60.41 the60.98 meeting61.22 minutes61.53 that61.85 Michelle62.09 sent62.5 out?62.73 64.33 THOMAS64.33 HOWLAND64.33 -64.33 CONSERVATION64.33 COMMITTEE64.33 MEMBER64.33 -64.33 Yes.64.33 65.22 CHANE65.22 -65.22 Do66.43 we66.59 have66.83 a66.99 motion67.07 to67.39 approve67.63 the67.95 June68.11 20th,68.35 202469.07 meeting69.95 minutes?70.35 73.6 MICHELLE73.6 GRENIER73.6 -73.6 PWS73.6 -73.6 Amy73.6 just73.84 got74.17 on,74.41 and74.81 she74.97 can75.2 approve75.36 him75.77 too.76 SHOW NON-ESSENTIAL DIALOGUE
76.24 So76.24 77.05 SPEAKER377.05 -77.05 Oh,77.05 okay.77.2 Okay.78.24 And78.64 Amy78.88 hi,79.36 Amy.79.52 Hello.80.33 83.87 SPEAKER283.87 -83.87 Alright.83.87 Let's84.27 note84.59 that84.75 84.99 SPEAKER384.99 -84.99 Amy84.99 joined85.23 701.85.79 What86.59 was86.75 that,86.91 Michelle?87.15 87.87 SPEAKER287.87 -87.87 Oh,87.87 I88.03 was88.11 just88.27 telling88.51 her88.83 we're89.07 approving89.31 the89.71 minutes.89.87 90.75 SPEAKER390.75 -90.75 Yeah.90.75 91.78 CHANE91.78 -91.78 So91.78 does92.02 somebody92.58 want92.9 to93.14 make93.14 a93.3 motion93.38 to94.02 approve94.17 the94.58 meeting94.73 minutes94.98 of95.22 June95.38 20th?95.62 98.09 HOWLAND98.09 -98.09 So98.09 moved.98.34 SHOW NON-ESSENTIAL DIALOGUE
99.71 Thanks,99.71 Tom.100.03 2nd?100.59 2nd.101.79 Amy.104.19 Roll105.31 call105.55 votes.105.87 107.56 SPEAKER5107.56 -107.56 Bancroft,107.56 aye.108.11 108.67 SPEAKER1108.67 -108.67 Candy,108.67 aye.109.95 111.16 SPEAKER3111.16 -111.16 Kraft,111.16 aye.111.72 Oh,112.91 sorry.113.39 Yep.113.88 114.67 SPEAKER4114.67 -114.67 I114.67 would114.83 die,115.08 I115.55 think.115.72 118.02 SPEAKER6118.02 -118.02 Laina?118.02 I'm118.82 gonna.118.98 So119.7 I119.94 don't120.02 know120.18 what120.26 they120.34 are.120.58 120.9 SPEAKER3120.9 -120.9 Okay.120.9 And,121.86 Logan?122.74 124.26 SPEAKER4124.26 -124.26 I124.26 didn't124.5 read124.66 them,124.9 and124.98 I125.14 wasn't125.22 here125.54 last125.78 last126.1 month.126.42 127.44 SPEAKER3127.44 -127.44 Okay.127.44 Perfect.128.81 K.129.44 129.69 CHANE129.69 -129.69 So129.69 the129.93 meeting130.16 minutes130.56 are130.88 approved.131.04 This132.97 evening,133.21 we133.6 don't133.84 have134.08 any134.32 certificates135.13 of135.76 compliance,137.79 we137.95 do137.95 not138.11 have138.35 any138.59 RDAs138.91 this139.63 evening,141.55 no141.71 notice141.71 of142.03 intent.142.19 We142.91 do143.07 have143.31 some143.55 business144.35 discussion144.75 items,146.66 and146.91 the146.91 first147.14 item147.94 on148.5 the150.42 discussion150.66 items,151.14 is152.75 we're152.99 going153.14 to153.38 vote153.54 for153.86 a154.19 new154.34 chair154.58 this154.99 evening,155.14 because158.56 I159.52 would159.68 like160 to160.16 step160.32 down.160.64 I'm161.04 running161.52 three161.92 houses,162.24 and163.2 it's163.68 kind164.09 of164.41 crazy164.41 right164.72 now.164.89 We165.13 started165.28 construction165.69 in166.41 Maine.166.97 So,167.37 would169.93 anybody170.25 like170.89 to171.21 make171.37 a171.61 recommendations171.76 for172.72 a173.04 position173.13 of173.53 new173.69 chair?178.95 179.35 RACHEL179.35 LIV179.35 -179.35 CONSERVATION179.35 COMMITTEE179.35 MEMBER179.35 -179.35 I'd179.35 like179.67 to179.91 nominate179.99 Chris180.47 Candia.180.79 182.54 HOWLAND182.54 -182.54 Second,183.19 Howland.185.42 185.42 SHOW NON-ESSENTIAL DIALOGUE
a186.06 minute,186.14 please.186.63 193.89 Tom's193.89 second.194.21 Okay.194.93 195.89 SPEAKER3195.89 -195.89 Yep.195.89 197.57 CHANE197.57 -197.57 Okay.197.57 We197.97 have198.13 a198.29 nomination199.15 and200.1 a200.26 second,200.43 roll200.91 call201.22 vote.201.47 SHOW NON-ESSENTIAL DIALOGUE
202.75 Stancroft,202.75 aye.203.38 206.45 SPEAKER3206.45 -206.45 Chris,206.45 do206.69 you206.77 wanna206.85 vote207.25 for207.41 yourself207.65 or207.97 abstain?208.29 Go209.65 for209.81 it.210.13 I.212.05 Excellent.213.41 Shane,214.29 I.214.93 Grafum,217.25 I?217.81 Yep.218.6 220.13 SPEAKER4220.13 -220.13 Howland,220.13 I?220.76 221.49 SPEAKER3221.49 -221.49 Okay.221.49 Baeta?222.36 Oh,224.78 I'm225.02 sorry.225.26 I'm225.74 sorry,225.9 Logan.226.3 227.02 SPEAKER4227.02 -227.02 Umberger,227.02 I.227.74 Okay.228.7 Ida229.9 can230.14 go230.3 before230.54 me.230.86 I'm231.1 fine231.26 with231.42 that.231.66 That's231.74 232.22 SPEAKER3232.22 -232.22 Okay.232.22 I'm232.46 sorry.232.7 233.5 SPEAKER4233.5 -233.5 No.233.5 No233.66 234.47 SPEAKER3234.47 -234.47 worries.234.47 I'm234.54 messing234.78 up235.1 my235.26 house235.5 a235.75 bit.235.82 Alright.236.47 Congratulations236.94 on237.82 this.238.47 238.63 SPEAKER2238.63 -238.63 Did238.63 Ida238.87 both?239.19 I'm239.75 sorry.239.99 240.63 SPEAKER3240.63 -240.63 Yes.240.63 Yes.241.43 242.31 SPEAKER2242.31 -242.31 Speak242.31 down.242.47 243.59 SPEAKER3243.59 -243.59 Yeah.243.59 243.91 CHANE244.15 -244.15 So,244.15 it's244.15 unanimous.244.31 Okay.250.39 Chris,252.47 would252.78 you253.03 like253.1 to253.34 take253.5 over253.75 at254.06 this254.22 point?254.39 256.87 CHRIS256.87 CANDIA256.87 -256.87 CONSERVATION257.67 COMMITTEE257.67 MEMBER257.67 -257.67 Sure.257.67 Thank257.67 you257.82 very257.99 much.258.23 Thank259.97 you,260.13 Becky,260.45 for260.85 all261.01 your261.09 work.261.25 I263.25 just263.41 want263.65 to263.97 make263.97 clear264.21 before264.53 I264.93 start265.09 that265.33 we265.49 are265.65 all265.81 equal,268.58 that268.82 we268.82 are268.99 all269.22 the269.46 same,269.87 nobody270.19 is270.19 above270.43 anyone270.66 else.270.99 Our271.31 vote271.54 counts271.7 equally273.14 the273.46 same,273.87 there's274.1 no274.1 power274.35 in274.58 this274.75 board.275.54 So,277.71 now277.87 the278.19 under278.43 the278.67 discussion278.99 items279.71 number280.43 two,280.75 it's281.55 emergency282.19 certificate282.91 at283.63 45284.43 Old284.99 Jacobs285.38 Road.286.1 Michelle,287.79 can288.19 you288.35 tell288.5 us288.67 about288.82 that?289.06 289.94 GRENIER289.94 -289.94 Yes,289.94 I290.19 did290.35 send290.67 you290.99 all291.54 the291.79 pictures.291.94 There's293.47 one293.95 white294.51 pine294.91 that's295.47 split295.95 as296.59 you296.83 can296.99 see,297.23 and297.55 it's297.79 growing298.03 up298.35 like298.75 this.299.07 It's306.69 going306.69 over307.01 to307.25 the307.41 neighbor's307.57 house.307.97 So,308.38 he308.69 would308.85 like309.09 take309.5 it309.66 down309.82 because310.38 he310.86 doesn't311.1 want311.42 the312.3 neighbor's312.46 fence312.94 to313.26 go313.42 down.313.58 So,313.9 I'd315.82 like316.3 you316.54 to317.02 approve317.34 it.317.74 You319.23 have319.46 the319.63 pictures319.79 there,320.19 you320.43 should.320.67 SHOW NON-ESSENTIAL DIALOGUE
321.79 Yep.321.79 So323.87 I324.19 324.26 SPEAKER1324.26 -324.26 need324.26 to324.58 do324.67 that.324.75 326.48 CANDIA326.48 -326.48 Do326.48 any326.64 members326.96 have327.44 any327.6 comments327.92 about,328.32 yes?329.6 331.84 HOWLAND331.84 -331.84 None331.84 except332.16 I'm332.56 going334.29 to334.61 abstain,334.61 this334.61 is334.61 my334.69 neighbor.334.85 336.85 CANDIA336.85 -336.85 That's337.17 fine.337.49 Are338.93 there339.09 any339.25 butters339.56 in339.96 the340.13 audience341.39 that341.71 would345.31 like345.41 to345.5 say345.69 something?345.79 No?345.79 I'd347.47 like347.63 to347.79 ask347.95 for348.19 a348.43 motion348.51 about349.55 this349.87 certificate.351.93 353.61 LIV353.61 -353.61 Madam353.61 Chair,353.93 I'd354.17 like354.32 to354.56 make354.64 a354.81 motion354.88 for355.61 the355.85 emergency355.93 certificate356.73 for357.2 45357.61 Old358.26 Jacobs358.5 Road.359.7 360.9 AMY360.9 GRAFFUM360.9 -360.9 CONSERVATION360.9 COMMITTEE360.9 MEMBER360.9 -360.9 Second,361.46 Graffum.364.02 364.02 CANDIA364.02 -364.02 There's364.02 been364.42 a364.66 motion,365.3 it's365.54 been365.54 seconded365.7 SHOW NON-ESSENTIAL DIALOGUE
367.79 All367.79 in368.02 favor?368.26 369.79 SPEAKER5369.79 -369.79 Bancroft,369.79 I.370.5 373.79 SPEAKER3373.79 -373.79 Candia?373.79 375.25 SPEAKER1375.25 -375.25 I375.25 go375.41 last.375.73 I376.13 go376.45 last.376.61 377.01 SPEAKER3377.01 -377.01 Okay.377.01 Jane,377.89 I.378.21 Grapheme,379.49 I.380.13 381.49 SPEAKER4381.49 -381.49 Wind381.49 abstain.381.81 I.383.51 384.88 SPEAKER1384.88 -384.88 K.384.88 The385.12 I.385.35 388.07 So388.07 we've388.39 had388.79 a389.35 vote,389.6 and390.67 I390.91 would391.07 like391.23 to391.47 have392.35 a392.59 motion392.75 to393.15 close393.39 this394.03 hearing.394.35 395.95 SPEAKER2395.95 -395.95 This395.95 isn't396.19 a396.59 hearing.396.67 397.15 SPEAKER3397.15 -397.15 Not397.15 a397.31 hearing.397.47 Yeah.398.03 399.38 SPEAKER1399.38 -399.38 So399.38 do399.54 we399.63 just399.7 go400.1 on400.26 400.43 SPEAKER2400.43 -400.43 to400.43 number400.58 we400.9 just401.14 go401.38 on401.54 to401.7 number401.87 3.402.35 403.06 SPEAKER1403.06 -403.06 Number403.06 3?403.38 Okay.403.87 404.43 SPEAKER2404.43 -404.43 Yes.404.43 405.7 SPEAKER1405.7 -405.7 And405.7 407.46 CANDIA407.7 -407.7 Next407.7 on407.7 our408.02 agenda408.18 is408.82 another409.3 emergency409.86 certificate410.74 for411.3 4411.62 Heather412.02 Road.412.58 Michelle,413.7 do414.1 you414.18 want414.26 to414.58 talk414.58 about414.74 that?414.98 415.6 GRENIER415.6 -415.6 Yes,415.83 you415.92 also415.92 have416.31 the416.56 pictures416.71 for417.12 those417.36 in417.92 the418.07 report.418.48 There421.04 are421.36 two422.39 dead422.71 pine423.12 trees425.58 and426.46 two427.02 oaks427.42 that427.82 are428.7 severely428.94 dead.430.54 One434.08 oak434.4 and434.96 then435.13 another435.44 oak435.93 that's436.25 over436.64 another436.96 oak437.44 that's438.4 ready438.88 to439.29 land439.44 in439.69 the439.93 pond.440.17 I443.63 think443.79 that444.03 at444.99 least445.15 the445.39 one445.55 that's445.79 going446.11 to446.43 land446.43 in446.67 the446.83 pond446.99 should448.51 be448.75 taken448.99 down,449.79 that450.03 could450.03 hurt450.82 boaters451.22 and,451.78 it453.31 can453.54 go453.7 on453.87 their454.02 boat456.19 deck.456.5 Chris462.09 and462.41 I462.57 have462.89 been463.05 out463.21 there.463.45 SHOW NON-ESSENTIAL DIALOGUE
467.29 SPEAKER1467.29 -467.29 Are467.29 there467.45 any467.61 family467.85 members?468.41 469.69 SPEAKER5469.69 -469.69 Yep.469.69 470 LIV470 -470 I470 just470.25 have470.4 a470.64 question.470.73 Have471.93 they472.17 been472.32 taken472.49 down472.73 already473.05 or473.37 are473.61 they473.69 still?473.69 473.69 GRENIER473.69 -473.69 No,473.69 they473.69 have475.21 not.475.37 I478.01 have478.17 an478.73 emergency,478.97 certificate480.01 for480.65 that,481.53 you're481.93 going481.93 to481.93 be481.93 able482.09 to482.41 sign482.49 it482.73 whoever483.05 comes483.45 in,486.71 and486.88 then486.88 I'll487.04 email487.35 it487.75 to488 them488.15 and488.39 DEP.488.63 SHOW NON-ESSENTIAL DIALOGUE
489.68 Yeah.489.68 491.83 SPEAKER1491.83 -491.83 K.491.83 Are492.6 there492.76 any492.92 493.32 SPEAKER3493.32 -493.32 other493.32 493.56 CHANE493.56 -493.56 It's493.56 a493.72 total493.88 of494.12 four494.36 trees,494.6 Michelle,495.48 right?495.8 Not495.8 three496.28 and496.84 it's497.16 two497.4 plus497.64 one497.88 plus498.12 one.498.76 501.06 GRENIER501.06 -501.06 Yes,503.3 that's503.62 the503.62 arithmetic.503.86 SHOW NON-ESSENTIAL DIALOGUE
506.81 No.506.81 I507.06 think507.13 it's507.38 3.507.69 2509.23 pine,509.47 1510.03 oak.510.35 No.511.23 It's511.55 2511.63 oaks.511.79 Oh,512.11 and512.19 another512.35 very512.83 513.15 SPEAKER2513.15 -513.15 cheap513.15 1.513.23 It's513.63 like513.79 2514.03 oaks.514.27 You514.67 know,514.83 remember,515.07 515.47 GRENIER515.47 -515.47 Chris,515.47 one515.79 oak516.03 was516.19 on516.43 the516.59 other516.67 oak?516.99 So,517.39 it's517.39 two517.39 oaks.517.39 517.39 SHOW NON-ESSENTIAL DIALOGUE
2517.63 oaks,517.79 pints.518.35 SHOW NON-ESSENTIAL DIALOGUE
So518.75 do518.82 you518.94 wanna519.07 come519.46 back?519.76 Oaks.520.37 2520.66 oaks.520.99 2522.75 oaks.523.3 2523.38 oaks.523.63 Okay.525.87 526.51 CANDIA526.83 -526.83 So,526.83 it's526.83 four527.63 altogether?527.95 529.79 GRENIER531.87 -531.87 Yes.531.87 531.87 SHOW NON-ESSENTIAL DIALOGUE
Hold532.35 on532.51 a532.75 minute.532.83 I533.65 have533.74 to533.89 go534.05 into534.13 a534.38 different534.46 room535.01 right535.33 now.535.58 543.89 I543.89 can't544.05 hear544.29 you544.53 guys.544.69 I'm545.25 up545.57 north545.89 at546.13 my,546.29 friend's547.01 house,547.49 and547.89 then548.05 I'm548.29 going548.37 to548.61 my548.69 sea548.93 house,549.25 but549.5 I551.38 gotta551.46 shut551.7 the551.94 door.552.11 Just553.14 making553.38 whipped553.78 cream554.18 for554.42 something.554.75 Okay.556.35 We're556.75 all556.99 good.557.14 Go557.46 ahead.557.7 I'm559.05 sorry559.21 about559.53 that.559.77 560.73 CANDIA560.73 -560.73 So560.73 are560.97 we561.13 all562.09 good562.25 with562.49 four562.81 trees563.13 that563.45 are563.61 coming563.69 down?564.01 564.65 CHANE564.65 -564.65 Yes,564.65 SHOW NON-ESSENTIAL DIALOGUE
four564.97 hazard564.97 trees.564.97 564.97 Are564.97 you565.21 4565.61 house565.77 of566.01 trees.566.17 567.18 SPEAKER1567.18 -567.18 Yeah.567.18 567.43 SPEAKER2567.43 -567.43 4567.43 hazard568.14 trees.568.55 Exactly.569.02 569.59 SPEAKER1569.59 -569.59 4569.59 hazard569.75 trees.569.99 570.38 LIV570.38 -570.38 Madam570.38 Chair,570.71 would570.95 you571.18 like571.26 me571.43 to571.59 re-motion571.75 that?572.31 574.47 CANDIA574.47 -574.47 Yes,574.47 please.574.87 577.67 LIV577.67 -577.67 I'd577.67 like577.91 to578.07 make578.15 a578.39 motion578.47 for578.79 four579.03 hazard579.35 trees,579.75 two580.31 dead580.55 pines,582.63 two583.67 dead584.15 oaks584.63 for585.96 4586.03 Heather586.27 Road.586.67 587.96 CHANE587.96 -587.96 Second.587.96 591.39 CANDIA591.39 -591.39 Okay.591.39 We've591.71 had592.03 a593.24 motion,594.2 it's594.36 been594.36 seconded.594.6 SHOW NON-ESSENTIAL DIALOGUE
595.99 And595.99 a596.55 roll596.87 call597.59 vote,597.91 please.598.15 599.11 SPEAKER5599.11 -599.11 Jane599.11 Graf,599.43 aye.599.75 600.79 SPEAKER3600.79 -600.79 Dane,600.79 aye.601.19 Grafum,602.47 aye.603.11 604.39 SPEAKER4604.39 -604.39 Linda,604.39 aye.604.79 Bumburger,605.54 I.606.18 606.9 SPEAKER1606.9 -606.9 Eye606.9 to607.07 eye.607.3 Candia,608.42 I.609.07 611.7 CANDIA611.7 -611.7 Number611.7 four612.02 on612.35 our612.66 agenda613.38 this613.94 evening614.18 has615.58 to615.74 go615.9 with616.46 the618.22 agent's620.54 ongoing621.26 job622.3 situation.622.7 Michelle,625.08 would625.4 you625.64 like626.2 to626.76 say626.92 something627.25 in628.13 continuation628.45 of629.16 this?629.33 631.08 GRENIER631.08 -631.08 Yes,631.08 I632.04 just632.28 have632.61 a632.92 little633.08 bit633.33 to633.57 say633.73 tonight.634.04 So,636.47 you639.35 know,639.51 my639.83 salary640.23 is640.71 down641.59 to641.99 $49,000,642.63 and644.93 the645.18 commission645.25 said646.62 $65,000,650.93 and652.49 I'm652.73 down653.29 to653.61 24654.25 hours,655.05 and655.61 the655.85 commission656.01 said656.41 32656.89 hours.657.37 So,658.09 I658.89 called659.13 the659.37 AG's659.61 office,660.17 and661.03 I661.27 talked661.36 to661.67 them661.84 about662.08 it.662.32 So,666.48 we666.72 put666.88 in667.12 our667.27 budget667.51 and669.83 it670.07 was670.23 changed670.47 at671.03 town671.27 meeting671.59 without671.99 our672.39 knowledge672.55 and673.43 the673.67 AG673.83 said674.39 that678.22 TAs678.22 and678.93 town679.34 managers679.74 cannot680.38 change681.01 the682.77 salary683.1 or683.89 the684.29 hours684.86 of685.65 anyone686.84 in687.16 the687.4 town687.56 hall.687.88 Only688.76 the689.24 department689.48 heads689.96 can,690.28 not691.56 the691.88 TA692.12 or692.52 not692.76 the693 town693.24 manager.694.28 So,695.48 I704.65 just704.81 wanted705.05 to705.37 tell705.45 you705.77 guys705.93 that.706.25 So,706.89 that's708.41 the708.73 new708.89 comments710.86 I711.34 have711.5 for711.82 this712.05 week.712.22 713.34 CHANE713.34 -713.34 Well,713.34 wouldn't713.65 there713.98 be714.29 some714.93 money715.5 to715.98 restore716.22 your716.62 salary716.86 back718 to718.08 the718.32 four718.56 days?718.88 Aren't719.84 we720.08 losing720.24 our720.72 HR720.96 director?721.52 Wasn't721.92 he722.72 only722.88 hired722.99 for724.56 the724.72 manual727.76 according730.49 to730.88 a731.13 publicized731.28 report731.92 in732.32 the732.4 newspaper?732.64 Isn't734.36 his734.6 project734.84 winding735.24 down,735.64 so735.88 there's736.12 some737.08 there's737.4 some737.48 money737.64 there?737.88 742.12 CANDIA742.12 -742.12 Well,742.12 I742.36 imagine742.51 there742.91 should743.15 be743.32 perhaps.746.84 This747.24 a747.48 little747.55 bit747.71 further748.03 needs750.51 to750.67 be753.27 done.755.87 Does756.35 anybody756.59 else757.07 have757.31 any757.47 concerns758.77 or759.1 comments?759.41 761.01 GRENIER761.01 -761.01 I'd761.01 also761.17 like761.58 to761.74 say761.89 that762.05 anybody762.86 taking763.34 money763.65 from763.98 our764.29 budgets764.53 is766.18 not766.26 approved.766.74 So,767.46 the768.9 conservation769.14 budget770.1 is770.58 ours770.74 to771.3 buy771.54 land,771.78 to772.9 buy774.48 anything775.12 we775.6 need775.75 in776 the776.15 office.776.39 SHOW NON-ESSENTIAL DIALOGUE
777.91 So,777.91 It's778.79 778.88 SPEAKER5778.88 -778.88 a778.88 thing778.95 779.2 SPEAKER1779.2 -779.2 more779.2 than779.51 it's779.83 10,000780.32 781.03 SPEAKER4781.03 -781.03 for781.03 sure.781.2 782.35 SPEAKER3782.35 -782.35 So782.35 that's782.51 You782.75 you783.27 can783.79 you784.03 need784.19 784.43 SPEAKER1784.43 -784.43 you784.43 need784.59 to784.83 read784.91 the785.23 whole785.39 thing.785.55 Okay.785.87 786.59 SPEAKER2786.59 -786.59 That's786.59 also,786.91 a788.19 possibility.788.43 789.07 SPEAKER6789.07 -789.07 But789.07 needed789.39 to789.71 have789.79 read790.03 everything.790.19 792.68 IDA792.68 WYE792.68 -792.68 CONSERVATION792.68 COMMITTEE792.68 MEMBER792.68 -792.68 I've792.68 always792.76 been793 curious793.25 about793.73 something,793.97 and794.29 I'd794.45 like794.93 to795.09 ask795.25 this795.4 question.795.64 Certainly,796.85 I've797.33 had797.57 this797.73 discussion798.05 on799.45 a799.53 personal799.61 basis,800.17 not800.65 on802.09 a802.33 formal805.45 basis805.93 with806.41 Rachel.806.65 When809.41 she809.74 and809.89 I809.98 were810.21 just810.38 talking,811.1 I812.7 had812.93 no813.17 idea813.33 why814.21 the814.62 tree814.86 warden815.25 is815.74 not815.98 a816.29 component816.45 of817.01 conservation817.62 commission.818.26 821.78 LIV821.78 -821.78 That821.78 has822.1 nothing822.34 to822.82 do822.98 with823.14 this823.38 at823.54 this823.7 time,823.94 and824.18 that824.34 cannot824.58 be824.98 under825.14 our825.38 jurisdiction825.62 at826.18 the826.34 moment.826.42 It826.91 can't827 go827.32 through827.39 the827.71 Con827.88 Com828.36 first.828.36 I831.88 understand832.03 what832.43 you're832.67 saying,832.83 and833.07 I833.24 completely833.39 see835.07 that,835.23 but835.55 we835.87 aren't836.11 in836.51 control836.91 of837.47 the837.63 tree837.79 warden838.03 position,838.75 it's838.91 an838.91 appointed839.15 position839.55 by839.95 the840.11 select840.27 board.840.75 842.43 WYE842.43 -842.43 I842.43 understand842.75 the843.47 tree844.87 warden845.02 position845.42 is845.9 an846.07 appointed846.23 position846.7 with847.18 the847.42 select849.9 board.850.38 I851.02 simply851.26 do851.58 not851.75 understand852.07 why852.46 the852.63 select852.78 board853.18 has854.11 chosen854.67 to855.07 provide855.23 a855.55 stipend855.79 to856.99 the857.15 highway857.31 surveyor857.79 who858.35 is858.59 elected858.99 instead861.55 of862.6 having862.67 someone863.15 who863.71 is864.27 known864.6 to864.91 understand865.15 trees.865.79 866.83 LIV866.83 -866.83 I866.83 understand867.32 that,867.71 but867.88 that868.12 is868.27 not868.43 part868.6 of868.83 this869 discussion.869.24 We869.44 can't869.64 have869.96 that870.2 discussion,870.84 that871 needs871 to871.24 be871.32 taken871.48 up871.8 with871.96 the872.12 select872.2 board872.6 itself.872.84 873.24 WYE873.24 -873.24 Well,873.24 then873.4 I873.64 would873.72 like873.96 you874.12 to874.28 take874.36 it874.52 up.874.68 878.73 CANDIA878.73 -878.73 So878.73 since880.73 we're881.04 talking881.2 about881.61 Michelle's882.73 issue,883.85 we885.37 can885.52 always885.76 address886.16 that886.64 at887.04 another887.28 time.887.76 It's889.03 good889.35 points,889.67 Ida,891.11 and892.55 let's892.55 bring892.87 that893.11 on893.35 to893.59 something893.83 in894.47 another894.71 discussion895.51 time.896.47 896.79 WYE896.79 -896.79 But896.79 I897.03 want897.19 this897.43 discussed.897.75 899.17 CANDIA899.17 -899.17 We899.17 can't899.34 discuss899.65 it899.98 tonight,900.7 it's901.01 not901.01 on901.42 the901.65 agenda.901.65 902.46 WYE902.46 -902.46 Good,902.86 you903.1 put903.1 it903.25 on903.42 the903.58 next903.74 agenda.904.13 906.97 CANDIA906.97 -906.97 So,907.13 it's907.45 something907.69 that908.01 we908.17 absolutely908.49 can909.13 talk909.85 about910.09 for910.65 sure.910.89 We911.21 just911.37 can't911.61 talk911.85 about912.09 it912.33 for912.41 tonight.912.65 SHOW NON-ESSENTIAL DIALOGUE
913.69 Okay?913.69 914.82 SPEAKER7914.82 -914.82 I'm914.82 sorry.914.98 I'm915.38 I'm915.62 new915.86 here.916.1 Who916.34 is916.58 this916.65 other916.89 person917.13 that's917.53 talking917.86 with918.25 Rebecca?918.5 I918.89 just918.98 don't919.21 know919.38 who919.53 she919.7 is.919.86 922.54 SPEAKER2922.54 -922.54 Ida922.54 is922.86 a923.02 member923.18 of923.5 the,923.66 board.924.54 925.02 SPEAKER7925.02 -925.02 No.925.02 No.925.26 No.925.5 Sorry.925.58 Not925.98 not926.14 Ida.926.46 The926.94 the927.26 person927.5 with927.9 her.928.22 Who's928.78 who929.26 is929.42 that929.58 person929.74 930.22 SPEAKER3930.22 -930.22 with930.22 her?930.3 Rebecca930.46 Chane.930.94 932.09 SPEAKER7932.09 -932.09 No.932.09 Not932.4 Rebecca.932.73 The933.21 person933.37 with933.68 Rebecca.934 That's935.68 Ida.935.76 Oh,936.73 that's936.88 Ida.937.21 Yeah.938.25 Okay.938.74 I'm939.06 sorry.939.14 I've939.38 never939.7 we've939.86 never940.18 met.940.42 940.82 SPEAKER4940.82 -940.82 They're940.82 both941.06 commissioners.941.38 Yeah.941.94 942.5 SPEAKER7942.5 -942.5 Okay.942.5 But942.74 they're942.98 they're943.3 together,943.7 and944.18 there's944.34 no944.66 there's945.22 no,945.62 distinction946.34 for946.9 me.947.06 I'm947.3 sorry.947.46 948.14 SPEAKER2948.14 -948.14 No.948.14 That's948.3 okay.948.46 I,949.02 Just949.83 didn't949.99 950.14 SPEAKER7950.14 -950.14 know950.14 who950.3 it950.46 was.950.54 My950.78 bad.950.95 951.66 SPEAKER2951.66 -951.66 Rebecca's951.66 name952.23 is952.54 under952.7 Ida.953.18 954.46 SPEAKER7954.46 -954.46 Right.954.46 Okay.954.7 955.11 SPEAKER2955.11 -955.11 So955.11 it955.26 might955.42 be955.66 good.955.83 Yeah.956.47 956.79 SPEAKER7956.79 -956.79 No.956.79 I956.87 just956.95 have957.19 never957.43 met957.75 Ida.957.99 So958.95 Yeah.959.35 Thank961.03 you.961.27 Sorry.961.51 Just961.83 wanted962.07 clarification.962.39 Sure.963.51 967.68 CANDIA967.68 -967.68 So,967.68 if969.04 we're969.37 all969.92 set970.16 with970.49 Michelle's971.77 discussion972.89 time973.45 period,973.77 I974.97 would975.29 like976.17 to976.41 call978.33 for978.65 a978.89 motion978.97 to979.53 close979.77 our...980.17 980.77 CHANE980.77 -980.77 Hold981.1 on,981.17 I981.65 do981.74 have981.89 an982.7 item,982.93 not984.05 recently984.38 anticipated984.93 40985.58 hours985.89 in986.22 advance,986.38 Chris.986.86 Amy988.85 Smith,988.89 I988.93 talked989.65 to989.89 her992.29 on993.57 Tuesday,993.57 Wednesday,994.13 and995.09 they're996.02 forming996.18 a996.59 solid996.83 waste997.14 management997.38 committee998.26 to999.3 look999.47 at999.71 the1000.35 different1000.5 avenues1000.9 to1002.02 manage1002.11 our1002.42 solid1002.59 waste1002.9 here1003.23 in1003.38 town,1003.54 and1004.04 they1004.28 are1004.44 hoping1005 that1005.4 they1005.64 can1005.72 get1005.88 a1006.12 volunteer1006.2 from1006.68 the1006.92 conservation1007.08 commission1007.64 if1008.04 anybody1008.2 wants1008.68 to1009 step1009.16 up1009.4 and1009.64 be1010.28 part1010.44 of1010.6 that1010.76 committee.1011 SHOW NON-ESSENTIAL DIALOGUE
1012.61 Solid1012.61 waste1013 committee?1014.13 Management.1014.37 1015.4 SPEAKER31015.4 -1015.4 Yeah.1015.4 1016.28 GRENIER1016.28 -1016.28 Now1016.28 what1016.44 is1016.61 that1016.85 for?1017.16 Solid1017.57 waste?1017.88 1019.06 CHANE1019.06 -1019.06 Yes.1019.06 SHOW NON-ESSENTIAL DIALOGUE
1020.42 Management1020.42 committee?1021.46 1022.5 SPEAKER31022.5 -1022.5 Yes.1022.5 1023.46 GRENIER1023.46 -1023.46 Okay.1023.46 And1024.9 what1025.14 is1025.3 that1025.46 exactly1025.78 for?1026.26 1027.87 CHANE1027.87 -1027.87 Well,1027.87 I1028.02 should1028.11 have1028.26 asked1028.42 more1028.66 questions.1028.9 You1031.22 know,1031.46 I1031.54 would1031.7 imagine1031.94 it's1032.35 going1032.59 to1032.74 be1032.83 looking1033.14 at1033.87 different1034.59 pricing1034.59 options1035.14 in1035.87 the1036.02 town1037.64 with1038.84 resident1038.84 trash1039.4 pickup,1044.36 maybe1045.2 some1045.53 green,1046.16 the1048.09 composting1048.4 buckets1048.96 and1049.45 stuff.1049.53 They're1049.77 going1050.01 to1050.16 be1050.24 reviewing1050.4 a1050.61 bunch1050.81 of1051.13 different1051.29 things1051.53 in1051.73 town.1052.24 1052.57 GRENIER1052.57 -1052.57 Sure,1052.81 I1053.05 just1053.13 wondered.1053.37 Okay.1054.01 So1056.04 are1056.52 there1056.68 any1056.92 volunteers?1057.16 I1074.76 would1074.84 say1075.08 somebody1075.32 from1075.72 the1075.88 commission1076.04 should1076.44 volunteer1077.24 because...1077.88 1078.28 GRAFFUM1078.28 -1078.28 Well,1078.28 I1078.36 would1078.44 like1079.16 some1079.4 more1079.56 information,1081.73 but1081.97 we're1081.97 already1082.13 all1082.45 volunteers,1082.68 so1083.16 I1083.33 would1083.4 like1083.57 some1083.73 more1083.81 information1084.05 about1084.53 what1084.77 that1084.92 entails.1085.16 1088.58 WYE1088.58 -1088.58 I1088.58 think1088.66 we1088.9 should1089.06 discuss1089.3 this1089.7 at1089.86 another1090.02 time.1090.42 1090.98 CHANE1090.98 -1090.98 I1092.1 can1092.18 have1092.34 Amy1092.66 Smith1092.9 reach1093.54 out1093.78 to1093.94 you1094.1 with1095.36 some1095.67 more1095.91 information,1097.27 that's1097.51 fine.1097.51 SHOW NON-ESSENTIAL DIALOGUE
1098.23 Okay.1098.23 Okay.1098.55 Great.1098.88 1099.19 SPEAKER11099.19 -1099.19 Thank1099.19 you.1099.27 1099.51 SPEAKER71099.51 -1099.51 Thank1099.51 you,1099.76 Rebecca.1099.99 1102.45 SPEAKER11102.45 -1102.45 Thanks,1102.45 Becky.1102.77 1103.49 CANDIA1103.49 -1103.49 And1103.49 without1104.77 any1105.89 other1106.13 discussions1106.93 under1107.65 tonight's1110.15 agenda,1110.96 I1111.99 would1112.15 like1112.48 to1112.72 call1113.52 for1113.84 a1114.08 motion1114.15 to1114.63 close1115.84 our1116.63 hearing1117.04 this1117.52 evening.1117.76 1119.81 LIV1119.81 -1119.81 So1120.93 moved.1123.49 1123.49 HOWLAND1123.49 -1123.49 Second.1123.49 1123.49 CANDIA1123.49 -1123.49 So1123.49 there's1123.65 been1124.05 a1124.45 motion,1125.01 it's1125.25 been1125.25 seconded,1125.49 and1126.77 tonight's1127.89 meeting1129.3 has1129.78 been1130.02 closed.1130.89 SHOW NON-ESSENTIAL DIALOGUE
1132.34 Hey.1132.34 Excellent.1133.06 Good1134.26 night,1134.41 everybody.1134.65 1135.7 SPEAKER11135.7 -1135.7 Thanks1135.7 so1136.02 much,1136.17 everybody.1136.41 1137.13 SPEAKER21137.13 -1137.13 Nice1137.13 to1137.38 see1137.54 everyone.1137.78 Good1138.75 night.1138.91 1139.71 CANDIA1139.71 -1139.71 See1139.71 you1139.87 next1139.87 month1139.87 on1139.87 the1140.27 15th1140.27 of1140.91 August.1140.91 SHOW NON-ESSENTIAL DIALOGUE
1141.71 Yes.1141.71 The1142.19 15th.1142.35 Yep.1142.83 1143.87 SPEAKER61143.87 -1143.87 Okay.1143.87