Georgetown Zoning Board of Appeals
Tuesday March 12, 2024
The order of items in transcripts appear in the chronological order in which they were taken up. Some Agenda items may have been skipped.
161.9 THOMAS161.9 MULLIGAN161.9 -161.9 GEORGETOWN161.9 ZBA161.9 -161.9 Unfortunately,161.9 due163.18
to163.42 some163.74 unforeseen164.06 circumstances,165.09 we166.06 are166.3 not166.62 going166.86 to167.18 be167.34 able167.5 to167.9 sit168.22 a168.69 quorum169.01 tonight169.5 because170.51 of,170.75 like171.87 I172.11 said,172.19 unseen172.51 for,172.91 unseen174.51 circumstances.175.55 So176.35 I'm179 gonna179.16 open179.47 the179.72 meeting179.79 and180.28 close180.59 the180.91 meeting181 real181.39 quick181.63 because182.59 there's183 nothing183.31 we183.72 can183.79 do184.03 without184.19 the184.59 quorum.184.75 Okay?186.17 So187.69 that's189.05 it.189.37 Thank190.25 you.190.49