Georgetown Planning Board
Wednesday March 13, 2024
The order of items in transcripts appear in the chronological order in which they were taken up. Some Agenda items may have been skipped.
During the meeting, it was disclosed that the minutes for November 8, 2023, and February 28 were not accessible as expected. The November 8th document is located on the town hall's shared drive, but neither the speaker nor John Cashell could access it remotely. Efforts are underway to resolve this issue, with the anticipation that IT and the sound administrator will provide assistance. Despite John Cashell beginning employment with Wilbert, he is attempting to compile the February 28th minutes, and the speaker plans to assist in assembling what is needed for that record.
105.11 were
105.35 supposed
105.51 to
105.83 do
105.99 the
106.07 minutes
106.15 of
106.47 November
106.63 8,
107.03 2023,
107.99 and,
108.87 the
109.51 February
109.75 28th
110.23 minutes.
110.71 Neither
111.75 of
112.15 those
112.23 ended
112.63 up
112.95 coming
113.11 my
113.43 way.
113.67 We're
114.44 going
114.61 to
114.84 be
114.84 working
114.92 on
115.33 it.
115.48 These
115.97 November
116.69 8th
117.17 ones
117.41 are
117.72 currently
119.25 on
119.97 the
120.28 shared
120.44 drive
121.08 in
121.65 the
122.05 town
126.14 hall
126.38 system,
126.7 but,
127.1 I
128.54 don't
128.7 have
128.94 access
129.18 to
129.5 them.
129.66 And,
129.98 John
130.78 Cashell,
131.18 who
131.74 I
131.9 spoke
131.98 to
132.3 today,
132.46 doesn't
133.46 have
133.69 access
133.94 to
134.25 them
134.42 remotely.
136.18 We're
136.18 going
136.34 to
136.58 work
136.58 on
136.74 it.
136.9 I'm
137.69 sure
138.01 IT
138.42 and
139.14 the
139.38 sound
139.53 administrator
139.78 will
140.25 be
140.42 working
140.5 with
140.81 us
141.06 on
141.22 it.
141.38 The
141.99 February
142.15 28th
142.71 minutes,
143.19 John
143.59 is
144.47 working
144.79 on
145.19 those
145.35 even
145.75 though
145.99 he
146.15 started
146.31 to
146.71 work
146.79 for
147.27 Wilbert.
147.43 I'm
148.55 going
148.79 to
149.03 see
149.03 what
149.19 I
149.35 can
149.43 do
149.59 about
149.83 maybe
150.23 piecing
151.43 something
151.82 together
152.22 on
152.71 that.
Vouchers: MVPC – Annual Dues
The board addressed the matter of annual dues, specifically an invoice received from the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission for the fiscal year 2024 assessment and a separate bill for a Zoom charge for February 2024. Joanne Laut, a Planning Board member, motioned to pay the bills totaling $3,257.40, which included two different payments: $3,231.41 for the FY24 assessment to the NVPC and $25.99 for the Zoom charge. The motion was seconded by Bruce Reed and, upon a roll call vote, was unanimously passed 5-0, with all present board members voting in favor of the motion.
154.22 we
154.47 have
154.63 right
154.87 now
155.03 as
155.26 far
155.43 as
155.66 actual
155.82 actions
156.15 by
156.54 the
156.71 board
156.78 of
157.03 the
157.1 vouchers,
157.26 there's
158.15 annual
158.54 dues.
158.94 The
161.67 invoice
161.91 came
162.47 from,
162.87 the
163.51 Merrimack
163.51 Valley
164.07 Planning
164.31 Commission
164.71 for,
165.91 the
167.59 assessment
167.75 for
169.19 the
169.68 fiscal
169.68 year
170.16 2024.
170.47 I
172.64 have
172.88 bills
173.19 payable
173.52 if
174 anyone
174.56 would
175.03 be
175.19 kind
175.36 enough
175.59 to
176 make
176.88 the
177.12 motion
177.28 to,
177.84 pay
179.32 the
179.56 bills,
179.72 and
180.36 the
180.68 total
180.84 is
181.16 up
181.4 here
181.48 if
181.8 you
182.04 can
182.12 see
182.28 my
182.44 mouse
182.6 where
182.92 my
183.16 mouse
183.32 is
183.64 going
183.88 around.
184.12 If
186.47 anyone
186.63 would
187.26 care
187.5 to
187.83 make
187.91 a
187.99 motion,
188.06 be
188.47 kind,
188.63 please.
190.22 JOANNE
190.22 LAUT
190.22 -
190.22 BOARD
190.22 MEMBER
190.22 -
190.22 I
190.22 make
190.39 a
190.63 motion
190.71 to
191.03 pay
191.19 the
191.34 bills
191.5 payable
191.83 in
192.22 the
192.39 total
192.47 amount
192.78 of
193.11 $3,257.40.
193.34 That's
197.28 two
197.52 different
197.76 payments,
198 one
198.4 for
198.64 the
198.8 NVPC
199.12 in
200 the
200.16 amount
200.24 of
200.48 $3,231.41
200.8 for
204.31 the
204.54 FY
205.03 24
205.43 assessment,
206.31 and
207.43 then
207.59 the
207.91 BMO
208.15 Zoom
208.71 charge
209.19 of
209.67 $25.99
210.06 for
211.91 February
212.06 2024.
213.69 -
213.69 Thank
213.69 you.
213.85 Joanne,
214.41 what
214.73 was
214.89 that
215.05 total
215.21 again,
215.53 please?
215.77 Just
216.09 for
216.33 the
216.49 record.
217.53 LAUT
217.53 -
217.53 $3,257.40.
231.13 -
231.13 Motion
231.13 is
231.45 made
231.53 by
231.77 Joan
231.93 Lutz
232.17 to
232.41 pay
232.49 the
232.65 bills,
232.73 seconded
233.05 by
233.37 Bruce
233.53 Reed.
233.85 Any
234.09 discussion?
234.33 Not
236.81 hearing
237.05 any
237.37 discussion.
237.69 Roll
238.73 call
239.05 by
239.29 roll
239.53 call
239.77 vote.
240.01 Bruce
240.72 Fried,
241.03 how
241.28 do
241.44 you
241.51 vote?
242.31 BRUCE
242.31 FRIED
242.31 -
242.31 BOARD
242.31 MEMBER
242.31 -
242.31 Aye.
243.19 -
243.19 George
243.19 Comiskey,
243.51 how
244 do
244.07 you
244.23 vote?
245.28 GEORGE
245.28 -
245.28 BOARD
245.28 MEMBER
245.28 -
245.28 Aye.
246.23 -
246.23 Joanne
246.23 Laut,
246.56 how
246.79 do
246.88 you
247.03 vote?
248.83 -
248.83 Bob
248.83 Watts,
248.99 how
249.23 do
249.47 you
249.55 vote?
250.27 ROBERT
250.27 E.
250.27 WATTS
250.27 -
250.27 BOARD
250.27 MEMBER
250.27 -
250.27 Aye.
250.83 -
250.83 And
250.83 Harry
251.07 Lacortiglia
251.43 votes
251.63 aye
251.87 as
252.03 well.
252.19 Motion
254.03 carries
254.51 unanimously
255.15 5
255.87 to
256.11 0
256.35 by
256.59 roll
256.83 call
257.07 vote.
Planning Office: 1. MVPC Update on the proposed MBTA
The conversation focused on the proposed MBTA 3A non-age restricted multifamily housing, Overlay District, and zoning bylaw amendments in the Merrimack Valley area. The speaker mentioned having spoken to Ian Burns from the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission and planning to hold a public hearing next month with public notices already sent to newspapers. Discussion also touched upon North Reading's approach to similar zoning issues, with members considering whether to table their own warrant article until more information became available on how other communities are responding. The necessity of holding a public hearing as per the zoning act was emphasized, along with the planning board's responsibility to report on the amendments at a town meeting. Doubts were raised about the potential attendance and interest from the community in the upcoming public hearing, and concerns were voiced about the state's lack of response regarding the number of units required to change. Suggestions were made to possibly press the state for answers and consider tabling the discussion until more information was provided. The group also touched upon the issue of perceived discrimination against MBTA communities in terms of eligibility for state grants.
261.49 pull
261.64 up
261.88 the
263.25 agenda.
263.4 Moving
265.4 right
265.81 along,
266.05 we
266.52 have,
266.76 I
268.19 really
268.51 don't
268.75 have
269.07 too
269.47 much
269.63 of
269.87 an
270.03 update
270.19 to
270.59 give
270.67 you
270.83 with
271.07 respect
271.23 to
271.63 the
271.79 Merrimack
271.87 Valley,
272.35 proposed
272.99 MBTA
273.39 3A
274.91 non-age
274.99 restricted
274.99 multifamily
275.63 housing,
276.11 Overlay
276.83 District,
277.15 and
277.15 zoning
277.31 bylaw
278.04 amendments.
278.04 We,
279.8 other
280.92 than
281.15 the
281.4 fact
281.48 that
281.72 I
281.96 spoke
282.12 to
285.93 Ian
286.17 Burns
286.49 from
286.89 Merrimack
287.13 Valley
287.61 Planning
287.93 Commission,
288.17 yesterday
289.61 on
290.09 the
290.25 phone
290.33 for
290.57 a
290.69 little
290.81 while.
290.97 Ian
292.17 will
292.49 be
292.65 with
292.81 us
292.97 at
293.62 our
293.78 next
293.94 meeting
294.25 when
294.98 we're
295.13 holding
295.38 our
295.62 public
295.86 hearing
296.25 for
296.5 this,
296.65 by
298.25 way
298.42 of,
298.57 letting
300.34 you
300.57 know
300.74 where
300.9 we
301.06 are.
301.22 I
302.19 sent
302.27 the
302.51 public
302.59 notice
303.07 to
303.63 the
303.87 newspaper
304.11 last
305.87 week.
306.11 The
308.19 public
308.27 notice
308.59 should
308.99 be
309.15 advertised.
309.39 It
309.87 should
310.16 be
310.4 in
310.56 today's
310.64 paper
311.13 if,
311.6 and
312.56 it
312.73 should
312.88 be
313.13 in
313.29 the
313.6 next
313.6 one's
313.85 paper,
314.25 which
314.73 is
314.96 adequate
315.44 for,
316 a
316.88 public
317.04 notice
317.44 to
317.85 my
317.93 knowledge.
318.72 We'll
321.07 hold
321.31 the
321.47 public
321.63 hearing
321.95 at
322.51 our
322.67 next
322.83 month,
323.07 at
324.35 our
324.43 next
324.59 meeting.
324.75 The
327.02 27th.
327.99 Any
331.35 questions
331.75 or
332.14 discussions
332.54 about
333.1 that?
339.23 -
339.23 I
339.23 watched
339.47 the
341.15 video
341.39 on
341.87 the
342.11 North
342.19 Reading
342.59 discussion
345.88 between
347.24 the
347.56 planning
347.71 board
348.04 and
348.51 the
348.91 Slackman.
351.64 -
351.64 Did
351.64 you
351.64 say,
351.72 North
351.96 Redding,
352.28 George?
353.32 -
353.32 Yes.
354.52 I
356.12 can
356.28 send
356.44 a
356.68 link.
356.76 But
358.38 they,
358.54 the
359.5 planner
359.74 recommended
360.38 that
361.74 they
361.89 table
362.13 the
364.94 warrant
365.65 article,
366.06 to
368.34 some
368.58 future
368.9 date
369.46 till
369.7 they
369.94 have
370.02 more
370.18 information
370.42 on
372.82 how
372.98 the
373.22 state
373.38 is
373.62 reacting
373.78 to
374.34 these
376.25 MBTA
376.57 districts.
378.5 -
378.5 What
378.5 kind
378.74 of
378.98 a
379.06 community
379.13 are
379.62 they?
379.77 Are
380.01 they,
380.1 an
380.89 adjacent
380.89 community
381.38 or
381.94 a
383.29 small
383.45 town,
385.14 or,
385.22 -
385.22 They
385.22 are
385.22 about
385.38 15,000
386.26 people.
388.02 LAUT
388.02 -
388.02 They
388.02 have
388.18 a
388.26 train
388.42 stop
388.66 too,
388.9 I
389.06 think.
389.54 -
389.54 Yes.
389.54 They
389.78 do.
389.86 Right?
390.74 -
390.74 That
390.74 would
390.82 be
390.98 a
391.14 commuter
392 rail
392.31 station
392.63 then?
392.96 Or
394.15 Rapid
394.31 Transit.
395.51 WATTS
395.51 -
395.51 In
395.51 Redding.
396 LAUT
396 -
396 Commuter
396 rail.
397.83 -
397.83 Commuter?
398.48 WATTS
398.48 -
398.48 Oh,
398.48 wait.
398.71 Do
398.96 you
399.27 do
399.44 that?
399.6 North
400.15 Reading?
401.22 LAUT
401.22 -
401.22 Yes.
401.22 Because
401.3 isn't
401.64 Wakefield
402.32 and
402.66 then
402.74 North
402.9 Redding?
405.22 FRIED
405.22 -
405.22 Redding
405.22 then
405.7 North
405.94 Redding.
406.1 There's
406.42 definitely
406.66 a
406.98 North
407.14 Redding
407.3 train.
409.12 LAUT
409.12 -
409.12 Yes.
409.12 The
409.12 Redding
409.27 and
409.68 then
409.75 Chris
409.92 said
410.15 it's
410.31 Redding
410.48 and
410.8 then
410.88 North
411.12 Redding
411.36 after
412.24 Wakefield.
413.44 FRIED
413.44 -
413.44 Yes.
414.63 LAUT
414.63 -
414.63 We
414.63 used
414.88 to
415.12 live
415.19 in
415.36 Wakefield.
418.44 -
418.44 And
418.44 they
418.68 are
418.84 thinking
419.4 along
419.8 the
420.12 same
420.28 lines
420.44 to
420.76 put
420.92 it
421.16 in
421.24 their
421.72 downtown
422.04 populated
422.6 district?
425 You
428.75 know?
428.91 But
429.31 I
429.47 just
429.55 don't
429.79 think
429.94 there's
430.82 been
431.47 much
431.79 discussion,
432.19 locally
434.91 about
435.55 the
437.05 impact
437.29 of
437.69 this,
437.93 on
440.25 the
440.81 town,
440.97 and
441.29 I'm
441.53 not
441.69 sure
441.85 we're
442.25 ready
442.41 for
442.57 it.
445.1 There's
445.1 a
445.26 town
445.35 meeting
445.75 but
446.14 maybe
446.38 I
447.43 think
447.5 that's
447.75 an
447.99 option
448.14 we
448.46 might
448.63 want
448.87 to
449.19 consider.
449.19 You
453.24 know,
453.4 if
453.64 there
453.8 are
454.12 a
454.12 lot
454.2 of
454.36 questions,
454.44 the
456.36 residents
456.52 have
457 about
457.4 the
457.64 impacts
457.8 we
463 could
463.15 consider
463.39 tabling
463.88 it
464.19 until
464.51 other
464.83 communities
465.48 weigh
466.04 in
466.27 on
466.51 how
466.6 they're
466.75 handling
467.07 it.
469.56 LAUT
469.56 -
469.56 You
469.56 know,
469.56 we
469.56 should
469.71 consider
470.04 this
470.51 because
470.91 I
471.31 because
473.22 if
473.3 we
473.46 go
473.62 for
473.78 it,
474.02 you
474.58 know,
474.82 it's
475.22 not
475.46 going
475.7 to
475.94 be
475.94 successful.
476.18 Then
477.86 maybe
479.06 we
479.3 can
479.46 better
479.7 prepare
479.94 for
480.34 it
480.58 once
480.74 we
480.98 have
481.3 figured
482.5 out
482.74 what
482.98 the
483.13 state
483.38 is
483.62 doing
483.86 and
484.34 reacting
484.57 to
485.3 the
486.18 pushback
486.34 and
486.81 everything.
488.1 -
488.1 Yes.
488.1 That's
488.9 how
489.54 I
489.69 feel.
492.57 -
492.57 Well,
492.57 keep
492.89 in
493.05 mind
493.21 next
493.45 week,
493.61 we
494.33 will
494.73 be
495.05 opening
495.29 the
495.69 public
495.77 hearing.
496.09 I'm
498.57 hoping
498.89 that
499.29 we'll
500.46 be
500.78 getting
501.34 informed
501.74 by
502.54 the
503.5 Merrimack
503.5 Valley
503.98 Planning
504.3 Commission.
504.62 I'm
505.42 hoping
505.65 that
505.98 we
506.3 get
508.26 some,
508.5 folks
509.54 that
509.78 are
510.1 interested
511.14 in
511.54 it,
511.78 and
512.02 that
512.02 understand
512.34 it.
512.82 Maybe
513.62 folks
513.94 that
514.26 don't
514.42 understand
514.74 it,
515.06 but
515.22 just
515.38 want
515.62 to
515.86 ask
515.86 questions
516.1 and
517.15 have,
517.48 a
518.75 professional
519 like
519.48 Ian
519.79 explain,
520.51 what
522.03 it's
522.27 all
522.43 about
522.6 and
523.24 the
523.48 ramifications
523.63 of
524.27 it.
524.43 Well,
526.21 we'll
526.53 open
526.69 the
526.93 public
527.09 hearing.
527.33 I
527.57 don't
527.65 know
527.89 if
527.97 it'll
528.13 close
528.21 that
528.53 night,
528.77 but
529.09 at
529.33 some
529.49 point,
529.73 we
530.77 do
531.25 have
531.49 to
531.73 close
531.81 the
532.13 hearing.
532.29 As
533.52 the
533.85 planning
534 board,
534.4 it's
535.13 a
536.97 series
537.13 of
537.45 zoning
537.52 amendments
537.92 that
538.33 we're
538.49 making.
538.64 We
539.92 have
540.25 to,
540.4 quote,
542.04 unquote,
542.36 give
542.92 a
543.4 report,
543.4 at
544.92 the
545.24 town
545.24 meeting
545.56 about
546.2 that.
548.44 So,
548.44 if
549.4 the
551.07 select
551.14 board
551.63 that
552.02 controls
552.26 the
552.66 warrant
552.82 chooses
553.54 to
553.87 put
554.02 that
554.26 on
554.58 the
555.3 warrant,
555.46 it
556.58 goes
557.54 to
557.87 a
558.35 town
558.35 meeting.
558.66 Regardless
561.31 of
561.87 what
561.95 we
562.11 say,
562.35 we
563.55 may
563.71 have,
563.95 some
564.67 small
564.99 influence
565.39 on
566.11 voters.
566.99 That
567.47 is
567.63 at
567.79 the
567.95 town
567.95 meeting,
568.19 and
568.75 we
568.99 can
569.15 certainly
569.31 Georgia,
570.27 if
570.67 you're
570.91 thinking
571.32 of,
571.71 tabling
572.51 it.
572.83 I
573.07 think
573.15 what
573.39 you're
573.63 saying
573.88 is,
574.12 you're
575 making
575.32 a
575.55 motion
575.71 to
576.03 pass
576.19 it
576.43 over.
576.6 Certainly,
578.34 I
578.84 believe,
579.34 that
580.5 would
580.66 be
580.82 a
581.78 valid
582.02 motion.
582.34 A
584.7 lot
584.82 of
584.98 these
585.14 things,
585.38 you
585.86 could
586.02 do
586.18 that
586.34 as
586.5 a
586.58 private
586.9 citizen.
587.14 I
587.47 don't
587.71 know
587.87 if
588.02 the
588.11 board
588.26 is
588.43 going
588.59 to
588.83 do
588.83 that
588.9 or
589.23 we
589.47 won't
589.71 until
590.02 we
590.42 open
590.59 the
590.83 hearing
590.99 when
591.63 we
591.87 hear
591.95 about
592.11 it.
592.35 But,
595.14 FRIED
595.14 -
595.14 That
595.14 was
595.38 the
595.54 select
595.78 board
596.1 in
596.34 running
596.42 that
596.5 that,
596.58 wanted
598.5 to
598.82 table
598.98 it.
599.3 I
599.62 mean,
599.7 that's
600.66 who
600.82 the
600.9 meeting
601.06 was,
601.3 is
601.46 a
601.62 select
601.62 board
601.94 meeting,
602.18 right,
602.42 George?
602.58 Where
602.98 they
603.22 were
603.3 discussing
603.46 it
603.86 in
604.58 North
604.75 Redding?
605.54 It
605.71 wasn't
605.87 a
606.02 planning
606.18 board
606.5 meeting.
606.83 The
607.46 planning
607.78 board
607.78 was
608.02 partially
608.35 there
608.83 in
609.46 the
609.54 audience.
609.71 Right?
610.99 -
610.99 Oh,
610.99 the
611.23 planner
611.3 was
611.71 there.
613.29 FRIED
613.29 -
613.29 The
613.29 planner
613.37 was
613.69 there.
613.85 But
615.77 it
616.01 was
616.17 the
616.33 select
616.73 board
617.13 that
617.45 was
617.61 meeting
618.41 and
618.81 discussing
619.13 it.
621.26 -
621.26 And
621.66 the
621.75 planner
621.9 was
622.3 weighing
623.5 in
623.82 and
623.99 giving
623.99 her
624.3 opinion.
625.18 FRIED
625.18 -
625.18 So
625.42 they
625.58 said,
626.07 yes,
626.3 table
626.54 and
626.87 the
627.11 select
627.18 board
627.5 agreed.
627.75 Right?
628.3 So,
631.31 yes,
631.95 I
632.27 mean,
632.35 we're
633.31 in
633.47 a
633.55 different
633.71 situation
634.59 where
635.07 we're
635.31 the
635.55 ones
635.71 discussing
636.03 it.
636.43 Right.
637.23 We
637.47 have
637.63 to
637.71 have
637.79 our
637.95 public
638.03 meeting.
638.43 We
639.86 have
640.01 to
640.1 have
640.17 the
640.25 public
640.41 meeting
640.74 either
640.98 way.
641.13 Right,
641.29 Harry?
642.17 -
642.17 We
642.17 are
642.41 required
642.65 to
642.98 have
643.13 a
643.29 public
643.38 hearing.
643.77 That's
645.53 a
646.1 requirement
646.33 not
646.98 because
647.13 of
647.45 MBTA
647.53 communities.
648.14 That's
648.38 a
648.7 requirement
648.86 because
649.26 it's,
649.9 in
650.7 the
650.86 zoning
650.94 act.
651.26 If
652.22 you're
652.38 going
652.54 to
652.86 change
652.86 your
653.1 zoning,
653.18 you
653.58 have
653.66 to
653.9 hold
654.78 the
654.94 hearing.
656 -
656 Do
656 you
656.05 have
656.12 to
656.17 hold
656.24 the
656.79 hearing?
657.6 -
657.6 And
657.6 we
657.84 have
658 to
658.15 give
658.32 a
658.63 report
658.63 on
659.2 whether
660.55 we
660.72 like
660.96 it,
661.2 hate
661.43 it,
661.67 don't
662.48 feel
662.72 anything
662.96 about
663.36 it,
663.6 etcetera.
664.78 FRIED
664.78 -
664.78 So
664.78 do
665.74 we
665.9 have
666.06 the
666.3 ability
666.46 to
666.94 do
667.18 what
667.34 they
667.5 did
667.66 in
667.9 North
668.06 Redding
668.3 and
668.54 table
668.62 it?
670.62 -
670.62 We
671.58 have
671.9 the
672.46 ability
673.38 to
674.01 ask
674.25 for
674.65 anything
674.98 that
676.17 this
676.58 board,
676.82 as
677.29 a
677.53 board,
677.62 wishes
677.93 to
678.41 ask
678.58 for.
678.89 Always
680.25 remember
680.58 even
681.13 if,
681.38 you're
682.86 the
683.1 sole
683.34 lone
683.82 voice
684.22 saying
684.7 something
685.02 completely
685.5 different
685.98 from
686.38 what
687.5 the
687.74 board
687.9 members
688.22 are
688.62 saying,
688.86 we
689.5 give
689.82 a
690.06 report.
690.06 But
690.62 as
691.7 individual
691.93 Georgetown
693.05 citizens,
693.7 any
694.89 one
695.13 of
695.29 us
695.46 can
695.62 stand
695.86 up
696.1 and
697.22 give
697.29 our
697.62 opinion
697.86 as
698.58 a
698.82 private
698.89 citizen.
701.92 -
701.92 What
701.92 if
702.08 we
702.16 have
702.4 the
702.56 public
702.72 hearing
703.04 in
703.92 two
704.08 weeks
704.32 and
704.88 nobody
704.96 shows
705.44 up?
708.24 -
708.24 I
708.24 wouldn't
708.4 be
708.8 super
709.04 surprised.
709.52 Things
711.23 like
711.55 that
711.71 have
712.02 happened,
712.26 George.
712.75 Believe
713.23 it
713.55 or
713.63 not,
713.79 we,
716.59 -
716.59 The
716.59 reality
716.59 is,
717.3 -
717.3 It
717.3 is
717.3 always
717.3 not
717.3 sexy.
717.47 It
718.11 really
718.35 isn't.
718.67 I
719.23 mean,
719.3 I
721.15 don't
721.31 understand
721.63 it
722.19 really.
722.35 I
723.71 think
724.27 it's
724.59 fascinating.
724.83 Some
726.35 people
726.59 just
726.83 don't
728.02 see
728.26 it
728.35 as
728.5 fascinating
728.83 as
729.3 I
729.46 do.
729.54 Bob,
730.26 did
730.58 you
730.75 have
730.9 a
731.07 question?
731.14 I'm
731.46 sorry
731.63 Sir.
732.58 WATTS
732.58 -
732.58 I'm
732.99 wondering
733.23 about
733.54 timelines.
733.87 Do
735.3 you
735.46 know
735.63 when
736.02 the
736.75 Commonwealth
736.9 requires
738.81 a
739.61 determination?
740.01 That
740.73 is
740.97 to
741.13 say
741.29 when
741.53 we
742.41 would
742.65 have
742.89 to
743.13 have
743.29 a
744.25 town
744.25 meeting
744.57 to
744.97 look
744.97 at
745.21 it?
746.21 -
746.21 And
746.21 by
746.53 the
746.7 end
746.7 of
746.86 December
747.01 this
747.58 year.
748.62 -
748.62 December
748.62 24.
751.65 WATTS
751.65 -
751.65 So
751.65 basically,
752.45 North
753.01 Redding
753.25 is
753.65 putting
753.89 it
754.21 off.
754.45 Hope
756.6 maybe
756.92 they'll
757.24 have
757.48 a
757.64 town
757.8 meeting
758.12 before.
759.8 -
759.8 It's
759.8 right
760.12 after
760.28 that
760.6 default
761.08 town
761.32 meeting.
761.56 Your
761.8 adjacent
762.2 communities
762.84 have
763.32 different
763.56 timelines.
764.6 FRIED
764.6 -
764.6 Yes.
765.28 -
765.28 All
765.28 the
765.52 commute,
765.61 not
766.57 all
766.73 the
766.88 community.
767.04 All
767.45 the
767.61 categorization.
768.57 So
769.16 if
769.76 you're
771.85 a
772.16 commuter
772.41 community,
773.27 you
773.59 have
773.91 a
773.99 different,
774.07 drop-dead
776.39 data,
776.63 whatever
776.95 you
777.19 want
777.27 to
777.59 call
777.59 it.
777.91 WATTS
777.91 -
777.91 Yes.
778.07 I
778.31 just
778.55 checked.
778.79 North
779.11 Redding
779.43 has
779.83 no
780.07 MBTA
780.47 station.
781.27 Redding
783.7 does
784.1 and
784.65 Wakefield
785.62 is
786.17 South.
786.41 So
788.25 that
788.98 wouldn't,
790.22 so
793.5 then
793.9 they're
794.06 an
794.22 adjacent
794.38 community.
794.7 They're
795.26 like
795.58 us.
795.74 I
795.98 think
796.06 maybe.
796.7 Because,
801.82 I
803.01 mean,
803.1 have
804.93 we
805.17 heard
805.41 a
806.05 definitive
806.29 determination
809.08 about
810.76 the
811.08 number
811.24 of
811.48 units
811.72 that
812.04 we
812.28 would
812.44 be
814.28 required
814.44 to
814.76 change?
816.35 FRIED-
816.35 No.
816.35 That's
816.66 sort
816.9 of
816.99 the
817.11 point,
817.23 Bob.
817.46 We
817.71 have
817.78 to
818.02 get
818.11 out
818.18 of
818.26 it.
818.99 WATTS
818.99 -
818.99 So
818.99 we
819.14 asked
819.46 over
819.78 seven
820.11 weeks
820.35 ago,
820.58 and
820.9 we
820.9 still
821.07 haven't
821.3 even
821.63 been
823.63 given,
824.11 the
824.5 courtesy
824.66 of
825.14 a
825.3 return
825.46 letter.
828.41 -
828.41 They're
828.41 just
829.05 ignoring
829.37 us
829.77 both
830.01 of
830.17 them
830.25 go
830.41 away
830.57 and
830.89 shut
830.97 up
831.21 like
831.29 this.
833.13 WATTS
833.13 -
833.13 Until
833.13 we
833.13 hear
833.37 because
833.69 we
834.09 don't
834.17 know.
835.88 -
835.88 We
835.88 don't
836.04 know.
836.21 Robert's
836.61 rules.
837 I
837.4 looked
837.49 up
837.73 Robert's
837.96 rules
838.37 on
838.61 the
838.85 table
838.85 and,
839.96 it's
840.52 a
840.76 simple
840.92 motion.
841.33 You
841.88 know,
841.96 I
842.21 moved
842.37 the
842.68 table.
842.76 This
845.04 discussion
845.52 until
846.24 a
846.56 future
846.64 hearing
846.96 when
847.52 we
847.92 have
848.16 more
848.4 information
848.64 that's
849.6 written
849.92 right
850.24 in
850.4 Robert's
852.16 Rules
852.57 Guide
852.88 for
853.21 Massachusetts.
853.45 In
855.45 this
855.61 case,
855.76 we're
856.25 waiting
856.49 for
856.8 the
858.4 DHCD
861.39 or
862.11 what
862.19 they
862.43 call
862.59 the
864.27 Office
864.59 of
864.59 Livable
865.23 Communities.
865.79 So
865.79 wait
866.51 from
866.83 here
866.99 in
867.31 on
867.63 his
867.87 final
868.11 word,
868.51 I
868.75 think
868.91 we've
869.15 got
869.39 a
870.39 reason
870.63 to
870.88 say
871.03 we
871.36 needed
871.51 more
872 information
872.24 on
872.72 how
872.88 many
872.96 units
873.2 we're
873.51 actually
873.75 going
874.08 to
874.24 be
874.51 required
874.79 to
875.2 have.
876.15 WATTS
876.15 -
876.15 Right.
876.15 Because
878.4 that
878.8 might
878.96 change
879.2 the
879.6 recommendation
879.92 that
880.8 the
881.2 Merrimack
881.36 Valley
881.76 Planning
882.08 Commission,
882.88 gives
884.24 us.
885.65 -
885.65 Well,
885.65 it
885.89 certainly
886.05 changed
886.54 the
886.86 district.
888.22 WATTS
888.22 -
888.22 Exactly.
889.98 FRIED
889.98 -
889.98 Can
889.98 we,
890.22 poke
891.5 at
891.74 the
891.82 state
892.05 to
892.54 get
892.77 an
893.01 answer?
893.25 Can
894.55 we
894.71 ask,
894.95 you
895.35 know,
895.43 for
895.67 follow-up?
897.11 -
897.11 Are
898.15 you
898.23 saying
898.47 we
898.71 would
899.27 ask
899.51 the
900.23 select
900.39 to
901.19 send
901.59 another
901.59 letter
901.99 asking
902.47 for
902.79 a
903.03 response
903.11 to
903.63 their
903.71 first
904.02 letter?
905.3 FRIED
905.3 -
905.3 Yes.
905.3 Or
906.02 someone
906.42 to
906.83 follow
906.9 up.
907.3 I
907.3 mean,
907.38 we're
907.63 not
907.78 hearing
907.95 anything.
908.18 We're
908.99 up.
910.66 WATTS
910.66 -
910.66 We
910.66 can
911.07 do
911.38 our
911.63 due
912.02 diligence
922.78 and
923.14 make
923.14 a
923.14 recommendation
923.14 so
923.14 we
923.14 know
923.14 how
923.14 many
923.14 units
923.14 we
923.14 are
923.14 going
923.14 to
923.14 accommodate.
923.14 FRIED
923.14 -
923.14 Our
923.14 public
923.14 meeting
923.14 is
923.14 in
923.14 two
923.14 weeks
923.14 so,
923.14 can
923.14 you,
923.14 you
923.14 know
923.14 respond?
923.14 I
923.14 mean,
923.5 some
924.63 people
924.87 might
925.18 think
925.35 if
925.5 you
925.66 do
925.83 that,
925.99 they're
926.14 just
926.38 going
926.54 to
926.7 say
926.7 750.
927.58 Right?
928.14 They
932.14 may
932.3 do
932.38 that
932.62 anyhow
932.78 and
933.02 just
933.18 hold
933.42 us
933.58 off
933.74 till
934.14 a
934.38 later
934.46 time,
934.7 which.
935.58 -
935.58 That's
935.58 what
936.38 they're
936.54 going
936.7 to
936.94 do.
938.95 WATTS
938.95 -
938.95 The
938.95 thing
939.02 is,
939.26 you
939.67 know,
939.75 Milton's
940.07 not
940.55 the
940.71 only
940.87 city
941.18 or
941.67 only
941.83 town
942.14 that's
943.02 pushing
943.26 back
943.67 on
943.9 this.
944.07 Now
945.02 we're
945.26 pushing
945.5 back
945.9 very
946.21 meekly
946.45 very
947.09 quietly
947.33 and
947.73 very
947.89 respectfully.
949.73 -
949.73 Olden
949.73 is
950.29 doing
950.37 it.
950.61 Middleton
950.93 is
951.41 doing
951.57 it.
953.09 FRIED
953.09 -
953.09 Rockport
953.09 did
953.65 it
953.81 too.
954 Didn't
954.15 they?
954.39 And
954.63 they
954.88 have
955.03 and
955.43 they
955.67 have
955.84 a
956 train
956.15 station.
957.27 -
957.27 Yes.
957.27 There
957.67 were
958 a
958.08 number
958.15 of
958.55 communities.
958.71 Look.
960.48 There's
962.47 a
962.71 lot
962.87 of
963.11 misinformation
963.83 out
964.71 there
964.87 right
965.11 now.
965.35 The
966.39 bottom
966.63 line
967.11 is
967.51 that
967.91 there
968.47 are
968.79 351
968.79 communities
969.59 in
970.07 Massachusetts,
970.31 and
971.74 there
972.94 are
973.01 177
973.01 MBTA
974.7 communities.
975.58 They're
978.38 being
978.7 discriminated
979.01 against
979.74 in
980.2 a
980.36 way
980.52 that
980.56 the
980.6 rest
981.24 of
981.48 those
981.64 communities
981.88 are
982.6 not.
982.76 Folks
984.2 that
984.52 aren't
984.84 in
985.24 an
985.48 MBTA
985.64 community,
986.28 live
988.3 in
988.46 a
988.63 community
988.71 where
989.18 they're
989.83 eligible
990.14 for
990.78 every
991.11 grant
991.42 program
991.83 that
992.46 the
992.71 state
992.78 of
993.02 Massachusetts
993.18 puts
993.83 out,
994.07 and
995.02 we
996.14 may
996.3 not
996.46 be,
996.78 but
998.54 they
998.86 don't
999.1 have
999.26 to
999.42 vote
999.58 on
999.74 anything.
999.9 They
1000.38 don't
1000.54 have
1000.78 to
1000.94 change
1001.02 their
1001.34 zoning.
1001.58 They
1002.46 don't
1002.62 have
1002.86 to
1003.02 do
1003.1 anything,
1003.26 and
1004.07 they're
1004.32 going
1004.39 to
1004.79 be
1004.79 eligible
1004.95 for
1006.24 all
1006.88 the
1007.12 state
1007.27 grants.
1007.6 Yet
1008.55 if
1008.88 Georgetown
1009.43 doesn't
1010 pony
1010.48 up
1010.88 and
1011.83 change
1012.07 its
1012.31 zoning,
1013.35 we
1013.59 won't
1013.83 be
1014.07 eligible
1014.23 for
1014.71 those
1014.87 three
1015.11 grant
1015.43 funds.
1015.67 Sounds
1016.71 like
1017.03 discrimination
1017.27 to
1017.99 me.
1020.37 -
1020.37 Sounds
1020.37 like
1020.68 what?
1021.57 -
1021.57 Discrimination.
1021.57 We're
1022.76 being
1022.92 discriminated
1023.25 against.
1023.8 Half
1025.72 of
1026.29 the
1026.37 communities
1026.53 in
1026.85 Massachusetts,
1027.84 Georgetown.
1029.2 WATTS
1029.2 -
1029.2 But
1029.2 it's
1029.36 not
1029.6 discrimination
1029.76 because
1030.24 it's
1030.48 a
1030.64 little
1030.88 different.
1031.2 I
1031.68 think,
1032.08 Harry,
1032.4 it's
1032.72 different
1032.88 for
1033.36 Georgetown
1033.52 than
1034.16 it
1034.32 is
1034.48 for,
1034.72 Bethel.
1036.77 A
1038.38 better
1038.53 example
1038.86 would
1039.34 be
1039.58 Pittsfield.
1040.05 You
1041.65 know,
1041.82 they
1042.38 don't
1042.62 have
1042.86 to
1043.1 do
1043.17 anything
1043.34 along
1043.89 these
1044.21 lines.
1044.45 But
1045.12 they're
1045.84 not
1046.08 served
1046.48 by
1047.2 the
1047.52 MBTA.
1047.6 Georgetown
1048.96 is
1049.6 theoretically,
1051.2 we
1051.2 aren't
1051.2 either.
1051.44 Served
1051.76 by
1052.48 the
1052.72 and
1053.6 that's
1053.84 part
1054.32 of
1054.55 the
1054.71 problem.
1054.88 I
1055.43 don't
1055.95 believe
1057.12 that
1057.52 Oxford
1060.23 might
1060.79 as
1061.04 well
1061.19 be
1061.43 in
1061.6 Hampton
1061.84 County.
1062.23 I
1063.21 don't
1063.29 think
1063.53 Oxford
1063.61 is
1064.81 considered
1064.97 an
1066.33 adjacent
1068.01 small
1068.65 town
1068.97 or
1069.37 a
1069.69 community.
1071.63 -
1071.63 It's
1071.63 an
1071.94 adjacent
1072.11 small,
1072.51 and
1073.14 then
1073.38 we
1073.7 are.
1074.74 FRIED
1074.74 -
1074.74 It's
1074.74 adjacent
1074.98 small
1075.54 because
1075.87 of
1076.27 Andover.
1076.35 Right?
1076.9 Is
1077.07 that
1077.3 the
1077.94 next
1078.18 Andover?
1079.89 -
1079.89 Yes.
1079.89 They
1080.05 aren't
1080.61 served
1080.85 by
1081.17 they're
1081.73 next
1081.97 to
1082.21 Haverhill.
1082.37 That's
1082.77 what
1082.93 they're
1083.09 putting
1083.25 their
1084.13 their
1084.45 district.
1084.53 But
1085.57 their
1085.81 district
1085.97 is
1086.29 only
1086.45 about
1086.77 100
1087.09 units,
1087.33 150
1087.81 units,
1088.21 1WQ67,
1088.96 or
1089.29 something.
1090.09 WATTS
1090.09 -
1090.09 By
1090.09 Oxford?
1093.37 -
1093.37 Yes.
1093.37 They
1093.37 then
1093.77 act
1094.01 actually,
1094.4 yes,
1095.05 they
1095.29 were
1095.45 one
1095.61 of
1095.77 the
1095.85 first
1095.92 ones
1096.24 to
1096.4 get
1096.57 a
1096.81 number
1096.88 lowered
1097.29 because
1098.7 they're
1098.94 an
1099.26 adjacent
1099.42 small
1103.42 town.
1103.66 Keep
1106.27 in
1106.51 mind
1106.67 that
1107.23 when
1107.39 the
1107.79 guidelines
1108.27 first
1108.84 came
1109.15 out,
1109.39 there
1109.79 were
1110.12 no
1110.27 adjacent
1110.6 small
1111.15 towns.
1111.47 That
1112.89 got
1113.05 added
1113.29 after
1113.77 the
1114.25 first
1114.41 revision
1114.65 of
1115.13 the
1115.21 guidelines
1115.37 because
1116.17 it
1117.37 just
1117.61 sounds
1118.41 so
1118.65 too
1118.89 small.
1119.05 But,
1119.78 anyway,
1120.83 all
1121.46 of
1121.7 this
1121.78 next
1122.11 time.
1122.9 Oh,
1123.22 I
1124.59 don't
1124.66 think,
1124.98 the
1125.54 crowds
1126.03 that
1126.35 are
1126.59 in
1126.74 the
1126.9 audience
1127.07 tonight
1127.63 are,
1128.03 being
1129.73 educated
1130.21 by
1130.61 what
1130.77 we're
1130.93 talking
1131.17 about.
1131.41 But,
1133.33 COMISKEY
1133.33 -
1133.33 I
1133.73 just
1133.81 want
1133.97 to
1134.21 bring
1134.21 up
1134.45 a
1134.61 few
1134.69 more
1134.93 options
1135.17 before
1135.73 our
1137.21 meeting
1137.37 in
1137.68 a
1137.77 couple
1137.92 of
1138.16 weeks.
1138.72 -
1138.72 Why
1138.72 do
1138.88 you
1138.97 want
1139.05 to
1139.21 bring
1139.21 it
1139.33 up
1139.45 before
1139.61 the
1140.01 meeting,
1140.16 George?
1140.48 I
1140.72 don't
1140.88 understand
1143.29 why
1143.68 you
1143.85 want
1143.92 to
1144.24 bring
1144.24 up
1144.4 options
1144.72 before
1145.29 you
1146.12 hear
1146.36 what
1146.52 the
1146.6 district
1146.84 is.
1147.4 -
1147.4 To
1147.4 give
1147.56 the
1147.72 board
1147.8 to
1148.2 give
1148.44 the
1148.68 board
1148.76 something
1149.08 to
1149.4 think
1149.48 about.
1167.16 COMISKEY
1167.16 -
1167.16 Please.
1167.16 Just
1168.15 the
1168.63 motion
1168.88 to
1169.2 table
1169.43 was,
1169.91 an
1170.63 option
1170.88 we
1171.28 could
1171.52 consider
1171.76 on
1172.8 the
1172.96 town
1173.12 meeting
1173.43 floor.
1174.63 -
1174.63 Yes.
1174.96 I
1175.24 don't
1175.52 think
1175.76 I
1175.99 got
1176.08 all
1176.15 your
1176.24 options.
1176.48 Just
1177.5 for
1178.46 so
1181.74 we're
1181.9 not
1182.06 silly-looking.
1182.54 It's
1184.06 not
1184.3 a
1184.46 motion-to-table.
1185.1 It
1186.06 would,
1186.22 you're
1187.3 not
1187.62 dealing
1188.02 with
1188.34 Robert's
1188.65 rules
1189.13 at
1189.78 the
1190.41 town
1190.41 meeting.
1190.65 You're
1191.86 dealing
1192.1 with
1192.41 a
1192.97 different
1193.13 set
1193.54 of
1193.7 rules.
1193.86 But,
1194.72 I'm
1195.28 sure
1195.44 you
1195.68 can
1195.76 change
1196 it.
1196.24 I'm
1196.4 sure,
1196.64 the
1197.44 moderator
1197.6 will
1198.16 help
1198.32 you
1198.56 with
1198.72 that,
1198.88 that,
1199.2 from
1200.16 the
1200.4 motion
1200.56 that
1200.88 you're
1201.04 looking
1201.28 to
1201.52 do.
1201.76 But,
1202.4 I
1204.08 don't
1204.23 think
1204.47 tabling
1204.71 is
1205.04 what
1205.19 you're
1205.36 looking
1205.52 for.
1205.84 The
1206.15 most
1206.47 common
1206.8 one
1207.91 is,
1208.47 to
1208.47 pass
1208.63 it
1208.88 over
1209.12 so
1210.45 that
1210.61 it's
1210.85 not
1211.09 done.
1211.33 A
1216.13 table
1216.61 may
1216.61 not
1216.85 be
1217.09 appropriate
1217.25 because
1217.81 usually
1219.09 the
1220.02 person
1220.17 that
1220.41 tables
1220.58 is
1221.22 the
1221.38 person
1221.54 that
1221.86 has
1222.02 to
1222.17 remove
1222.5 from
1222.89 the
1223.13 tape.
1245.01 -
1245.01 Yes.
1245.01 That's
1245.41 I
1246.77 believe
1246.93 the
1247.49 motion
1247.57 that
1247.89 you're
1248.69 thinking
1249.09 of.
1249.49 And
1254.15 was
1256.08 there
1256.32 anything
1256.47 else
1256.88 with
1257.28 respect
1257.52 to
1257.99 MBTA
1258.08 Communities,
1258.71 or
1259.43 should
1259.84 we
1260.08 move?
1260.39 To
1262.81 go
1262.97 with
1263.13 the
1263.29 next,
1263.77 WATTS
1263.77 -
1263.77 I
1263.77 did
1263.93 want
1264.17 to
1264.49 just
1264.49 say,
1264.89 mention
1265.37 that
1265.69 I'm
1266.01 not
1266.17 going
1266.33 to
1266.57 be
1266.57 able
1266.65 to
1266.89 make
1266.97 the
1267.13 next
1267.29 meeting.
1267.61 Just
1270.09 to
1270.33 let
1270.49 just
1270.73 to
1271.05 let
1271.13 you
1271.29 know.
1271.99 -
1271.99 So
1271.99 you
1272.15 won't
1272.23 be
1272.32 in
1272.47 town
1272.55 on
1272.88 27th?
1274.47 WATTS
1274.47 -
1274.47 Right.
1275.67 -
1275.67 Understood,
1275.67 Bob.
1276.15 Thanks
1276.39 for
1276.63 letting
1276.71 us
1276.95 know.
1277.19 We
1277.67 won't
1277.84 wait
1278.15 for
1278.39 you.
1278.63 You're
1279.92 not
1280.08 going
1280.32 to
1280.48 be
1280.48 able
1280.56 to
1280.68 make
1280.8 it.
1281.6 -
1281.6 Right.
Planning Office: 2. Update on the hiring process for the Administrative Assistant and the Planner Position
Lacortiglia discussed updates on the hiring process for the administrative assistant and planner position, mentioning that one resume had been received via the Mass Planners listserv. Although unable to discuss further details with the town administrator due to an informal meeting, it was noted that there might be a possibility of hiring a planner before an assistant. Queries about the distribution of resumes and the reposting of the job description were raised, with Lacortiglia confirming the job had indeed been reposted as a new, distinct role. Laut emphasized the significant change in the job's nature, while Comiskey informed the board that the position was also advertised on the MACC website. Lacortiglia appreciated the strategy of creating a hybrid position that aligns with the interconnected nature of planning projects and administrative processes.
1283.68 -
1283.68 So,
1283.68 the
1284.48 next
1284.48 thing
1284.8 on
1284.96 the
1285.12 agenda,
1285.2 is
1286.16 an
1286.16 update
1286.16 on
1286.48 the
1286.64 hiring
1286.8 process
1287.12 for
1287.66 the
1287.83 administrative
1288.07 assistant
1288.63 and
1289.27 the
1289.42 planner
1290.31 position.
1290.71 I
1293.98 saw
1294.23 one
1294.87 planner,
1295.18 and
1296.74 a
1296.74 resume
1296.74 came
1297.14 to
1298.1 me.
1298.42 It
1298.74 was,
1299.06 the
1300.5 only
1300.58 reason
1300.82 that
1301.14 I
1301.22 was
1301.38 cc'd
1301.54 on
1302.02 it
1302.18 was
1302.42 that
1302.58 I
1303.78 had
1303.94 put
1304.77 it
1305.26 out
1305.65 onto
1306.05 the
1309.34 Mass
1309.97 Planners
1309.97 listserv,
1309.97 asking,
1311.82 that
1312.62 the
1314.04 response
1314.44 resume
1315.48 and
1316.44 cover
1316.52 letter
1316.84 go
1317.48 to
1317.72 Maureen
1317.88 Schultz,
1318.2 in
1319.96 all
1320.28 of
1320.44 the
1320.52 other
1320.68 ad
1321.08 paid
1321.32 advertisements,
1321.64 but
1322.36 this
1322.52 was
1322.68 a
1322.84 free
1322.92 one.
1323.59 I
1323.66 had
1323.83 added
1323.98 my
1324.3 name
1324.54 in,
1324.7 and
1325.74 so,
1326.07 I
1327.11 saw
1327.27 we
1327.66 have
1327.74 at
1327.98 least
1328.07 one.
1328.3 I
1329.42 was
1331.07 speaking
1331.47 to,
1331.79 the
1333.87 town
1334.11 administrator
1334.35 today,
1334.99 but
1336.27 that
1336.51 was
1336.59 for
1336.75 a
1337.23 CIP
1337.31 meeting.
1337.79 And,
1338.27 was
1340.13 very
1340.28 informal,
1340.61 and,
1341.33 didn't,
1341.8 have
1342.76 a
1342.92 chance
1343.01 to
1343.33 discuss
1343.4 that
1343.88 with
1344.04 them.
1344.2 Sorry
1345.16 about
1345.48 that.
1345.72 But
1346.04 we'll,
1347.51 COMISKEY
1347.51 -
1347.51 I
1350.15 think
1350.23 you
1350.47 mentioned
1350.63 at
1350.95 the
1351.11 meeting
1351.59 that
1351.91 there's
1352.07 been
1352.31 two.
1353.51 -
1353.51 Oh,
1353.51 excellent.
1353.83 We're
1354.95 getting
1355.27 there.
1355.51 It
1356.32 sounds
1356.47 like
1356.71 we
1356.95 might
1357.19 end
1357.36 up
1357.52 with
1357.67 a
1359.43 planner
1360.71 maybe
1361.12 before
1361.43 we
1361.76 even
1361.91 have
1362.15 a
1362.32 planner
1362.39 assistant.
1363.04 I
1366.93 haven't
1367.01 heard
1367.33 of
1367.65 anyone
1367.81 that's,
1368.45 I
1370.61 haven't
1370.93 heard
1371.25 from,
1371.57 the
1373.33 HR
1373.73 person.
1377.13 FRIED
1377.13 -
1377.13 Will
1377.13 the
1377.44 HR
1377.68 person
1378.01 distribute
1378.33 the
1378.88 resumes
1379.13 to
1379.68 us
1379.77 for
1380.01 review?
1380.24 Is
1380.64 that
1380.81 how?
1381.2 -
1381.2 I'm
1381.2 sure
1381.53 they
1381.68 will.
1381.92 He
1382.16 will
1382.4 as
1382.64 soon
1382.81 as
1384.41 we'll
1385.69 hear
1386.01 from
1386.17 him.
1387.77 LAUT
1387.77 -
1387.77 Do
1387.77 we
1388.01 even
1388.17 know
1388.33 if
1388.57 the
1388.65 job
1389.53 was
1389.69 reposted?
1392.48 -
1392.48 Yes.
1392.48 He
1393.44 told
1393.68 us
1393.85 he
1394.01 posted
1394.16 the
1394.57 job.
1394.72 It's
1395.2 not
1396.16 the
1396.57 job,
1396.72 though.
1397.05 It's
1397.2 a
1397.44 completely
1397.53 different
1397.92 job
1398.33 because
1399.1 Right?
1399.5 LAUT
1399.5 -
1399.5 I
1399.5 know
1399.58 they
1399.74 had
1399.9 to,
1400.06 like,
1400.22 repost
1400.54 it
1401.02 because
1401.18 it
1401.5 was
1401.58 a
1401.76 completely
1402.78 different
1403.18 job
1404.3 -
1404.3 It's
1404.3 not
1404.7 the
1404.94 same
1405.02 old
1405.34 job.
1405.58 It's
1405.98 very
1407.12 different.
1407.43 Well,
1409.76 we'll
1409.99 have
1410.15 to
1410.32 see,
1410.39 we'll
1411.43 have
1411.76 to
1411.84 look
1411.91 at
1412.15 the
1412.8 potential
1413.28 people
1413.76 that
1414.08 might
1414.96 answer
1415 the
1415.04 ads.
1418 -
1418 I
1418 heard
1418.08 the
1418.32 job
1418.48 has
1418.72 been
1418.88 posted
1419.04 on
1419.44 the
1419.6 MACC
1419.84 website
1420.56 too.
1422.06 -
1422.06 Excellent.
1422.06 Well,
1423.17 that
1423.49 makes
1423.89 sense
1424.22 because
1424.46 that's
1426.54 half
1426.78 the
1427.02 job.
1427.17 And
1429.69 it's
1430.01 good.
1430.41 I
1432.01 like
1432.17 it
1432.33 brings
1432.97 everything
1433.37 a
1433.93 little
1434.09 bit
1434.25 closer
1434.41 together.
1434.73 As
1435.61 everybody
1436.33 on
1436.97 this
1437.13 board
1437.37 knows,
1437.61 anybody
1438.7 who
1438.9 pays
1439.11 attention
1439.51 knows
1440.07 there
1441.03 aren't
1441.18 all
1441.98 that
1442.22 many
1442.38 projects
1442.94 that
1443.51 need
1444.38 approval
1444.79 from
1445.79 the
1445.95 planning
1446.19 board
1446.51 that
1446.83 don't
1447.15 also
1447.47 need
1447.79 approval,
1450.11 from
1450.67 the.
1451.07 So
1452.03 makes
1453.49 sense
1453.81 to
1454.85 join,
1455.09 the
1456.53 admin,
1457.01 and
1459.16 come
1459.4 up
1459.57 with
1459.73 a
1459.88 totally
1460.05 new,
1460.45 completely
1460.77 different
1461.24 position,
1461.64 which
1464.67 is
1464.83 hybridized.
Planning Office: 3. Discussion of invoice Single signer threshold
The public hearing deliberated on the single signer process for approving and paying bills, a method adopted due to the pandemic affecting regular meetings. The speaker discussed their authorization to sign off on bills before board approval, pursuant to a law, addressing concerns raised by an accountant, Mary, especially about recurring charges such as the Zoom subscription. The discussion sought to establish a comfortable threshold for the amount the speaker could approve without prior board consent. The consensus hovered around setting a $1,000 limit for such transactions, with amounts exceeding this requiring a board vote. Members expressed trust in the speaker's discretion within this framework, noting the long-standing authorization and the speaker's integrity concerning legal compliance and transparency.
1469.31 but
1469.63 not
1469.87 least
1470.11 is,
1470.91 I
1472.62 believe
1472.69 the
1473.01 last
1473.17 thing,
1473.34 discussion.
1473.65 Oh,
1474.21 okay.
1475.49 Single
1475.82 signer.
1476.05 So
1477.41 ever
1483.06 since
1483.38 the
1483.7 pandemic
1483.7 at
1484.58 a
1484.82 certain
1484.82 point,
1485.14 the
1487.02 members
1488.62 that
1489.1 used
1489.34 to
1489.58 be
1489.65 on
1489.82 before
1490.21 a
1491.02 long
1491.17 time
1491.41 ago,
1491.58 that
1493.65 sheet
1494.19 that
1494.51 I
1494.67 showed
1494.91 you
1495.23 earlier,
1495.71 the
1496.27 bills
1496.67 payable
1496.99 sheet,
1497.39 we
1498.83 do
1499.07 the
1499.23 single
1499.39 signing
1499.71 after
1500.27 you
1500.59 vote.
1500.83 We
1501.55 vote
1501.79 the
1502.11 invoices,
1504.44 and
1505.57 then
1505.8 I
1506.13 turn
1506.28 around
1506.52 and
1506.76 I
1506.92 sign
1507.09 that
1507.33 sheet,
1507.57 and
1507.88 I
1508.04 bring
1508.28 that
1508.44 over
1508.68 to
1508.92 Mary,
1509.09 and
1509.48 it
1509.64 gets
1509.88 paid.
1510.82 Checks
1510.82 get
1511.06 cut.
1511.3 One
1513.14 of
1513.38 the
1513.54 things
1513.62 that
1513.94 I
1515.14 had
1515.22 a
1515.46 discussion
1515.54 with,
1516.02 the
1516.74 hotel,
1516.98 accountant
1518.81 Mary
1519.29 about
1519.85 was
1520.49 the
1521.21 single
1522.33 signer
1522.73 authorization
1523.37 that
1524.4 was
1524.64 done
1524.81 years
1525.21 ago,
1525.45 to
1526.73 allow
1526.89 me
1527.21 to
1527.45 sign,
1529.45 the
1530.57 bills,
1530.73 so
1531.29 to
1531.53 speak.
1531.69 The
1535.26 law
1536.13 that
1536.38 I
1536.62 was
1536.93 working
1537.26 under
1537.58 actually
1539.58 allows
1540.22 and
1542.49 I
1542.89 should
1543.13 be
1543.29 able
1543.45 to
1543.61 post
1543.69 it.
1543.93 There
1544.09 it
1544.25 is.
1544.41 Actually
1545.61 allows
1546.09 me
1547.45 to
1547.69 sign
1548.01 off
1548.33 prior
1549.77 to
1550.24 authorization
1551.53 from
1552.4 the
1552.64 board
1552.81 on
1553.85 bills.
1554.09 And
1555.45 there
1557.18 was
1557.5 a
1557.74 concern
1557.98 where
1558.7 where
1560.06 we
1560.38 don't
1560.54 have
1560.78 a
1560.94 planner
1561.1 right
1561.58 now
1561.74 and,
1563.02 we
1564.67 don't
1564.91 have
1565.15 an
1565.47 admin.
1565.72 We
1568.04 don't
1568.28 seem
1568.52 to
1568.67 have
1568.84 anything
1569.08 coming
1569.47 into,
1570.43 the
1571.08 office.
1571.32 If
1572.75 we
1572.99 don't
1573.15 have
1573.47 to
1573.63 have
1573.71 a
1573.87 meeting,
1573.95 we
1575.07 don't
1575.31 have
1575.47 to
1575.63 meet.
1575.79 If
1577.63 we
1577.79 don't
1577.87 have
1578.11 to
1578.27 meet,
1578.35 that
1578.67 means
1578.83 we
1579.07 don't
1579.23 pay
1579.39 the
1579.55 bills.
1579.71 So
1580.74 Mary
1581.22 was
1581.54 concerned
1581.79 with,
1582.18 the
1583.46 Zoom
1584.18 charge,
1584.51 the
1584.98 credit
1585.87 card
1586.18 comes
1587.07 in
1587.3 every
1587.63 month
1587.87 and
1588.11 needs
1588.35 to
1588.59 be
1588.66 paid
1588.83 every
1589.14 month,
1589.38 whether
1590.41 or
1590.57 not
1590.81 we
1591.05 have
1591.21 a
1591.29 meeting
1591.37 at
1591.85 Google
1592.09 or
1592.49 not.
1592.65 Do
1594.73 I
1595.21 just
1595.37 want
1595.61 to
1595.93 throw
1596.09 it
1596.25 out
1596.41 there
1596.57 do
1597.48 I
1597.64 already
1597.88 have
1598.21 the
1598.45 authorization
1598.61 signed
1599.57 by
1599.81 you
1600.05 folks
1600.21 from
1600.61 to
1601.09 to
1601.81 be
1601.97 the
1602.21 single
1602.37 signer
1602.77 for
1603.4 anything
1603.64 to
1603.97 give
1604.29 out?
1604.61 This
1606.13 law
1606.45 actually
1607.31 lets
1607.63 the
1607.95 single
1608.19 signer
1608.67 resign
1610.83 as
1612.03 long
1612.35 as
1612.59 I
1612.83 bring
1612.99 it
1613.23 to
1613.47 you
1613.63 afterward.
1614.11 Comfortable
1619.24 with
1619.88 that,
1620.05 but
1621.24 I
1621.64 need
1621.81 to
1622.13 know
1622.29 your
1623.28 level
1624 of
1624.56 your
1625.04 threshold
1625.28 level
1625.84 now.
1626.24 Is
1627.2 it
1627.36 $250?
1629.04 Is
1630.08 it
1630.24 $500?
1630.4 Where
1631.68 is
1632 it?
1632.24 We
1632.62 paid
1632.93 an
1633.17 invoice
1633.41 tonight
1633.82 for
1634.21 3,100
1635.65 something
1635.97 dollars
1636.45 for
1636.93 them.
1637.1 I
1638.93 wouldn't
1639.1 feel
1639.41 comfortable
1639.73 signing
1640.29 up
1640.69 for
1640.93 something
1641.1 like
1641.58 that.
1641.73 Then
1643.08 after
1643.48 the
1643.72 fact,
1643.96 inform
1645.24 the
1645.8 board
1646.04 about
1646.36 it.
1646.52 What's
1647.56 can
1648.44 you
1648.68 just
1648.84 throw
1649.08 out
1649.4 some
1649.48 numbers
1649.72 there
1650.04 to
1651 give
1651.16 me
1651.4 a
1652.59 ceiling?
1653.87 LAUT
1653.87 -
1653.87 Well,
1653.87 what
1654.18 do
1654.35 you
1654.59 feel
1654.75 comfortable
1655.07 with?
1656.27 I
1656.27 mean,
1656.42 like,
1657.31 2,500?
1657.55 I
1658.51 mean,
1658.59 do
1658.83 you,
1660.6 -
1660.6 I
1660.6 don't
1660.68 think
1660.76 a
1661.08 1,000.
1661.24 I
1663.64 think
1663.72 1,000
1664.2 is
1664.68 reasonable
1664.92 only
1665.64 because,
1665.96 usually,
1668.28 most
1669.79 of
1670.19 the
1670.36 bills
1671.15 that
1671.47 we
1671.63 get
1671.79 from
1671.95 under
1672.91 or
1673.63 under
1673.71 1,000
1674.03 when
1675.14 we
1675.3 get
1675.46 the
1675.54 invoices.
1675.94 If
1676.5 we
1676.74 get
1676.82 the
1677.06 invoices
1677.22 from
1677.86 our,
1678.18 from
1680.66 our
1680.9 peer
1681.06 reviewers
1681.3 and,
1682.51 you
1682.84 know,
1683.08 it's
1683.23 not
1683.39 six
1683.79 invoices
1684.12 altogether.
1684.67 But
1685.88 if
1686.19 they
1686.43 send
1686.6 them
1686.84 in
1687.55 a
1687.71 timely
1687.79 fashion,
1688.27 they're
1688.76 under
1689.08 1,000.
1689.87 So,
1690.59 LAUT
1690.59 -
1690.59 Got
1690.59 you.
1691.23 -
1691.23 1000
1691.23 might
1691.71 be
1691.95 good.
1693.07 LAUT
1693.07 -
1693.07 Alright.
1693.07 Because
1693.71 I
1693.95 want
1694.03 you
1694.27 to
1694.43 feel
1694.51 comfortable
1694.75 too.
1695.15 So,
1697.64 -
1697.64 Just
1697.64 wanted
1699.24 to
1699.48 know
1699.64 what
1699.88 you
1700.05 folks
1700.77 looking
1701.16 at
1701.48 as
1701.64 far
1701.81 as
1702.05 that's
1702.13 concerned.
1702.29 George,
1703.01 are
1703.33 you
1703.33 good
1703.48 with
1703.64 a
1703.81 1,000?
1703.96 If
1704.98 it's
1705.14 over
1705.3 1,000,
1705.7 I'll
1706.34 hold
1706.58 it
1706.82 and
1707.14 we'll
1707.54 actually
1707.78 vote
1708.1 on
1708.42 it
1708.42 beforehand.
1708.74 Right?
1709.3 If
1710.1 it's
1710.26 under
1710.34 1,000,
1710.74 I'll
1711.62 sign
1711.86 off
1712.18 if
1712.5 I
1712.74 think
1712.98 it's
1713.3 signable,
1714.04 and
1714.76 then
1714.99 I'll
1715.23 bring
1715.48 it
1715.63 to
1715.8 the
1715.88 board
1716.04 next
1716.36 week.
1716.6 Bruce,
1717.48 are
1717.8 you
1717.96 good
1718.04 with
1718.28 that?
1718.6 FRIED
1718.6 -
1718.6 I'm
1718.76 good
1718.91 with
1719.08 that.
1719.15 Do
1719.23 we
1719.39 need
1719.48 to
1719.56 take
1719.63 a
1719.8 vote
1719.88 on
1720.12 this
1720.2 or
1720.36 this
1720.43 is
1720.51 just
1720.76 a
1720.99 move
1721.67 on?
1722.47 -
1722.47 The
1722.47 vote
1722.71 was
1722.95 taken
1723.11 a
1723.43 long,
1723.51 long
1723.75 time
1723.99 ago.
1725.03 FRIED
1725.35 -
1725.35 I'm
1725.35 good
1725.43 with
1725.59 a
1725.67 $1,000
1725.91 for
1726.47 sure.
1727.03 -
1727.03 I'm
1727.03 authorized
1727.11 under
1727.75 that
1728.07 law.
1728.31 I'm
1728.79 authorized
1729.35 to
1730.97 shoot
1730.97 for
1731.21 the
1731.37 moon.
1731.53 I
1731.77 could've
1731.85 paid
1732.09 the
1732.33 bill.
1732.48 I
1732.73 could've
1732.81 paid
1733.13 those
1733.37 bills
1733.53 tonight
1733.92 myself.
1734.33 Next
1735.45 week,
1735.68 bring
1736.81 them
1737.13 to
1737.29 you.
1737.45 Wait
1738.44 a
1738.56 little
1738.68 bit.
1739.2 Bob,
1739.72 are
1739.96 you
1740.04 good
1740.28 with
1740.44 a
1740.6 1,000?
1740.68 Is
1741.16 that
1741.32 where
1741.48 you're
1741.64 at?
1742.2 WATTS
1742.2 -
1742.2 Of
1742.2 course,
1742.28 Harry.
1742.68 I
1743 would
1743.32 have
1743.56 no
1743.72 problem
1743.96 with
1745.08 a
1745.32 larger
1745.48 sum.
1746.04 We
1746.52 know
1746.76 where
1746.92 you
1747.16 live.
1747.32 You
1748.61 know,
1748.68 you
1749.09 know
1749.33 who
1749.64 you
1749.88 are.
1752.2 SPEAKER4
1752.2 -
1752.2 We'll.
1752.2 You're
1752.2 on
1752.37 half
1752.61 the
1752.85 boards
1753.01 in
1753.4 town.
1755.57 WATTS
1755.57 -
1755.57 Or
1755.57 have
1755.81 been,
1756.37 I
1757.71 suppose
1757.95 you
1759.55 could
1759.79 pay
1759.95 a
1760.27 bill
1760.43 and
1761.79 authorize
1762.19 it
1762.67 and
1762.99 you
1763.55 could
1763.79 never
1763.95 bring
1764.35 it
1764.51 to
1764.83 the
1764.99 planning
1766.79 board.
1767.27 It
1767.9 would
1768.07 just
1768.22 be
1768.55 paid.
1772.07 -
1772.07 But,
1772.07 if
1773.8 I
1773.96 did
1774.12 do
1774.36 that,
1774.52 I
1774.76 believe
1774.84 I'd
1775.16 be
1775.32 in
1775.48 violation
1775.56 of
1776.04 that
1776.12 law.
1777.48 WATTS
1777.48 -
1777.48 I
1777.48 believe
1777.72 you're
1777.96 an
1778.76 outlaw.
1779 I
1779.8 think
1779.96 you
1780.28 would
1780.44 be
1780.6 a
1781.92 violation
1782.01 of
1782.4 the
1782.45 law.
1783.05 -
1783.05 Just
1783.05 a
1783.45 radical.
1784.64 -
1784.64 I
1784.97 don't
1785.13 think,
1785.29 I
1785.68 don't
1785.85 see
1786.09 you
1786.33 doing
1786.4 that,
1786.81 Harry.
1787.13 So
1789.33 a
1789.97 thousand.
1790.13 Sure.
1790.61 Of
1790.93 course.
Member or Public Concern:
During the public hearing, George Comiskey identified unauthorized activities at 10 Lizzie’s, noticing a bobcat near shore rock pond and the absence of necessary erosion control measures. This prompted a discussion on the importance of adhering to approved plans that include erosion control to protect the environment, specifically an impaired pond. Comiskey highlighted the vulnerability caused by the lack of a planner, which affects the oversight on such matters. The board acknowledged the need for vigilance in monitoring the site and ensuring compliance with environmental protection requirements. Additionally, administrative matters regarding the signing of mylars for a special permit were discussed, emphasizing the need for multiple signatures to meet legal requirements. The conversation underscored the board's collective responsibility in the absence of a designated planner and the importance of following established procedures to prevent environmental damage.
1794.29 are
1794.53 we
1794.69 on
1794.93 the
1795.09 agenda
1795.25 then?
1795.57 Our
1799.88 next
1800.04 meeting,
1800.67 member
1801.55 or
1802.43 public
1802.76 concern?
1803.15 Are
1804.97 there
1805.05 any,
1805.21 members
1806.01 or
1806.73 concerns?
1808.01 Public
1809.13 concern?
1809.53 George.
1811.53 COMISKEY-
1811.53 I
1811.53 just
1811.61 want
1811.77 to
1812.09 make
1812.09 the
1812.25 board
1813.52 aware
1813.67 that
1814.08 I
1814.23 saw
1814.39 some
1814.63 activity
1814.88 down,
1815.36 10
1816.88 Lizzie's.
1817.04 Bruce
1817.52 might
1817.76 be
1817.99 aware.
1818.72 FRIED
1818.72 -
1818.72 Yes.
1818.72 I
1818.88 saw
1819.04 that
1819.36 too.
1822.53 COMISKEY
1822.53 -
1822.53 There
1822.69 was
1822.85 a
1823.01 bobcat
1823.17 down
1823.73 by
1823.97 the
1824.69 shore
1824.85 rock
1825.25 pond
1825.57 moving.
1827.33 Not
1827.33 a
1827.49 lot
1827.65 of
1827.81 vegetation.
1828.85 So
1832.29 I
1832.45 notified
1832.61 the
1833.16 confcom
1833.33 and
1834.05 the
1834.29 agent
1834.45 went
1834.85 down
1835.01 and
1836.68 told
1838.29 them
1838.61 to
1838.85 put
1838.93 in,
1839.17 some
1841.09 silt
1841.33 fencing
1841.65 after
1842.13 they
1842.93 completed
1843.25 the
1843.65 work.
1843.81 The
1845.89 only
1847.88 thing
1848.12 I
1848.6 got
1848.84 to
1849.96 bring
1849.96 up
1850.12 is
1850.28 that
1850.43 it's
1850.6 in
1850.76 our
1851.08 decision
1851.32 that
1851.8 there's
1855.64 a
1855.96 lot
1856.04 of
1856.28 things
1860.52 listed
1860.92 in
1861.32 this
1861.48 certificate
1864.22 of
1864.54 approval
1864.94 that,
1865.42 you
1866.38 know,
1866.63 prior
1866.87 to
1867.18 any
1867.42 start
1867.66 that
1867.98 work
1868.14 by
1868.38 our
1868.54 decision
1869.59 that
1870.22 they're
1871.35 supposed
1872.63 to
1873.02 have
1873.18 all
1875.01 this
1875.25 erosion
1876.05 control
1876.53 down.
1876.93 So
1878.45 I
1878.69 think
1878.77 that
1879.01 kind
1879.33 of
1879.97 highlights
1879.97 the
1880.37 fact
1880.45 we
1880.69 don't
1880.85 have
1881.01 a
1881.09 planner
1881.25 now
1881.65 that
1881.81 we
1881.97 can
1882.13 call
1882.37 who
1882.77 can
1882.93 get
1883.09 hold
1884.64 of
1884.88 the
1884.96 building
1885.13 inspector
1885.61 or
1886.09 the
1886.33 conservation
1887.45 agent
1888.01 too,
1888.4 it
1889.85 makes
1890.09 us
1890.33 more
1890.48 vulnerable
1890.81 now.
1891.37 You
1895.22 know,
1895.46 to
1895.78 these
1896.18 other
1896.5 issues.
1898.42 FRIED
1898.42 -
1898.42 Yes.
1898.42 Those
1898.58 resumes.
1900.3 -
1900.3 Well,
1900.54 hopefully,
1901.02 we'll
1901.34 start
1901.82 moving
1902.13 in
1902.45 the
1902.78 right
1903.41 direction.
1903.65 Good
1904.3 on
1904.45 you,
1904.62 George,
1904.93 for
1905.26 keeping
1905.41 your
1905.65 eyes
1905.89 open
1906.13 there
1906.38 and,
1906.54 doing
1907.49 the
1907.73 right
1907.89 thing,
1908.06 letting
1908.54 people
1908.86 know.
1909.17 You're
1910.94 fine.
1911.5 FRIED
1911.5 -
1911.5 Did
1911.5 you
1911.82 say
1911.98 they
1912.14 were
1912.3 down
1912.38 by
1912.54 the
1912.7 wetlands?
1912.78 I
1913.1 saw
1913.58 them,
1913.74 I
1914.46 saw
1914.62 something
1914.86 like
1915.1 tar
1915.34 on
1915.58 the
1915.66 parking
1915.82 lot
1916.22 torn
1916.54 up
1916.78 is
1917.02 what
1917.18 I
1917.42 saw,
1917.5 the
1917.99 bobcat.
1918.72 COMISKEY
1918.72 -
1918.72 Yes.
1918.72 I
1918.88 mean,
1918.96 if
1919.12 we
1919.28 read
1919.43 our
1919.67 decision,
1919.84 it
1920.32 says,
1920.48 you
1920.96 know,
1921.12 that
1922.04 normally
1922.96 they
1923.36 would,
1923.52 John
1924.23 and,
1924.63 the
1925.92 building
1926.08 inspector
1926.56 and
1926.96 the
1927.12 agent
1927.28 would
1927.68 call
1928 for
1928.24 a
1928.4 construction
1928.56 meeting,
1929.04 preconstruction
1929.68 meeting.
1930.4 We
1931.36 go
1931.52 down
1931.76 there
1932 and
1932.32 before
1932.72 we'd
1932.96 let
1933.2 them
1933.36 start
1933.6 working,
1933.92 we'd
1934.24 say,
1934.48 okay.
1934.8 Do
1937.03 you
1937.27 have
1937.42 all
1937.66 your
1937.9 erosion
1938.07 control
1938.55 in
1938.87 place?
1939.11 Well,
1940.07 we
1940.23 say
1940.38 you
1940.55 don't.
1940.71 Well,
1940.95 you
1941.18 need
1941.35 to
1941.51 get
1941.59 to
1941.83 that
1941.83 place
1941.99 before
1942.23 you
1942.55 start.
1942.79 I
1944.18 think
1944.34 we
1944.58 have
1944.74 it
1944.98 in
1945.14 our
1945.3 decision
1945.54 that
1946.02 you
1946.26 know,
1946.42 I
1948.26 don't
1948.42 think
1948.5 the
1948.82 decision
1948.98 has
1949.46 been
1949.7 filed
1949.94 that
1952.58 we
1952.73 required
1953.05 even
1954.26 for
1954.58 site
1954.73 plan
1954.97 review
1955.21 that
1955.78 decisions
1956.41 and
1957.05 site
1957.3 plans
1957.54 are
1957.86 now
1958.1 on
1958.79 file
1959.11 because
1959.51 it
1959.83 gives
1960.23 you
1960.47 the
1960.87 sequence
1961.03 of
1962.07 when
1962.15 they
1962.47 can
1962.79 start
1963.03 to
1963.43 work
1963.43 and
1963.59 all
1963.75 that.
1963.91 So,
1964.31 you
1967.35 know,
1967.51 if
1968.79 as
1969.35 long
1969.51 as
1969.74 they
1969.83 get
1969.98 the
1970.07 erosion
1970.23 control
1970.63 down,
1971.03 I
1971.59 mean,
1971.66 that
1973.03 protects
1973.18 the
1973.66 pond.
1973.9 I
1974.79 mean,
1974.95 we're
1976.7 dealing
1976.86 with
1977.1 an
1977.34 impaired
1977.58 pond.
1977.98 If
1981.58 we
1981.82 get
1981.98 a
1982.14 heavy
1982.22 you
1982.54 know,
1982.62 there's
1982.78 no
1983.02 road
1983.18 control.
1983.34 If
1983.74 we
1983.82 get
1983.9 a
1983.98 heavy
1984.06 rain
1984.38 after
1984.54 you
1984.78 do
1984.86 all
1985.02 the
1985.1 work,
1985.18 it
1985.42 just
1985.58 washes
1986.36 right
1986.67 into
1986.84 the
1987.15 pond.
1989.08 So,
1990.43 -
1990.43 Well,
1990.43 George,
1990.84 when
1991.56 did
1991.8 you
1991.88 when
1992.12 did
1992.36 you
1992.6 see
1992.76 this
1993.8 vegetative
1996.23 removal?
1998.15 COMISKEY
1998.15 -
1998.15 I'm
1998.15 going
1998.47 to
1998.47 say
1998.47 maybe
1998.71 Tuesday.
1999.03 They
2000.39 started,
2000.63 and
2001.03 I
2001.19 think
2001.27 they're
2001.43 all
2001.67 done
2001.91 now.
2002.23 They
2003.35 left
2003.59 a
2004.94 few
2005.11 trees
2005.35 standing.
2009.11 -
2009.11 Well
2009.78 that
2009.94 was
2010.18 shown
2010.26 and
2010.58 seen
2010.66 to
2010.9 be
2011.14 cleared
2011.38 out.
2011.62 That
2012.02 was
2012.34 all
2012.5 part
2012.74 of
2012.98 that
2013.38 area.
2014.66 COMISKEY
2014.66 -
2014.66 I'm
2014.66 just
2014.98 saying
2015.14 you
2015.38 got
2015.62 to
2015.86 take
2015.86 precautions
2016.1 and
2018.11 follow
2018.35 the
2018.74 sequencing
2018.98 procedure
2019.55 that's
2020.03 written
2020.35 into
2020.66 the
2020.9 plans
2021.07 and
2021.71 into
2021.87 the
2022.18 decision.
2022.35 You
2023.71 know,
2023.87 I
2025.15 think
2025.23 I've
2025.55 made
2025.79 the
2025.95 comment
2026.19 before,
2026.43 you
2027.15 know,
2027.31 we're
2027.55 just,
2027.71 you
2028.83 know,
2028.99 shuffling
2029.31 our
2029.71 feet
2029.87 here
2030.11 if
2030.27 we
2030.43 write
2030.51 a
2030.75 decision
2030.91 and
2031.31 nobody
2031.47 follows
2031.87 it.
2032.19 What
2032.35 are
2032.51 we,
2032.59 you
2032.75 know,
2032.83 what
2033.07 are
2033.23 we
2033.39 doing?
2035.03 -
2035.03 Well,
2035.03 if
2035.35 anybody
2036.31 happens
2036.71 to
2037.03 go
2037.11 by
2037.27 there
2037.42 tomorrow,
2037.66 and,
2039.27 you
2040.47 peek
2040.79 over
2041.18 the
2041.51 edge
2041.66 and
2042.07 you
2042.23 don't
2042.47 see,
2042.82 erosion
2043.7 control
2044.18 or
2044.66 salt
2044.9 sock
2045.22 or
2045.46 salt
2046.02 fence
2046.34 or
2046.66 some
2046.9 kind
2047.06 of
2047.22 erosion
2047.38 control,
2047.94 please
2049.38 give
2049.7 me
2049.86 a
2050.02 call,
2050.1 and,
2051.06 naturally
2051.62 call
2052.1 the
2052.59 conservation
2054.26 agent,
2055.55 naturally.
2056.11 And,
2056.59 please
2057.86 call
2058.11 me,
2058.34 and,
2058.66 I
2059.94 will
2060.11 call
2060.51 the
2060.9 building
2061.22 inspector
2062.65 and,
2064.17 we'll
2064.17 have
2064.57 to
2064.81 see
2064.97 what
2065.13 the
2065.29 building
2065.45 inspector
2065.77 says.
2066.25 Does
2071.7 that
2072.03 work
2072.03 for
2072.18 everybody?
2073.39 FRIED
2073.39 -
2073.39 Yes.
2074.03 -
2074.03 We
2074.03 don't
2074.34 have
2074.51 a
2074.59 planner,
2074.74 so
2075.07 everybody's
2075.7 going
2076.18 to
2076.51 have
2076.51 to
2077.07 keep
2077.39 their
2077.63 eyes
2077.78 open
2078.03 and
2078.34 do
2080.56 the
2080.72 best
2080.88 we
2081.04 can.
2081.2 That's
2081.84 all
2082.08 we
2082.24 can
2082.32 do.
2082.56 You
2083.2 know?
2083.36 Our
2086.24 next
2086.56 meeting,
2087.2 is
2088.18 there
2088.43 any
2088.59 other,
2091.39 LAUT
2091.39 -
2091.39 I
2091.39 went
2091.55 and
2091.79 signed
2091.95 mylars
2092.59 yesterday,
2092.82 and
2093.55 I
2093.86 was
2093.95 the
2094.11 first
2094.18 one
2094.43 to
2094.66 sign
2094.82 just
2095.14 a
2095.39 reminder.
2099.97 -
2099.97 I
2099.97 was
2100.13 second.
2100.37 We
2100.69 need,
2100.85 those
2101.25 mylars
2101.57 need
2101.97 four.
2102.21 That's
2102.53 a
2102.77 special
2102.85 permit.
2103.17 So,
2104.21 okay,
2105.45 that's
2105.78 a
2106.02 modification
2106.26 on
2106.74 a
2106.89 special
2106.97 permit,
2107.38 which
2107.78 I
2108.82 believe
2108.89 needs
2109.3 four
2109.54 signatures.
2110.49 WATTS
2110.49 -
2110.49 I
2110.49 think
2111.22 I
2111.54 can
2111.61 get
2111.86 down
2112.1 there
2112.26 tomorrow.
2113.14 -
2113.14 Yes.
2114.62 Great.