Georgetown Board of Selectmen
Monday February 26, 2024
The order of items in transcripts appear in the chronological order in which they were taken up. Some Agenda items may have been skipped.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: February 28, 2024 Planning Board Meeting
The Board of Selectmen's meeting in Georgetown commenced with Chair Amy Smith apologizing for the delay due to extended executive sessions. Following the initial protocols of a moment of silence and the pledge of allegiance, Smith made announcements. Among them was a heads-up about an upcoming Planning Board meeting scheduled for February 28th, which would focus on discussions regarding the MBTA Communities Act, indicating a topic of potential interest to the community.
AMY157.01 SMITH157.01 -157.01 BOARD157.01 OF157.01 SELECTMEN157.01 CHAIR157.01 -157.01 Good157.01 evening,157.01 Georgetown.157.01 Apologies157.01 for157.01 a157.01 late157.01 start.157.01 We157.01 had157.01 a157.01 couple157.01 of157.01 executive157.01 sessions157.01 that157.01 ran157.01 over.157.01 We157.01 will157.01 begin157.01 as157.01 always,157.01 with157.01 a157.01 moment157.01 of157.01 silence157.01 and,157.01 a157.01 pledge.157.01 We157.01 have157.01 some157.01 announcements.157.25 First,158.61 the160.29 planning160.45 board160.77 meets161.49 on161.89 February162.05 28th,163.25 you163.41 all163.41 might163.57 be163.73 interested163.89 in164.29 that.164.37 They'll165.09 be165.33 talking165.49 about165.73 the165.97 MBTA166.13 Communities166.99 Act.173.22
ANNOUNCEMENTS: March 26, 2024 Finance Advisory Committee Meeting.
A meeting scheduled for March 26th by the finance advisory committee will focus on discussions around the budget and the override. Participation is encouraged either through physical attendance, online viewing, or via Zoom for those interested in these financial deliberations.
Second,174.13 on174.13 March174.37 26th,177.65 the177.81 finance181.31 advisory182.03 committee182.51 is183 meeting,183.24 and183.63 they183.79 will184.03 be184.28 talking184.35 about184.91 the185.63 budget185.79 and186.91 the187.07 override.187.24 I188.91 would189.07 encourage189.31 you,189.72 if190.59 that's190.94 something191.02 of191.26 interest191.5 to191.74 you,191.98 to192.7 attend192.94 or193.58 to193.82 watch194.94 online195.42 or196.7 to196.86 zoom197.1 in.197.26
During this portion of the public hearing, an individual who had previously intended to provide a public comment ultimately chose not to do so.
Next240.11 thing240.43 is,240.67 we241.63 were241.87 having242.19 somebody242.67 speak243.31 in243.55 public243.71 comment,244.03 but244.35 they244.51 have244.59 decided245.07 not245.55 to245.71 do245.79 that.246.03
NEW BUSINESS: Whittier Task Force
The discussion centered around the formation of the Whittier Task Force, initiated by Mayor Reardon, to address the regional school district agreement's complexities, particularly the inequitable funding formula based on overall population rather than student enrollment. Orlando Pacheco highlighted the need for a comprehensive review of the funding mechanisms, stressing the difficulty in achieving unanimous support from all communities for any amendment to the regional school district agreement. The task force aims to facilitate discussions among town administrators, select board members, or city councilors from the respective towns, acknowledging the process will be meeting-intensive and aimed at addressing long-term capital expenses associated with the Whittier school's deficiencies. Legal counsel has been hired to aid in these discussions, with an emphasis on cooperative effort among the towns. A call for volunteers from the select board was made to join the task force, with an expectation of biweekly meetings starting within a month, focusing on both immediate and long-range planning for the school's infrastructure needs.
249.92 under
250.4 new
250.72 business
250.88 is
251.36 the
251.59 Whittier
251.84 task
252.31 force.
252.64 Mayor
254.96 Reardon
255.28 sent
255.75 out
256 a
256.24 letter
256.8 to
257.56 select
258.32 boards
258.72 and
259.36 town
259.52 councils
263.04 describing
263.04 a
263.68 task
263.88 force
264.25 that
264.25 he's
264.25 starting
264.49 and
264.73 I
264.88 believe
264.96 he's
265.29 already
265.44 reached
265.69 out
265.93 to
266 town
266.08 administrators.
267.85 ORLANDO
267.85 PACHECO
267.85 -
267.85 TOWN
268.88 OF
268.88 -
268.88 He
272.16 has.
272.64 It's
272.64 a
272.64 task
273.12 force
273.44 to
273.84 look
274 at
274.24 the
274.32 regional
274.48 school
274.96 district
275.2 agreement,
277.2 and
277.44 I
277.44 think
277.52 that,
277.76 you
277.92 know,
278.08 as
278.32 I've
278.48 said
278.64 before,
278.8 a
279.12 lot
279.2 of
279.36 the
279.44 discussion
279.6 around
280 Whittier
280.32 is
281.6 the
282.24 bottleneck
282.56 is
283.12 even
283.44 if
283.68 everybody
284.07 agrees
284.56 on
284.95 a
285.12 project,
285.27 assuming
285.83 you
286.24 can
286.39 get
286.63 everybody
286.88 to
287.27 do
287.51 that,
287.68 you're
288.63 still
288.95 not
289.03 going
289.27 to
290.39 get
290.39 real
290.55 agreement
291.03 on
291.43 how
291.67 to
291.83 fund
292.07 it
292.31 because
292.79 the
293.43 funding
293.83 formula
294.39 is,
294.87 for
295.75 the
295.99 most
296.07 part,
296.39 very
296.63 inequitable
298.01 in
298.42 terms
298.57 of
298.74 the
300.25 enrollment
300.57 behavioral
301.46 sense
301.86 versus
302.18 what
302.5 it
302.65 would
302.81 have
302.98 to
303.13 pay
303.21 versus
303.62 what
305.32 the
305.56 other
305.64 communities
305.96 would
306.44 have
306.52 to
306.68 pay
306.76 in
307 relation
307.16 to
307.48 their
307.56 enrollment.
309.16 A
309.24 lot
309.24 of
309.48 that
309.64 is
311.08 related
311.4 to
311.8 not
312.04 how
312.28 the
312.52 operating
313.22 assessment
313.54 is
314.19 derived,
314.34 but
314.9 how
315.14 the
315.31 capital
315.46 assessment
315.94 is
316.43 derived,
317.31 which
317.54 is
317.87 based
318.1 on
318.5 overall
318.9 population,
319.46 not
320.02 student
320.34 enrollment.
320.66 Now,
321.7 of
322.02 course,
322.1 in
323.42 the
323.74 60s
323.98 or
324.54 or
324.86 early
325.1 70s
325.42 pre
325.98 prop
326.22 2.5,
326.94 the
327.82 argument
328.06 of
328.54 how
328.7 they
328.94 derive
329.66 that
329.98 was
330.3 I
331.75 mean,
331.9 the
332.14 genesis
332.31 was
332.78 that
333.02 the
333.26 capital
334.7 formula
335.1 was
335.43 based
335.58 on
335.82 the
336.06 benefit
336.14 to
336.54 the
336.7 region,
336.87 meaning
337.43 the
338.43 graduates
338.59 of
338.83 Whittier
338.99 were
339.47 benefiting
339.63 the
340.19 region
340.27 from
340.59 a
340.75 workforce
340.91 development
341.31 standpoint
341.79 and
342.19 so
342.35 everybody
342.51 shared
342.91 equally.
343.23 That's
344.19 not
344.35 really
344.75 I
345.37 think,
345.52 you
345.76 can
345.85 make
346 the
346.25 argument
346.32 as
346.72 to
346.88 how
346.96 it
347.2 really
347.29 translates
347.69 because
348.56 the
348.96 communities
349.13 have
349.6 evolved
349.76 so
350.16 much
350.32 from
350.56 that
350.72 point
350.88 in
351.13 time.
351.85 So,
352.08 obviously
352.08 there's
352.49 certainly
353.78 a
354.18 need
354.26 for
354.5 a
354.66 discussion
354.74 if
356.5 we're
356.66 ever
356.9 going
357.22 to
357.46 get
357.62 to
357.78 a
358.02 point
358.1 where
358.42 we
359.14 figure
359.3 out
359.62 how
359.78 to
359.94 handle
360.1 really
361.1 long-term
362.94 high-cost
363.25 capital
363.25 expenses.
364.13 So,
366.62 the
367.1 place
367.25 to
367.5 start
367.65 is
367.89 a
368.66 working
368.82 group
369.22 that
370.5 has
370.74 all
370.98 the
371.06 towns
371.22 present,
371.54 that
373.22 I
374.5 think
374.58 everybody
374.82 would
375.22 voice
375.38 their
375.62 concerns
375.78 about
376.1 what
376.34 they
376.5 want
376.66 to
376.98 see,
376.98 and
378.07 that's
378.31 no
378.96 guarantee
379.28 that
379.84 anything
380.07 comes
380.48 out
380.71 of
380.96 that
381.04 because
381.28 to
382.15 amend
382.31 the
382.63 regional
383.19 school
383.6 district
383.84 agreement,
384.24 you
384.63 would
384.8 need
385.04 unanimous
385.88 support
386.6 from
387 all
387.24 the
387.4 communities,
388.68 but
389.56 you've
389.56 got
389.96 to
390.12 start
390.2 somewhere.
390.52 So,
391.64 he's
391.88 asking
392.12 that
392.52 all
394.44 the
394.76 town
395 administrators
395.25 and
395.81 managers
395.96 participate,
396.52 but
398.2 also
398.52 that
398.93 at
399.32 least
399.49 one
399.88 select
400.2 board
400.52 member
400.84 from
401.16 the
401.32 respective
401.49 towns
402.04 be
403.37 involved
404.81 or
404.97 city
404.97 councilor.
405.69 SMITH
405.69 -
405.69 Exactly,
406.81 and
407.05 this
407.29 is
407.53 probably
407.61 going
407.93 to
408.09 be
408.09 fairly
408.25 meeting
408.49 intensive
408.81 to
409.93 begin
410.09 with?
411.5 -
411.5 Yes,
411.81 because
412.13 I
412.13 think
412.21 while
414.46 no
414.69 nobody
415.25 drew
415.57 a
415.69 line
415.81 in
415.98 the
416.13 sand
416.21 in
416.54 terms
416.62 of
416.86 time
417.18 frame,
417.42 but
417.74 I
417.81 think,
417.9 the
419.33 Whittier
419.49 issues
419.81 aren't
420.13 going
420.37 away,
420.93 the
421.09 building
421.09 is
421.41 still
421.57 there,
422.13 it
422.29 still
422.29 has
422.61 the
422.85 deficiencies
423.01 that
423.65 it
423.89 has.
423.97 So,
425.49 I
425.65 think
425.73 this
425.97 is
426.21 something
426.29 that,
426.69 for
428.04 most
428.12 of
428.44 the
428.51 towns,
428.6 you'd
428.92 want
429.15 to
429.4 see
429.4 at
429.56 an
429.71 October
429.96 special
430.36 time
430.68 meeting,
431.96 somewhere
432.36 in
432.75 that
432.92 range.
434.51 SMITH
434.51 -
434.51 And
434.51 Mayor
434.75 Reardon
435 is
435.4 already,
435.48 they're
437.98 taking
438.06 point
438.38 on
438.62 like
438.86 they
439.02 hired,
439.18 legal
440.06 counsel.
441.1 -
441.1 They
441.1 hired
441.34 counsel.
441.74 That's
442.54 not
442.86 to
443.1 say
443.18 that
443.42 we
443.74 would
443.9 use
444.14 their
444.38 counsel
444.62 to
445.02 give
445.18 ourselves
445.34 legal
445.74 guidance
446.14 but
447.15 certainly,
447.63 I
451 think
451.15 it
451.88 helps
452.03 to
452.51 have
452.68 multiple
453.56 counsels
453.95 involved
454.44 sharing
455.31 their
455.71 sharing
456.52 their
456.84 opinion.
458.68 SMITH
458.68 -
458.68 I
458.68 think
458.84 this
459 is
459.24 really
459.32 good.
459.56 I
459.72 think
459.88 one
460.44 good
460.68 thing
460.84 to
461 come
461.16 out
461.32 of
461.48 this,
461.64 the
461.96 Whittier,
462.2 I
464.1 don't
464.19 know
464.22 what
464.26 to
464.34 call
464.43 it,
464.66 but
464.82 challenge
465.38 was,
466.19 I
466.99 like
467.22 how
467.46 all
467.7 the
467.94 towns
468.1 and
468.43 cities
468.5 kind
468.99 of
469.22 come
469.22 together
469.46 and
471.33 kind
471.57 of
471.65 work
471.65 together
472.05 and
473.57 supported
473.73 each
474.13 other
474.29 and,
474.53 so
475.81 I'm
476.53 glad
476.69 he's
476.93 continuing
477.09 this.
477.57 So,
478.19 the
478.67 reason
478.9 I
479.06 brought
479.14 this
479.38 up
479.54 here
479.7 is
479.94 because
480.11 I'm
480.43 looking
480.82 for
481.06 a
481.31 volunteer
481.38 from
483.31 the
483.54 select
483.7 board.
484.02 If
486 you'd
489.12 like
489.36 to
489.6 be
489.68 on
489.76 the
489.84 task
490 force,
490.48 you'd
490.64 be
490.64 working
490.8 with
490.96 Orlando,
492.88 you
492.96 don't
493.2 have
493.44 to
493.6 say
493.68 anything
493.84 right
494.08 now,
495.63 you
495.79 can
495.79 just
495.88 let
496.03 me
496.19 or
496.51 Orlando
496.6 know.
497 But,
497.71 yes,
499.39 if
499.56 you
499.71 want
499.88 to
500.12 be
500.12 involved
500.19 in
500.6 the
500.68 Whittier
500.75 task
501.39 force,
504.04 and
504.28 now's
504.28 the
504.52 chance
504.6 to
504.84 ask
504.92 questions
505.16 too
505.48 if
505.8 you
505.96 have
506.12 any
506.28 questions.
507.72 DARYLE
507.72 -
507.72 BOARD
507.72 OF
507.72 MEMBER
507.72 -
507.72 When
507.72 is
507.88 the
508.04 meeting
508.2 scheduled?
509.24 PACHECO
509.24 -
509.24 We
509.24 don't
509.48 know
509.64 yet.
514.74 -
514.74 That
514.74 would
514.74 be,
514.98 like,
515.38 weekly,
515.77 monthly?
517.13 PACHECO
517.13 -
517.13 I
517.13 think
517.22 at
517.46 least
517.62 biweekly.
517.86 So,
519.99 I
520.07 think
520.15 you
520.31 would
520.55 be
520.71 meeting
520.87 who
521.75 knows?
521.99 Maybe
522.23 you
522.71 get
522.87 through
523.03 it
523.19 all
523.35 quick,
523.83 maybe
524.07 you
524.07 realize
524.23 that
524.71 there's
524.87 a
525.75 lot
525.91 of
526.07 the
526.15 issues.
526.31 You
528.38 know,
528.54 I
529.11 keep
529.18 looking
529.42 at
529.66 the
529.83 capital
529.99 assessment
530.47 as
530.95 the
531.11 big
531.26 issue
531.5 because
531.75 that's
531.99 what
532.14 we
532.23 were
532.38 faced
532.63 with,
535.24 but
535.48 when
535.48 you're
535.56 going
535.72 through
536.04 this
536.2 process,
536.36 I
536.76 mean,
536.84 you're
537 really
537.16 looking
537.32 at
537.64 everything.
538.2 -
538.2 When
538.2 are
538.36 you
538.44 looking
538.6 to
538.84 convene
539.08 this?
540.12 PACHECO
540.12 -
540.12 So,
540.12 I
540.24 think
540.36 within
540.6 the
540.84 next
541 month.
541.64 SMITH
541.64 -
541.64 Yes,
542.52 I
542.6 think
542.68 you
542.84 want
542.92 to
543.08 set
543.16 up
543.28 a
543.4 meeting
543.48 in
543.72 March.
545.17 -
545.17 So,
545.17 I
545.17 would
545.4 probably
546.13 be
546.68 interested
546.92 in
547.17 bringing
547.4 anything
547.8 that
548.13 I
548.45 would
548.68 have
548.85 a
549 scheduling
549.88 conflict
550.37 in
550.92 March,
551.17 but
551.88 I
552.13 don't
552.21 know
552.45 how
552.68 soon.
554.43 PACHECO
554.43 -
554.43 I
554.43 think
555.39 the
555.63 first
555.71 meeting
555.95 is
556.19 going
556.35 to
556.43 be
556.51 pretty
556.59 introductory
556.91 anyway.
557.47 So,
558.03 I
558.27 don't
558.35 think
558.51 we're
558.83 going
559.07 to
559.19 get
559.31 into
559.39 any
559.63 really
560.19 business
560.83 until
561.23 April.
563.25 SMITH
563.25 -
563.25 Do
563.64 I
563.88 hear
563.88 a
564.21 volunteer
564.28 already?
565 -
565 I
565 mean,
565.09 if
565.49 you
565.64 need
565.73 somebody,
565.96 like
566.28 I
566.45 said,
566.52 my
567.09 only
567.25 concern
567.64 would
568.04 be
568.21 the
568.37 scheduled
568.68 conflict
569 in
569.33 March
569.57 but
570.04 other
570.21 than
570.45 that,
570.61 unless
571.49 somebody
571.73 else
572.04 wants
572.21 to
572.45 do
572.52 it.
607.39 PACHECO
607.39 -
607.39 I
607.39 think
607.55 the
607.71 other
607.79 thing
608.03 is,
608.27 this
608.91 is
609.07 just
609.31 my
609.63 suggestion
609.87 to
610.19 Mayor
610.59 Reardon
611.07 was,
611.07 I
612.03 think
612.11 we
612.35 need
612.51 to
612.67 have
612.83 Whittier
612.99 to
613.55 a
613.71 certain
613.79 extent
614.03 at
614.75 the
614.91 table
615.08 when
615.48 these
615.71 discussions
616.51 are
617 happening
617.15 because
617.55 we
618.03 need
618.2 to
618.36 understand
618.43 what
618.84 the
619 impacts
619.15 of
619.55 what
619.63 we
619.79 do
619.96 will
621.15 have
621.39 on
621.47 the
621.71 district
621.87 as
622.19 a
622.43 whole,
624.19 I
624.43 don't
624.51 think
624.67 it
624.83 hurts.
624.99 I
625.31 think
625.39 the
625.55 other
625.63 thing
625.79 is
625.95 we
626.19 need
626.35 to
626.51 sort
628.49 of
628.73 hear
628.88 from
629.13 them
629.29 early
630 on,
631.61 what's
632 the
632 next
632.09 if
632.33 it's
632.57 not
632.73 a
632.97 new
633.04 building,
633.29 which,
633.76 you
634.8 know,
634.97 it's
635.21 not
635.45 and
635.61 clearly,
635.85 it's
636.4 not
636.64 going
636.88 to
637.13 be
637.13 for
637.29 some
637.68 time
637.84 because
638.08 we're
638.8 out
639.04 of
639.12 the
639.28 MSBAQ
639.44 there.
640.24 Well,
641.36 what's
641.6 the
641.84 next
642 step,
642.24 and
643.2 let's
644.16 put
644.48 some
644.64 numbers
644.88 around
645.2 it.
645.52 Whatever
650.77 it
651.1 is,
651.17 it's
651.41 not
651.58 going
651.74 to
651.89 be
651.89 cheap.
653.17 SMITH
653.17 -
653.17 No,
653.74 but
653.98 it
653.98 doesn't
654.13 have
654.46 to
654.58 be
654.7 that
655.01 expensive,
657.28 it's
657.6 the
657.6 happy
657.84 medium.
658.08 Are
660.16 there
660.32 any
660.48 other
660.72 questions
660.96 or
ON-GOING BUSINESS: • Solid Waste Advisory Committee/ Health Director Bill Holt to participate
During the public hearing, the Solid Waste Advisory Committee's bylaw revision and its impact on solid waste management were discussed. William Holt, the Board of Health Director from Georgetown, expressed his support for the revised mission and action items detailed in the proposal, highlighting their alignment with frequently addressed Board of Health concerns. The discussion covered historical aspects of solid waste management in the community, the formation of the original committee to address landfill issues, and a lack of documentation on recycling responsibilities. The proposed committee structure was outlined, including representation from various stakeholders and roles, emphasizing the importance of education, recycling, and solid waste reduction. The conversation also touched on the handling of hazardous waste, including disposal events and the costs involved. The potential amendment of the solid waste bylaw was discussed, with the aim of presenting it at the upcoming town meeting. The need for enhanced community education on recycling and solid waste management was highlighted as a critical goal of the committee.
666.33 ongoing
666.57 business,
667.04 and
667.52 we'll
667.76 start
667.92 with
668.16 the
668.64 Solid
668.8 Waste
669.21 Advisory
669.52 Committee.
687.13 WILLIAM
687.13 HOLT
687.13 -
687.13 BOARD
687.13 OF
687.13 HEALTH
687.13 -
687.13 Good
687.13 evening,
687.13 William
687.13 Holt.
687.61 I'm
687.85 the
687.93 Board
688.09 of
688.33 Health
688.4 Director.
688.57 83
691.52 West
691.93 Main
692.17 Street
692.4 in
692.73 Merrimack,
692.97 Mass.
695.35 SMITH
695.35 -
695.35 Thanks
695.35 for
695.67 joining
695.83 us.
696.15 We
697.75 thought
697.91 you
698.15 might
698.23 want
699.19 to
699.35 be
699.99 part
700.23 of
700.39 this
700.55 discussion
700.79 about
701.35 a
702.1 change
702.33 in
702.57 the
702.81 solid
702.98 waste
703.29 advisory
703.62 committee
704.01 by
704.5 law
709.05 because
709.83 I
709.83 quoted
709.99 the
710.31 board
710.47 of
710.63 health
710.79 extensively
711.03 in
711.75 the
712.71 revised
712.95 proposal.
714.23 So,
714.79 let
714.95 me
715.11 get
715.19 that
715.43 out.
715.59 Bill,
717.99 you
718.23 were
718.38 sent
718.55 this?
719.67 HOLT
719.67 -
719.67 Yes,
719.67 I
719.67 have
719.75 a
719.99 copy
720.07 of
720.23 it.
720.47 SMITH
720.47 -
720.47 Do
720.47 you
720.55 have
720.63 any
720.79 questions?
721.67 HOLT
721.67 -
721.67 I
721.67 don't.
722.23 I
722.55 did
722.79 read
723.02 through
723.18 it
723.35 and,
723.59 I
724.31 think
724.38 the
724.63 mission
724.79 is
725.02 well
725.18 put,
725.43 well
725.83 played,
726.14 well
726.38 stated
727.7 and
728.02 the
728.02 action
728.34 items,
728.66 13
730.02 of
730.42 them,
730.5 all
731.94 were
732.18 very
732.9 to
734.42 the
734.58 point
734.74 and
735.06 things
737.05 that
737.13 the
737.93 Board
738.17 of
738.17 Health
738.17 does
738.65 address,
738.98 get
740.01 questions
740.25 on
740.58 quite
740.82 often.
741.13 So,
741.46 it'll
742.42 be
742.65 good
743.13 to
743.38 be
743.54 able
743.7 to
743.86 have
744.76 a
744.84 committee
744.92 to
745.24 discuss
745.48 those
745.8 things
745.96 if
746.28 that's
746.44 what
746.68 the
747.64 town
747.72 decides
748.04 to.
748.52 Well,
749 there's
749.16 a
749.48 committee
749.56 already
749.88 established
750.6 but
751.16 this
751.32 is
751.56 a
751.72 modification.
753.45 SMITH
753.45 -
753.45 Well,
753.45 actually,
753.61 Orlando,
754.88 I
755.21 know
755.37 I
755.52 owe
755.92 you
756.08 the
757.32 citation
759 from
759.85 that
760 1971
760.57 annual
761.28 report.
761.68 The
762.69 original
762.85 solid
763.33 waste
763.73 committee
764.05 was
764.53 formed
764.77 to
765.49 deal
767.25 with
767.49 landfill
770.16 and
770.4 then
770.73 I
771.13 saw
771.28 the
771.52 annual
772 report
772.32 that
772.64 stopped
772.8 being
773.04 mentioned
773.52 and
773.68 it
773.68 used
773.85 to
774.16 be
774.25 all
774.4 the
774.57 boards
775.61 and
775.85 committees
776.08 would
776.4 have
776.64 reported
776.8 on
777.13 the
777.28 annual
777.44 report.
777.76 And
778.78 then
778.86 once
779.1 the
779.18 landfill
779.42 was
779.9 capped,
780.06 it
780.94 sounds
781.1 like
781.42 nothing
781.66 they
782.06 didn't
782.22 need
782.54 anymore.
782.7 I
783.66 thought
783.82 they
784.06 were
784.3 supposed
784.62 to
784.86 also
785.02 address
785.34 recycling,
785.74 but
786.14 I
786.3 can't
786.38 find
786.7 any
786.94 documentation
788.62 of
789.25 that.
789.34 So,
793.1 anyway,
793.25 if
793.25 you
793.42 look
793.5 in
793.65 the,
793.74 in
794.22 the
794.38 code,
794.62 it
795.1 just
795.25 says
795.5 that
795.74 there
795.89 is
796.13 a
797.59 committee
797.75 and
798.47 that
798.71 it
798.87 should
798.95 be
799.11 five
800.31 people
800.55 but
800.55 it
800.55 doesn't
800.63 give
800.95 any
801.19 kind
801.35 of
801.51 description
802.39 of
802.87 what
802.95 it
803.19 should
803.27 be
803.43 doing.
803.67 So,
805.67 what
805.95 I
806.11 did
806.18 was
806.35 that
806.58 I
806.75 could
806.83 I
807.38 think
807.54 I
807.71 mentioned
807.78 this
808.11 before,
808.18 but
808.5 I'd
808.66 gone
808.83 out
808.99 and
809.14 looked
809.3 at
810.11 what
810.18 other
810.42 municipalities
810.83 have
811.46 been
811.63 doing
811.78 for
812.02 solid
812.18 waste
812.5 in
813.91 their
814.07 committees,
814.39 and
814.71 I
814.87 kind
815.03 of
815.35 pulled
815.91 this
816.15 together.
816.39 Are
819.83 there
819.99 any
820.23 other
820.47 ways
820.63 you
821.03 could
821.19 see
821.35 this
821.59 helping
821.83 the
822.39 the
822.63 Board
822.78 of
822.95 Health
823.02 or
823.11 supporting
823.42 the
823.63 Board
823.83 of
824.4 Health?
829.59 HOLT
829.75 -
829.75 Yes,
829.75 I'll
829.75 get
829.83 this
830.07 on
830.23 the
830.63 makeup
830.78 of
831.18 the
831.35 committee.
832.44 You
833.8 have
836.44 five
836.92 representatives
836.92 from
836.92 the
837.16 select
837.24 board,
837.48 representative
837.72 from
838.12 the
838.2 board
838.28 of
838.44 health,
838.52 representative
839.4 from
839.88 conservation,
840.12 two
840.76 citizens.
840.92 So
841.32 there'd
841.48 be
841.72 a
841.93 five
842.01 member
842.1 board
842.41 and
843.22 non-voting
843.77 members
843.93 would
844.34 be
844.5 police
844.74 chief
845.05 and
845.38 building
845.38 inspector,
846.58 and
846.74 I
846.74 would
846.82 presume
847.86 you
848.25 may
848.41 want
848.65 me
848.98 to
849.13 also
849.29 be
849.62 a
849.77 nonvoting
850.54 member.
850.94 I
851.58 don't
851.66 want
851.82 to
851.9 be
851.98 a
852.14 voting
852.22 member.
852.46 I
858.16 would
858.33 certainly
858.49 want
859.04 to
859.45 assist
859.61 the
859.92 committee
860.16 with
861.85 researching
862 and
862.49 getting
862.8 information
863.21 and
864.33 try
864.4 to
864.64 offer
864.8 some
865.04 opinions
865.21 if
865.85 you
866 want
866.16 them.
866.33 I
870.24 mean
870.32 obviously,
872.48 if
872.56 we
872.72 can
872.8 reduce
873.12 our
873.68 generation
874.89 of
875.29 solid
875.46 waste
875.7 as
877.29 citizens
877.46 and
878.01 as
878.25 a
878.58 town,
878.65 as
880.01 a
880.17 state,
880.34 as
881.21 a
881.38 country
881.53 would
882.41 obviously
882.65 help
883.21 because
883.53 our
883.85 landfills
884.01 are
884.57 numbered
885.29 and
885.61 there's
885.77 not
886.17 going
886.41 to
886.57 be
886.57 more
887.21 in
887.77 the
887.93 state.
888.89 All
888.89 waste
889.69 goes
890.01 out
890.41 of
890.57 state
890.73 I
891.05 believe
891.3 or
892.5 to
892.83 incinerators
893.23 in
893.95 state
894.18 but
894.5 that's
894.99 the
895.23 two
895.38 options.
895.63 The
896.18 primary
896.42 options
896.75 are
897.07 landfills
897.23 and
897.71 incinerators,
898.42 those
898.5 are
898.5 the
898.59 major
899.3 ways
899.63 we
899.87 dispose
900.79 of
901.03 the
901.19 solid
901.35 waste,
906.87 so
907.73 we
907.73 got
907.88 to
908.04 start
908.21 reducing
908.52 and
909 we
909.17 have,
909.25 I
909.49 believe
909.64 already
909.97 started
910.29 and
910.85 I
911.17 think
911.33 recycling
912.37 reduction
914.97 in
915.37 generation
916.25 of
916.73 solid
916.81 waste
917.05 is
917.21 the
917.37 best
917.45 way
917.69 to
918.49 help
918.81 the
919.69 future
919.85 to
924.01 deal
924.1 with
924.34 this
924.5 problem
924.82 we
925.13 have.
925.21 I
926.5 have
927.05 actually
927.05 dealt
927.05 with
927.29 this
927.46 in
927.86 school,
928.34 I
929.53 went
929.77 to
930.01 school
930.1 in
930.25 West
930.34 Virginia,
930.58 I
931.34 had
931.42 a
931.5 class
931.74 on
932.06 solid
932.62 waste,
932.7 and
934.7 there
935.58 was
935.82 pros
935.98 and
936.22 cons
936.46 for
936.78 opening
937.66 up
937.98 the
938.14 state
938.3 of
938.54 West
938.62 Virginia
938.86 for
939.26 landfills,
943.21 out
943.38 of
943.38 state
943.53 solid
944.98 waste
945.29 come
945.53 to
945.7 West
945.86 Virginia
946.17 and
946.5 I
946.65 was
946.74 pro.
948.58 I
948.58 was
948.74 out
948.82 of
948.98 state
949.05 so
949.29 they
949.46 put
949.53 me
949.77 on
949.86 the
949.93 pro
950.1 side
950.34 and
951.17 then
951.41 there
951.49 was
951.65 always
951.89 the
952.13 negatives
952.21 but
952.69 we
953.01 had
953.17 a
953.41 pretty
954.29 good
954.61 discussion
954.77 on
955.25 the
955.97 issues
956.21 that
956.77 was
957.01 30
957.25 years
957.57 ago
957.73 so
958.05 well
959.25 I'm
959.62 going
959.99 to
960.36 date
960.36 myself
960.73 quite
961.1 a
961.47 while
961.83 ago.
962.2 So,
965.15 yes,
965.52 what
965.52 I
965.88 see
966.25 for
966.62 people
966.99 calling
967.31 me
967.47 hazardous
968.11 waste
968.59 is
968.91 a
969.07 big
969.31 issue
969.55 but
970.03 that's
970.19 beyond
971.15 or
971.63 above
972.03 regular
972.83 ordinary
973.23 municipal
975.12 waste
975.36 to
975.75 generate
976.39 from
976.72 the
976.96 households
977.03 and
978.08 the
978.32 businesses.
978.39 So,
978.88 I
979.03 think
979.12 education
980 is
980.48 a
980.63 big
980.72 part
980.96 of
981.27 trying
981.51 to
981.84 get
981.91 people
982.08 to
982.39 recycle,
983.12 reduce
984.58 the
985.22 use
985.46 of
986.34 packaging
987.14 and
988.18 then
988.34 to
988.5 also
988.66 reclaim
990.34 some
990.9 of
991.06 the
991.14 things
993.62 that
993.93 are
994.01 still
994.17 good
994.34 like
994.74 clothing
995.13 and
995.54 things
995.7 like
995.86 that
996.01 that
996.25 can
996.34 be
996.5 reused
997.13 and
998.25 offered
998.34 for
998.74 others
999.99 to
1000.31 use
1000.39 or
1000.63 buy.
1002.07 So,
1002.23 I
1002.23 think
1002.31 this
1003.51 is
1003.67 a
1003.75 good
1003.91 mission
1004.79 and
1005.35 a
1005.47 good
1005.59 set
1006.71 of
1006.95 goals
1007.35 to
1007.83 use
1008.15 for
1009.2 the
1009.44 committee,
1010.57 and
1010.88 I
1010.88 think
1010.96 it
1011.08 would
1011.2 certainly
1011.37 help
1011.68 the
1011.92 Board
1012 of
1012.25 Health
1012.32 with
1013.13 our
1013.37 part
1013.61 of
1013.85 these
1014.64 issues
1014.88 including
1015.52 the
1015.92 wind.
1016.64 Transportation
1017.28 management
1017.92 is
1018.32 another
1018.56 issue,
1019.28 we
1019.52 got
1019.68 the
1020.08 current
1020.16 one
1020.48 and
1020.8 a
1020.92 new
1021.04 one
1021.28 probably
1021.52 coming
1021.92 along
1022.16 the
1022.48 way
1022.64 so
1022.88 which
1023.68 is
1023.84 much
1024 larger
1024.24 and
1024.64 those
1026.74 permits
1027.07 are
1027.63 state
1027.7 permits
1028.03 and
1028.51 the
1029.7 operator
1030.18 is
1030.59 required
1030.74 to
1031.22 have
1031.31 independent
1032.27 inspections
1034.84 done
1035.96 annually.
1036.36 Obviously,
1038.76 the
1039.16 board
1039.24 of
1039.48 health
1039.56 is
1039.8 also
1040.28 tasked
1041.16 with
1041.64 watching
1042.52 over
1042.92 what
1043.66 is
1043.83 done
1043.98 out
1044.22 there
1045.9 which
1046.07 is
1046.22 going
1046.31 to
1046.55 be
1046.55 a
1046.87 good
1046.94 task
1047.18 to
1047.66 have
1047.83 to
1047.98 deal
1048.07 with.
1048.31 So,
1048.55 there's
1049.03 a
1049.35 lot
1049.42 of
1049.66 issues
1049.83 as
1050.22 you
1050.38 know,
1050.55 odors,
1051.66 noise,
1052.7 various
1054.03 things
1054.35 that
1055.15 are
1055.23 going
1055.31 have
1055.87 to
1056.11 be
1056.19 watched.
1058.19 So,
1058.67 hopefully
1058.67 the
1059.07 task
1059.31 committee
1059.87 would
1060.27 be
1060.43 able
1060.51 to
1060.75 help
1060.83 that.
1061.23 Also,
1061.93 in
1062.26 terms
1062.34 of
1062.58 some
1062.82 of
1062.97 the
1063.05 items
1063.21 I
1063.62 believe
1063.93 we're
1065.86 still
1066.02 dealing
1066.49 with
1066.73 the
1067.93 public
1068.02 health
1068.41 excellence
1068.65 grant
1069.13 which
1069.71 is
1069.79 the
1069.87 eight
1070.59 communities
1070.91 coalition
1071.95 that's
1072.43 going
1072.67 to
1072.79 be
1072.91 getting
1073.79 $300,000
1074.35 a
1075.47 year.
1075.55 It
1075.79 may
1075.95 go
1076.19 up
1076.35 a
1076.51 little
1076.59 bit
1076.83 because
1076.99 we
1077.15 have
1077.31 $300,000
1077.88 to
1078.91 set
1078.99 aside
1079.23 for
1079.55 five
1080.52 communities,
1080.67 we
1080.67 have
1080.67 eight,
1080.84 so
1080.99 they
1081.15 may
1081.39 give
1081.63 us
1081.79 a
1081.95 little
1082.12 more
1082.28 on
1083.32 top
1083.55 of
1083.71 that
1083.79 to
1084.6 be
1084.76 able
1084.84 to
1085.15 use
1085.23 annually
1085.95 amongst
1087.86 the
1087.94 eight
1088.1 towns
1088.98 and
1089.14 some
1089.3 of
1089.54 those
1089.62 items
1089.86 like
1090.26 the
1090.42 hazardous
1090.5 waste,
1090.9 shops,
1091.62 collection,
1092.02 things
1092.5 like
1092.66 that
1092.82 and
1093.46 some
1093.7 of
1093.86 the
1093.94 educational
1094.1 things
1094.66 that
1094.9 we
1095.06 can
1095.22 produce
1095.38 for
1096.14 the
1096.63 public
1096.78 to
1097.11 promote
1098.22 recycling
1098.78 is
1099.59 all
1100.46 including
1100.54 as
1101.18 proper
1101.9 expenditures
1102.22 for
1102.78 that
1102.94 grant.
1103.9 So,
1105.68 hopefully
1105.68 that
1106.08 will
1106.24 help
1106.4 us,
1108.24 those
1109.6 will
1109.84 be
1109.92 regional
1110.08 events
1110.4 like
1110.72 probably
1110.96 all
1112.3 eight
1112.54 towns
1112.7 can
1112.94 come
1113.18 to
1113.98 twice
1114.14 a
1114.87 year
1115.03 probably
1115.35 spring
1115.66 and
1115.98 fall
1116.07 have
1116.79 hap
1117.27 hazardous
1117.9 waste
1117.9 days
1118.14 in
1118.87 different
1119.03 communities
1119.35 not
1119.83 necessarily
1119.98 the
1120.46 same
1120.54 one
1120.7 each
1120.87 time
1121.11 but
1121.35 all
1122.8 eight
1122.96 towns
1123.2 will
1123.52 be
1123.6 able
1123.68 to
1123.84 come
1123.92 to
1124.08 that.
1124.16 You
1125.08 know,
1126 it
1126.16 might
1126.24 be
1126.48 one
1126.64 on
1126.88 this
1126.96 side,
1128.48 our
1128.64 eight
1128.64 towns
1128.64 are
1128.96 some
1129.2 on
1129.36 the
1129.52 other
1129.6 side
1129.76 of
1129.92 the
1130.08 river
1130.24 and
1130.4 some
1130.56 on
1130.72 this
1130.8 side
1130.96 so
1131.2 may
1131.67 have
1131.84 one
1131.99 in
1132.08 the
1132.23 fall
1132.32 on
1132.55 one
1132.71 side,
1132.88 one
1133.19 in
1133.36 the
1133.43 spring
1133.52 on
1133.84 this
1133.99 side
1134.15 and
1134.39 then
1134.55 vice
1134.63 versa.
1134.88 As
1135.67 far
1135.84 as
1135.99 the
1136.23 the
1136.47 shops,
1136.55 my
1137.99 suggestion
1138.23 has
1138.71 been
1138.95 to
1139.12 get
1139.76 two
1139.91 locations
1140.15 center
1140.97 located
1141.29 in
1141.93 either
1142.09 side
1142.33 of
1142.65 the
1142.81 river.
1144.25 Shops,
1144.25 kiosks
1144.65 that
1145.05 can
1145.21 be
1145.37 opened
1145.61 24
1146.17 hours
1146.65 a
1146.89 day,
1147.37 seven
1147.61 days
1147.61 a
1147.85 week
1147.93 and
1148.77 that
1148.85 hopefully
1149.16 the
1149.49 coalition
1149.64 or
1150.05 the
1150.29 grant
1150.68 will
1151.09 pay
1151.25 for
1151.4 both
1152.37 buying
1152.77 it
1153.09 and
1153.33 putting
1153.49 it
1153.64 in
1153.81 place
1153.97 and
1154.37 paying
1157.22 for
1157.46 the
1157.7 removal
1157.94 or
1158.42 disposal
1158.98 of
1159.54 the
1159.62 shops
1159.78 as
1160.58 well
1160.74 as
1160.9 the
1161.06 hazardous
1161.22 waste.
1161.62 The
1162.34 problem
1162.5 with
1162.9 hazardous
1162.98 waste
1163.38 days
1163.94 is
1164.26 that
1164.42 it
1164.74 costs
1164.9 significant
1165.58 amount
1165.89 of
1165.98 money
1166.13 to
1166.46 just
1166.93 get
1167.17 one
1167.34 set
1167.73 up.
1168.06 The
1168.38 companies
1168.62 that
1169.02 do
1169.1 it,
1169.34 they
1169.41 want
1169.58 a
1169.73 certain
1169.82 amount
1170.06 and
1170.22 I
1171.49 think
1171.58 the
1171.89 last
1171.98 time
1172.22 I
1172.46 talked
1172.54 to
1172.86 Newbury
1173.17 who
1173.58 had
1173.65 one
1173.82 recently
1174.06 cost
1175.68 them
1176 like
1176.08 $4,000
1176.24 to
1176.96 set
1177.12 it
1177.36 up
1177.44 and
1177.68 they
1177.84 only
1178 had
1178.24 like
1178.4 30
1178.64 people
1178.88 paying
1179.36 $60
1179.76 a
1180.32 piece
1180.4 to
1181.36 dispose
1181.44 of
1181.84 their
1182 hazardous
1182.4 waste
1182.96 and
1183.28 I
1184.09 didn't
1184.24 pay
1184.4 for
1184.57 it.
1185.77 PACHECO
1185.92 -
1185.92 So,
1185.92 when's
1185.92 the
1186.16 last
1186.24 time
1186.48 you've
1186.72 had
1186.81 them?
1187.77 HOLT
1187.77 -
1187.77 Last
1187.77 time
1188.01 we
1188.16 had
1188.24 when
1188.4 I
1188.57 believed
1188.64 it
1188.96 before
1189.05 Covid,
1189.37 quite
1189.61 before
1189.77 Covid.
1190.09 I
1190.33 think
1190.4 that
1190.57 was
1190.72 the
1190.8 last
1190.88 one.
1191.37 PACHECO
1191.37 -
1191.37 It's
1191.37 been
1191.61 a
1191.77 few
1191.85 years.
1192.33 SMITH
1192.33 -
1192.33 Hazardous
1192.33 waste?
1193.46 HOLT
1193.46 -
1193.46 Hazardous
1194.1 waste,
1195.22 before
1195.62 Covid,
1195.62 I
1195.62 think
1195.7 it
1195.86 was.
1196.1 SMITH
1196.1 -
1196.1 We
1196.1 had
1196.18 one
1196.58 but
1196.74 I
1196.82 don't
1196.9 think
1197.14 because
1197.46 I've
1197.7 been
1197.78 working
1197.94 with
1198.18 the
1198.34 league
1198.42 for
1198.66 years
1198.9 on
1199.22 a
1199.86 tri
1199.94 town
1200.26 hazardous
1200.66 waste,
1201.14 I
1201.38 don't
1201.46 think
1201.62 we've
1201.78 ever
1202.02 had
1202.26 one
1202.42 here.
1203.45 HOLT
1204.88 -
1204.88 Maybe
1204.88 it
1205.13 was
1205.29 a
1205.53 combined
1205.61 one
1205.85 with
1206.09 Newbury?
1206.81 SMITH
1206.81 -
1206.81 No.
1206.81 So,
1206.97 Oxford,
1207.13 Middleton,
1207.68 and
1208.4 Topsfield
1211.21 worked
1211.45 together
1211.45 and
1211.45 the
1211.45 League
1212.47 of
1212.59 Women
1212.71 Voters
1213.03 helps
1213.43 them
1213.67 with
1213.83 that
1213.91 every
1214.87 October.
1215.19 Georgetown
1216.31 people
1216.87 come;
1217.11 they
1217.91 have
1217.99 to
1218.15 pay.
1218.31 If
1218.95 you're
1219.11 a
1219.19 member
1219.27 of
1219.43 the
1219.59 town,
1219.67 you
1219.99 don't
1220.15 have
1220.39 to,
1220.55 but
1221.29 the
1221.61 league
1221.77 helps
1222.01 coordinate
1222.33 that.
1223.13 HOLT
1223.4 -
1223.4 So,
1223.4 I
1223.92 think
1224.16 in
1224.4 the
1224.72 ones
1224.81 I've
1225.05 seen
1225.29 recently,
1225.53 the
1225.92 advertisement
1226.09 form
1226.81 has
1227.61 been
1227.85 a
1229.03 lesser
1229.19 charge
1229.51 for
1229.75 the
1229.99 residents
1230.07 and
1230.55 a
1230.95 higher
1231.91 charge
1232.23 for
1232.47 outside.
1233.27 SMITH
1233.27 -
1233.27 Oxford,
1233.99 Topsfield
1234.39 and
1234.79 Middleton,
1235.03 it's
1236.07 free
1236.39 to
1236.63 residents.
1238.99 HOLT
1238.99 -
1238.99 Hopefully
1239.55 with
1239.88 the
1240.03 coalition,
1240.12 we
1240.51 could
1240.67 make
1240.84 it
1240.99 free.
1250.19 PACHECO
1250.19 -
1250.19 If
1250.19 you
1250.59 haven't
1250.67 had
1250.99 one
1251.15 in
1251.39 a
1251.55 while,
1251.63 I
1251.95 would
1252.03 have
1252.27 to
1252.99 imagine,
1253.71 there's
1253.95 a
1253.95 lot
1254.12 of
1254.23 stuff
1254.36 in
1255.79 people's
1255.95 basements,
1257.63 like
1257.63 the
1257.88 oil-based
1258.6 paints
1258.84 and
1259.15 all
1259.47 that.
1259.55 I
1259.71 mean,
1259.79 that's
1259.95 really
1260.84 hard
1260.99 to
1261.23 get
1261.39 rid
1261.55 of.
1262.19 DOUGLAS
1262.19 DAWES
1262.19 -
1262.19 BOARD
1262.19 OF
1262.19 MEMBER
1262.19 -
1262.19 Well,
1262.19 usually
1262.43 Saint
1262.91 Mary's
1263.23 has
1263.71 a
1264.03 collection
1264.27 once
1264.75 a
1264.99 year.
1265.63 LAMONICA
1265.63 -
1265.63 They
1266.83 deal
1267.23 with
1267.23 electronics,
1267.23 I
1267.23 don't
1267.39 think
1267.55 they've
1267.71 done,
1267.87 like,
1268.03 the
1268.19 old
1268.35 waste
1268.59 oil.
1269.87 DAWES
1269.87 -
1269.87 I
1269.87 brought
1269.95 some
1270.27 stuff
1270.43 up
1270.67 there
1270.83 last
1271.07 year.
1272.1 SMITH
1272.1 -
1272.1 Well,
1272.1 sometimes
1272.26 they
1272.65 will
1272.97 take
1273.13 paints
1273.38 and
1273.62 stuff
1274.89 that
1275.21 we'll
1275.29 paint
1275.45 in
1275.69 the
1275.78 house.
1275.93 The
1277.53 ones
1277.69 in
1277.93 Topsfield,
1279.21 Boxford,
1279.38 Milton,
1279.38 they'll
1281.07 take
1281.23 propane
1281.55 tanks,
1282.03 they
1283.79 don't
1283.95 take
1284.11 sharps.
1287.39 LAMONICA
1287.39 -
1287.39 Actually,
1287.39 Chief,
1288.83 do
1289.07 we
1289.23 have
1289.31 a
1289.47 sharps
1289.63 disposal
1290.26 box
1290.89 at
1291.3 the
1291.46 police
1291.78 department?
1295.3 DARIN
1295.3 ALLGOOD
1295.3 -
1295.62 POLICE
1295.86 -
1295.86 No,
1295.86 there's
1295.86 no
1295.86 sharps
1295.86 disposal.
1295.86 LAMONICA
1295.86 -
1295.86 But
1295.86 there
1296.1 is
1296.26 the
1296.41 medicine
1296.58 drop
1297.06 off,
1298.52 right?
1298.6 ALLGOOD
1298.6 -
1298.6 Yes.
1298.6 -
1298.6 So,
1298.6 there's
1298.6 like
1298.84 old
1299 medication
1299.32 drop
1299.8 off
1299.96 at
1300.12 the
1300.28 station.
1300.92 SMITH
1300.92 -
1300.92 Yes,
1301.72 that's
1301.88 a
1302.04 good
1302.12 thing
1302.28 to
1302.52 have.
1302.6 But
1302.92 anyway,
1306.23 I
1306.39 would
1306.47 think
1306.71 that
1306.95 that
1307.27 would
1307.43 be
1307.6 a
1307.84 central
1308.15 thing
1308.47 that
1308.71 the
1308.88 committee
1309.12 could
1309.51 help
1309.67 with,
1310.63 organized
1312.08 hazardous
1312.08 waste
1312.55 day,
1314.54 that'd
1314.78 be
1314.78 great.
1322.97 HOLT
1322.97 -
1322.97 I
1322.97 do
1323.21 happen
1323.92 to
1324.33 review
1325.53 this
1325.85 and
1326.09 it
1327.13 was
1327.21 yesterday,
1328.33 get
1328.57 a
1328.57 flyer
1330.07 for
1330.47 a
1330.55 Mass
1330.71 recycle
1331.03 conference
1331.51 which
1331.83 is
1332.07 going
1332.15 to
1332.31 happen
1332.39 on
1333.43 March.
1333.99 I
1343.73 can
1343.97 send
1344.13 you
1344.3 the
1344.54 information
1344.86 to
1345.49 all
1345.65 the
1345.82 select
1346.45 board
1346.78 and
1347.1 maybe
1347.26 post
1347.58 it
1347.82 on.
1347.89 It's
1348.21 actually
1348.97 for
1348.97 municipal
1349.29 employees
1349.93 and
1350.81 Board
1351.77 of
1352.01 Health
1352.09 to
1352.81 help,
1354.56 it's
1354.81 all
1354.81 about
1355.05 how
1356.09 to
1356.33 recycle
1356.4 and
1356.81 how
1356.97 to
1357.05 get
1357.13 people
1357.29 to
1357.53 recycle
1357.61 and
1358.01 compost
1358.4 and
1358.88 other
1359.13 things
1359.37 like
1359.53 that,
1359.92 it's
1360.01 all
1360.01 about
1360.16 reduction
1360.64 in
1361.45 solid
1362.24 waste.
1362.81 SMITH
1363.45 -
1363.45 And
1363.45 that's
1363.7 something
1363.86 else
1363.94 this
1364.26 committee
1364.42 could
1364.74 do
1364.9 is
1364.98 they
1365.14 could
1365.46 stay
1365.7 on
1365.94 top
1366.1 of
1366.26 those
1366.42 kinds
1366.74 of
1366.98 events
1367.78 because
1368.1 their
1368.42 job
1368.58 is
1368.82 to
1369.06 be
1369.46 educated
1369.7 and
1370.18 educate.
1372.6 HOLT
1372.6 -
1372.6 It's
1372.6 March
1372.91 19th,
1373.23 I
1373.63 found
1373.8 it.
1377.08 SMITH
1377.08 -
1377.08 Do
1377.08 you
1377.23 have
1377.32 any
1377.39 other
1377.95 questions
1378.12 for
1378.6 us
1378.76 about
1378.99 this
1379.23 or
1379.47 things
1379.63 that
1379.88 you
1380.04 expectations
1380.2 or?
1381.68 HOLT
1381.68 -
1381.68 I
1381.68 do
1382.48 have
1382.64 actually
1382.8 one
1383.04 question.
1383.28 I'm
1383.76 just
1384 curious
1384.32 how,
1385.28 if
1386.16 this
1386.32 is
1386.48 a
1386.72 new
1386.88 wording
1387.2 for
1387.6 this
1387.76 committee,
1388.08 is
1389.12 it
1389.36 a
1389.6 new
1389.68 bylaw,
1390 I
1390.4 assume?
1391.74 SMITH
1391.74 -
1391.74 I
1391.85 think
1391.88 it's
1391.9 amending
1392.38 existing
1392.79 bylaw.
1394.14 HOLT
1394.14 -
1394.14 Amending
1394.14 it.
1394.55 So,
1394.71 is
1394.87 that
1395.03 done
1395.51 by
1395.74 town
1395.99 meeting
1396.31 or?
1396.87 SMITH
1396.87 -
1396.87 Town
1396.87 meeting.
1397.11 I'm
1397.42 looking
1397.74 to
1397.99 put
1398.07 this
1398.23 on
1398.38 the
1398.55 warrant.
1399.86 HOLT
1399.86 -
1399.86 So,
1400.02 I
1400.26 haven't
1400.42 brought
1400.66 this
1400.9 information
1401.22 to
1401.78 my,
1401.94 board
1402.5 yet
1402.74 but
1402.9 I
1403.06 will
1403.14 do
1403.3 that
1403.38 at
1403.54 the
1403.7 next
1403.78 meeting.
1403.94 We
1404.18 have
1404.26 a
1404.42 meeting
1404.5 in
1404.74 a
1404.82 couple
1404.9 weeks
1405.14 and
1405.78 I'll
1406.02 go
1406.26 over
1406.42 with
1406.66 them
1406.74 and
1407.06 see
1407.99 if
1408.08 we
1408.15 can
1408.32 get
1408.39 a
1408.63 volunteer
1408.72 to
1409.43 maybe
1409.52 one
1410.63 of
1410.8 the
1410.88 members.
1434.06 SMITH
1434.06 -
1434.3 So,
1434.3 pending,
1434.3 the
1436.3 Board
1436.46 of
1436.62 Health's
1436.7 discussion
1437.18 about
1437.58 this,
1437.74 is
1438.14 there
1438.3 any
1438.46 other
1438.62 discussion
1438.78 we
1439.26 want
1439.5 to
1439.74 have
1439.74 about
1439.9 this
1440.14 committee
1444.18 because
1444.51 I
1444.59 would
1444.93 be
1445.27 looking
1445.96 to
1445.96 put
1446.3 it
1446.64 on
1446.64 the
1446.98 warrant.
1447.67 DAWES
1447.67 -
1447.67 Would
1447.67 it
1448.01 be
1449.38 forcing
1449.79 residents
1451.76 or
1452.24 just
1452.48 enticing
1452.8 residents
1453.28 to
1453.76 do
1454 more
1454.4 recycling
1454.88 than
1455.44 they
1455.6 do,
1455.84 you
1457.04 were
1457.12 talking
1458.32 about
1458.64 taking
1459.2 textiles
1459.6 and
1460.24 I
1461.89 mean,
1462.06 that
1462.3 separated
1462.45 mattresses.
1467.58 LAMONICA
1467.58 -
1467.58 Are
1468.97 you
1469.05 talking
1469.45 about
1469.61 the
1469.77 language
1469.93 that
1470.41 would
1470.49 be
1470.73 in
1470.89 the
1471.13 bylaw
1471.29 for
1471.77 the
1472.01 solid
1474.33 waste?
1475.88 DAWES
1475.88 -
1475.88 Well,
1475.88 I
1476.2 mean,
1476.91 recycling
1477.08 is
1477.63 voluntary.
1478.52 PACHECO
1478.99 -
1478.99 The
1480.76 thing
1481.08 with
1481.32 recycling
1481.56 is
1482.12 actually
1482.28 technically,
1493.51 it
1493.83 is
1493.83 the
1493.83 law,
1493.83 so,
1493.83 DEP
1493.83 will
1493.83 determine
1493.83 what
1493.83 is
1493.83 and
1493.83 isn't
1493.83 banned.
1493.83 A
1493.83 local
1493.83 committee,
1493.83 when
1493.83 they
1493.98 want
1494.14 to
1494.46 ban
1494.46 textiles,
1494.7 that's
1495.26 that
1495.59 comes
1495.74 through
1496.07 the
1496.63 legislature
1496.87 or
1497.42 state
1497.59 regulation.
1497.83 The
1498.94 management
1499.35 of
1499.83 all
1499.98 solid
1500.14 waste
1500.54 is
1501.17 delegated
1501.41 to
1501.89 the
1502.05 DEP.
1502.29 So,
1503.49 they
1504.85 may
1505.09 have
1505.25 certain
1505.49 things
1505.81 that
1506.29 they
1506.45 may
1506.53 want
1506.77 to
1508.13 encourage,
1508.13 but
1508.85 only
1510.67 the
1510.91 DEP
1511.15 really
1511.63 can
1511.88 ban
1512.27 an
1512.6 item.
1512.75 It
1517.32 tends
1517.55 to
1518.27 evolve;
1519.03 they
1519.75 add
1519.91 things
1520.15 to
1520.47 what
1520.71 they
1520.79 call
1520.95 the
1521.19 solid
1521.35 waste
1521.67 band
1521.99 every
1522.55 so
1522.79 often.
1523.99 DAWES
1523.99 -
1523.99 You
1523.99 know
1524.07 what
1524.23 I
1524.31 was
1524.39 leading
1524.63 to.
1524.87 Because
1525.03 right
1525.27 now
1525.43 we
1525.67 can
1526.15 voluntarily
1526.63 pay
1528.19 for
1528.52 curbside
1528.76 recycling
1529.39 or
1530.67 we
1530.84 can
1530.91 bring
1531.08 it
1531.32 to
1531.47 the
1531.63 transfer
1534.19 station.
1535.8 SMITH
1535.8 -
1535.8 Wait,
1535.96 so
1536.12 the
1536.28 transfer
1536.44 station
1536.68 can
1537.48 take
1537.56 mattresses,
1538.28 but
1539.64 they
1539.72 don't
1539.88 take
1540.12 textiles.
1541.4 DAWES
1541.4 -
1541.4 Exactly.
1542.28 SMITH
1542.28 -
1542.28 So,
1543.48 the
1543.8 town
1543.96 has
1544.2 a
1544.36 contract
1544.44 with
1544.84 Helpsy
1547.12 for
1547.43 textile
1547.6 recycling.
1548.08 My
1549.36 vision
1550.39 for
1550.63 this
1550.8 committee
1551.04 is
1551.43 to
1551.67 stay
1551.84 on
1552.08 top
1552.23 of
1552.63 recycling
1554.03 requirements
1554.59 and
1555.79 educate
1556.35 the
1556.91 town
1556.99 and
1557.31 come
1558.75 up
1558.91 with
1558.99 ways
1559.15 to
1559.55 to
1559.79 make
1559.95 it
1560.11 easier.
1560.88 LAMONICA
1560.88 -
1560.88 That
1561.13 would
1561.53 be
1561.61 my
1561.77 thinking.
1561.92 The
1563.29 more
1563.45 obstacles
1563.61 in
1564.01 the
1564.09 way,
1564.16 the
1564.4 less
1564.48 likely
1564.72 somebody
1565.13 is.
1565.53 Unless
1565.68 they're
1566.09 passionate
1566.33 about
1566.81 it,
1567.05 they're
1567.29 just
1567.45 going
1567.68 to
1567.92 take
1567.92 the
1568.09 easy
1568.24 way
1568.48 out.
1568.64 If
1569.21 you
1569.37 make
1569.61 it
1569.85 easier,
1569.92 people
1570.95 are
1571.11 more
1571.35 likely
1571.59 to
1571.91 do
1571.99 it.
1572.23 If
1572.63 you
1572.71 put
1572.95 obstacles
1573.51 in
1574.07 place,
1574.23 you're
1574.95 going
1575.11 to
1575.35 have
1575.35 the
1575.51 people
1575.59 that
1575.83 just
1575.99 throw
1576.15 their
1576.31 mattress
1576.55 on
1576.79 the
1576.95 side
1577.03 of
1577.15 the
1577.27 road
1577.35 and
1577.59 then
1577.67 we
1577.91 got
1577.99 to
1578.23 deal
1578.23 with
1578.39 it.
1578.55 So,
1579.19 if
1579.43 you
1579.51 make
1579.67 it
1579.83 easier,
1580.33 then
1581.45 I
1581.77 think
1581.85 that's
1582.09 a
1582.4 better
1582.48 avenue.
1583.85 SMITH
1583.85 -
1583.85 Mattresses
1584.01 aren't
1584.4 going
1584.57 to
1584.73 be
1584.73 a
1584.81 problem
1584.88 because
1585.21 any
1585.68 way
1586.01 you
1586.01 look
1586.09 at
1586.24 it,
1586.33 you
1586.4 need
1586.64 a
1586.73 truck
1586.88 to
1587.21 bring
1587.29 it
1587.45 somewhere.
1587.61 Even
1589.15 to
1589.39 dump
1589.47 it
1589.55 on
1589.63 the
1589.71 side
1590.03 of
1590.19 the
1590.27 road,
1590.83 but
1592.19 anyway,
1593.23 I
1593.39 see
1593.47 this
1593.63 sort
1593.95 of
1594.11 like
1594.35 an
1594.51 educational
1594.59 and
1595.55 support
1595.79 mechanism.
1596.27 We
1597.67 can't
1597.76 force
1597.99 it,
1598.71 but,
1598.79 yes,
1598.79 you
1598.79 got
1598.88 to
1599.12 make
1599.12 it
1599.36 easier.
1599.99 DAWES
1599.99 -
1599.99 Well,
1599.99 I
1600.32 mean,
1600.47 we
1600.79 have
1600.88 a
1601.12 number
1601.19 of
1601.51 containers
1601.76 around
1602.39 town
1602.71 from
1603.03 various
1603.27 factions,
1603.76 including
1604.32 Helpsy,
1604.71 where
1605.49 people
1605.81 go
1606.13 dump
1606.37 their
1606.61 old
1607.17 clothes
1607.49 in
1607.81 and
1607.97 everything
1608.61 else,
1611.33 shoes,
1611.49 they
1611.49 take
1611.49 everything,
1612.92 so
1613.33 people
1613.8 are
1614.2 basically
1614.37 doing
1614.85 that.
1617.16 SMITH
1617.16 -
1617.16 But
1617.48 like
1617.88 coming
1617.96 down
1618.2 the
1618.44 road,
1618.53 like,
1618.77 there's
1619.72 going
1620.04 to
1620.28 be
1620.37 more
1620.61 restrictions.
1620.92 The
1621.8 state
1621.96 has
1622.96 a
1623.84 solid
1624.72 waste
1625.04 plan,
1625.36 which
1626.24 I
1626.48 always
1626.56 have
1626.8 to
1626.96 laugh
1627.04 at,
1627.28 but
1627.6 it's
1627.84 for
1628.32 2030,
1628.64 and
1629.28 it's
1629.52 going
1629.76 to
1630 be,
1630 more
1630.64 and
1630.88 more
1631.04 things
1631.2 are
1631.52 going
1631.68 to
1632 have
1632.08 to
1632.32 be
1632.4 dealt
1632.48 with.
1633.23 We'll
1639.08 have
1639.32 to
1639.39 be
1639.47 dealing
1639.56 with
1639.8 food
1639.95 books
1640.19 at
1640.52 some
1640.6 point,
1640.76 and
1640.91 so
1641.23 the
1641.44 committee
1641.6 could
1641.84 help
1642.08 the
1642.32 schools,
1643.6 they're
1644.08 going
1644.48 to
1644.64 have
1644.64 to
1644.76 have
1644.88 what
1645.12 composting
1645.36 bins
1645.92 or
1646.24 something.
1647.2 PACHECO
1647.44 -Yes,
1647.68 they'll
1647.68 have
1647.84 to
1648.08 have
1648.24 some
1649.51 sort
1649.66 of
1649.99 mechanism
1650.14 to
1651.03 keep
1652.31 food
1652.71 out
1653.03 of
1653.27 the
1653.42 trash
1653.66 land.
1653.99 So,
1655.42 I
1655.66 think
1655.83 right
1656.42 now
1656.66 the
1657.94 bigger
1658.18 colleges
1658.58 and
1659.46 the
1659.62 hotels
1659.86 are
1661.54 falling
1661.7 under
1662.02 the
1662.34 food
1664.1 waste
1664.42 ban
1664.66 but
1664.9 I
1665.76 do
1666.15 expect
1666.48 that
1666.88 will
1667.12 expand
1667.99 over
1668.48 time.
1668.72 I
1669.84 think
1670.15 what
1670.48 we
1670.8 don't
1671.04 have
1671.43 is
1671.67 an
1672.48 infrastructure
1672.8 in
1673.52 place
1673.67 yet
1673.99 statewide
1675.82 with
1675.98 the
1676.06 exception
1676.14 of,
1676.62 like,
1676.86 that
1679.02 thing
1679.26 my
1679.5 neighbors
1679.66 have,
1680.94 Black
1681.42 Earth.
1681.74 With
1683.5 the
1683.82 exception
1683.9 of
1684.22 that
1684.38 type
1684.62 of
1684.86 service,
1685.02 we
1686.34 really
1686.58 don't
1686.89 have
1687.3 a
1688.17 built-out
1688.65 infrastructure
1688.97 way
1690.02 to
1690.17 deal
1690.34 with
1690.49 food
1690.73 waste
1690.89 even
1691.21 though
1691.45 the
1692.34 most
1692.49 recent
1692.73 statistic
1693.13 was
1693.62 like
1693.86 33%
1694.02 of
1694.65 all
1694.82 waste
1695.23 was
1695.39 food
1695.55 waste.
1696.35 SMITH
1696.35 -
1696.35 I
1697.47 have
1697.55 my
1697.87 compost
1698.59 picked
1698.91 up
1699.15 by
1699.31 Black
1700.03 Earth
1700.27 and
1700.51 they're
1701.39 great
1701.55 at
1701.71 giving
1701.87 you
1702.19 statistics.
1702.35 So,
1703.53 the
1703.77 the
1704.09 solid
1704.16 waste
1704.4 committee
1704.72 could
1705.05 look
1705.2 into
1705.45 the,
1705.61 economics
1706.33 of
1706.88 getting
1707.53 a
1707.85 town
1708.01 wide
1708.24 contract
1708.57 for
1708.96 Black
1709.2 Earth,
1709.37 for
1709.68 example.
1709.85 I
1711.67 know,
1711.91 like,
1712.15 you
1712.39 know,
1712.55 people
1712.71 who
1713.11 have
1713.51 it
1713.67 now,
1713.83 if
1714.23 we
1714.63 got
1714.79 it
1715.03 like
1715.11 a
1715.27 town
1715.43 wide
1715.75 basis,
1716.07 our
1716.95 rates
1717.19 would
1717.43 go
1717.51 way
1717.75 down.
1717.91 So,
1719.4 this
1719.64 is
1719.88 the
1719.96 work
1720.13 they
1720.28 could
1720.52 do.
1720.68 So,
1733.24 what
1733.88 is
1734.13 the
1734.29 board's
1734.37 feeling
1734.68 about
1735.16 pending
1735.64 feedback
1737.33 and
1737.72 approval
1737.88 from
1738.29 the
1738.45 board
1738.53 of
1738.77 health?
1738.85 What's
1739.64 you’re
1739.88 feeling
1740.05 about
1740.29 moving
1740.53 this
1740.77 to
1741.01 a
1741.09 town
1741.16 warrant?
1742.8 -
1742.8 I
1742.8 think
1742.96 we
1743.28 should
1743.36 take
1743.6 input
1744 from
1744.32 here.
1745.12 SMITH
1745.12 -
1745.12 Well,
1745.12 we
1745.28 are.
1745.44 But
1745.6 I
1745.68 mean,
1745.92 pending
1746.24 that,
1746.64 I
1746.88 mean,
1747.04 what
1747.32 are
1747.6 your
1747.76 feelings
1748.08 about
1748.4 it?
1749.04 LAMONICA
1749.04 -
1749.04 Well,
1749.04 yes,
1749.2 I
1749.36 think
1749.44 it
1749.68 should
1749.84 go
1750 ahead.
1751.91 PACHECO
1754.39 -
1754.39 I
1755.84 think
1755.91 we
1756.15 need
1756.32 to
1756.48 start
1756.56 getting
1757.12 a
1757.43 draft
1757.6 of
1757.99 the
1758.56 language
1758.8 together
1759.2 for
1760.08 council
1760.24 to
1760.48 review.
1760.72 We
1761.6 still
1765.84 need
1766.08 to
1766.24 sort
1766.4 of
1766.56 track,
1766.64 like,
1766.96 the
1767.28 genesis
1767.44 of
1767.92 where
1768.79 it
1769.03 started
1769.27 and
1769.66 the
1771.51 annual,
1771.66 report
1772.87 from
1773.18 the
1773.42 original
1773.59 solid
1775.59 waste
1775.83 committee
1777.81 because
1777.89 those
1777.89 are
1778.21 some
1778.37 of
1778.61 the
1778.69 items
1778.77 the
1779.09 AG
1779.33 looks
1779.65 for
1779.89 when
1780.05 you
1780.29 submit
1780.93 the
1781.25 local
1781.33 by
1781.65 law.
1786.36 ROBERT
1786.36 HOOVER
1786.36 -
1786.36 BOARD
1789.48 OF
1789.48 CLERK
1789.48 -
1789.48 This
1789.48 is
1789.8 related.
1790.12 It's
1791.75 a
1791.87 good
1791.99 idea
1792.31 to
1792.71 have
1792.79 this
1792.95 become
1793.43 a
1794.23 warrant
1794.47 go
1794.79 on
1794.95 the
1795.19 warrant,
1796.63 but
1797.03 don't
1797.03 we
1797.19 also
1797.59 need
1798.15 to
1798.39 start
1799.93 gathering
1800.34 or
1801.05 have
1801.38 a
1801.62 sense
1801.69 for
1802.01 how
1802.73 many
1802.97 warrants,
1803.69 we're
1805.05 going
1805.38 to
1805.69 do
1805.86 because
1806.73 of
1807.13 those
1807.29 town
1807.95 meetings.
1808.27 They
1810.43 can
1810.51 be
1810.75 so
1810.99 long
1811.23 and
1811.71 so,
1812.03 it's
1814.67 just
1814.83 something
1814.99 that
1815.31 we
1816.26 need
1816.49 to
1816.58 start
1816.73 getting
1817.05 a
1817.38 handle
1817.45 on
1817.78 in
1817.93 terms
1818.02 of
1818.34 how
1818.49 many
1818.73 we
1819.05 think
1819.29 we
1819.62 want
1820.26 to
1821.69 do
1821.69 as
1821.69 a
1821.93 total
1822.1 number
1822.41 of
1822.73 them.
1824.49 SMITH
1824.49 -
1824.49 We
1825.21 got
1829.65 a
1829.81 list
1829.97 last
1830.29 meeting.
1832.21 HOOVER
1832.21 -
1832.21 No,
1832.93 I
1833.25 know
1833.49 we
1833.65 have
1833.73 a
1833.8 list,
1834.05 but
1834.37 we
1834.77 can't
1834.85 do
1835.01 them
1835.16 all.
1835.64 So,
1837.01 what
1837.49 I'm
1837.73 saying
1837.88 is
1838.21 that
1838.45 there
1838.68 needs
1838.92 to
1839.16 be,
1839.33 at
1839.73 some
1839.88 point,
1840.13 I
1840.45 think,
1840.53 some
1841.01 discussion
1841.25 about
1841.88 what
1843.07 the
1843.23 select
1843.39 board
1843.63 is
1843.87 going
1843.95 to
1844.19 determine
1844.19 as
1844.91 the
1845.07 ones
1845.15 I
1845.39 can
1845.55 end
1845.71 up
1845.87 going
1846.03 on
1846.27 it,
1847.95 that's
1848.27 all
1848.51 I'm
1848.67 saying.
1849.15 SMITH
1849.15 -
1849.15 Okay,
1850.03 that's
1850.35 going
1850.59 to
1850.83 be
1850.83 on
1850.99 a
1851.07 future
1851.15 meeting
1854.65 agenda.
1854.89 When
1859.78 do
1860.02 we
1860.17 have
1860.26 to
1860.49 have
1860.58 the
1860.73 warrant?
1862.42 PACHECO
1864.74 -
1864.74 The
1864.74 first
1864.82 week
1865.06 in
1865.3 April?
1866.5 DAWES
1866.66 -
1866.66 No,
1866.66 I
1866.66 think
1866.9 we
1867.14 voted
1867.38 to
1867.86 close
1868.1 it.
1868.42 It
1871.2 was
1871.28 late
1871.43 March.
1871.67 Like
1872.08 26th,
1872.63 28th,
1873.67 or
1874.32 sometime
1874.48 in
1874.8 there.
1875.2 SMITH
1875.2 -
1875.2 It
1875.2 is
1875.36 Monday,
1878.87 March
1879.19 25th
1879.43 is
1879.99 the
1880.15 last.
1881.67 HOOVER
1881.67 -
1881.67 And
1881.67 we
1881.91 can
1881.99 always
1882.23 reopen
1882.71 it.
1883.59 SMITH
1885.4 -
1885.4 So,
1885.4 the
1885.48 goal
1885.57 is
1885.96 then
1886.04 is
1886.28 to
1886.44 have,
1886.61 I
1887.48 think
1887.64 we
1887.72 probably
1887.88 want
1888.2 to
1888.44 have
1888.44 the
1888.52 warrants
1888.77 reviewed
1889.16 by
1893.82 counsel
1894.06 and
1894.06 that's
1894.14 when
1894.38 we'll
1894.54 have
1894.62 them
1894.86 ready
1895.18 to
1895.5 review
1895.58 by
1895.82 the
1895.98 board
1896.14 in
1896.38 a
1896.46 vote.
1896.54 So,
1898.14 we're
1898.38 looking
1898.54 at
1898.78 March
1898.86 25th
1899.1 for
1899.66 that.
ON-GOING BUSINESS: Mello Host Agreement
During this segment of the public hearing, updates were discussed regarding the Mellow host agreement. Pacheco mentioned that the most recent version of the agreement reviewed by attorneys was sent to the board that day, with no new financial numbers to report other than previously shared. He mentioned a regulatory hurdle with DEP, as the permit to construct application was incomplete, causing a delay. Pacheco suggested the board consider any additional items they would like included in the agreement not yet addressed by other boards or committees. He also proposed the idea of including initial funding for household hazardous waste days in the agreement, arguing it is relevant to the regulatory environment of Mellow's business. The board showed interest in this addition. Smith requested the most current version of the agreement, and Hoover inquired about the date of the document sent, revealing it wasn't recently updated.
1909.18 Mellow
1912.22 host
1912.62 agreement.
1912.86 We
1913.42 had
1913.58 a
1913.82 question
1913.9 about
1914.22 that
1914.46 and
1914.7 we
1915.02 wanted
1915.26 an
1915.58 update
1915.66 on
1915.98 what
1916.55 was
1916.71 happening
1916.88 with
1917.19 that.
1917.91 PACHECO
1917.91 -
1917.91 So,
1917.91 I
1918.15 sent
1918.32 the
1918.88 most
1919.67 recent
1920.15 version
1920.55 that
1921.04 was
1921.19 reviewed
1922.08 by
1922.39 the
1922.55 attorneys
1922.71 to
1923.76 the
1923.91 board
1924.08 today,
1927.41 but
1927.65 they
1927.65 haven't
1927.89 plugged
1928.13 in
1928.45 any
1928.69 updated
1929.17 numbers
1929.65 or
1930.13 anything
1931.01 like
1931.33 that.
1931.49 There
1931.73 are
1931.89 no
1931.89 new
1932.13 numbers
1932.29 to
1932.61 plug
1932.77 in
1932.93 other
1933.17 than
1933.41 what
1933.49 I've
1933.73 reported
1933.89 to
1934.29 the
1934.45 board
1934.61 previously.
1934.93 I
1937.65 did
1937.82 speak
1938.13 to
1938.38 him
1938.53 earlier
1939.01 this
1939.34 week,
1939.89 they're
1940.13 waiting
1940.13 for
1940.69 one
1942.83 more
1943.07 regulatory
1943.31 hurdle.
1943.95 Like
1944.35 I
1944.51 said,
1944.59 they've
1944.83 already
1945.07 applied
1945.39 for
1945.71 their
1945.87 permit
1946.11 to
1946.43 construct
1946.51 with
1947.15 DEP,
1947.87 but
1948.27 that
1948.51 is
1948.59 actually
1948.75 on
1949.15 hold
1949.31 right
1949.55 now,
1955.07 I'll
1955.22 have
1955.38 to
1955.46 follow-up
1955.63 with
1955.95 Mark
1956.11 Fairbrother,
1956.27 but
1956.98 the
1957.46 application
1957.7 was
1958.18 not
1958.35 complete,
1959.43 and
1959.59 so
1959.59 DEP
1960.07 doesn't
1960.55 start
1960.95 the
1961.27 clock
1961.43 until
1961.75 they
1961.99 get
1962.15 a
1962.31 complete
1962.39 application.
1965.03 So,
1965.75 even
1965.75 though
1965.99 you
1966.15 submitted
1966.23 a
1966.55 permit
1966.63 to
1966.95 construct,
1967.11 that
1968.53 process
1968.68 takes
1969.09 a
1969.33 while.
1969.48 It
1969.61 doesn't
1969.73 happen
1969.97 overnight.
1970.21 But
1971.73 I
1971.97 suspect
1972.77 we're
1972.92 getting
1973.16 to
1973.4 the
1973.57 point
1973.73 where
1975.62 the
1976.34 lawyers
1976.58 are
1976.9 going
1977.06 to
1977.3 get
1977.3 back
1977.46 in
1977.62 a
1977.7 room
1977.86 and
1978.34 put
1978.5 the
1978.66 language
1978.82 together.
1979.3 I
1981.86 think
1982.02 what
1982.26 the
1982.9 board
1983.07 may
1983.3 want
1983.7 to
1984.02 do
1984.02 in
1984.51 advance
1984.83 is
1986.18 outside
1987.3 of
1987.63 the
1987.87 things
1987.94 I've
1988.18 already
1988.42 discussed,
1988.74 if
1989.14 there's
1989.3 any
1989.54 additional
1989.87 items
1990.35 that
1991.61 you'd
1992.25 like
1992.57 for
1992.73 consideration
1992.97 that
1993.61 haven't
1993.85 been
1994.09 dealt
1994.25 with
1994.49 by
1994.65 the
1994.81 other
1994.97 boards
1996.73 and
1997.05 committees,
1997.21 then
1997.69 I
1997.93 would
1998.09 just
1998.49 be
1998.73 prepared
1998.89 to
1999.29 do
1999.45 that.
1999.61 There
1999.85 was
2000.01 one,
2000.17 you
2001.33 know,
2001.72 Bill
2001.88 and
2002.04 I
2002.28 were
2002.37 talking
2002.52 and
2002.85 I
2003.01 added
2003.16 one
2003.4 more
2003.64 thing
2003.72 to
2003.96 the
2004.13 list
2004.28 which
2005.4 maybe
2005.72 the
2006.13 grant
2006.2 pays
2006.61 for.
2006.85 But,
2007.09 you
2007.8 know,
2007.96 household
2008.2 hazardous
2008.61 waste
2009.16 days
2009.4 are
2009.64 probably
2009.88 something
2010.37 that
2010.68 you
2011.35 can
2011.43 fold
2011.67 into
2011.91 a
2012.15 host
2012.31 agreement.
2014.15 SMITH
2014.15 -
2014.15 They
2014.15 would
2014.39 host
2014.55 it?
2015.35 PACHECO
2015.35 -
2015.35 I'm
2015.75 not
2015.91 saying
2016.07 they
2016.23 would
2016.31 host
2016.55 it,
2016.79 but
2017.91 the
2018.07 initial
2018.23 start-up
2019.91 cost,
2021.95 SMITH
2021.95 -
2021.95 Get
2022.11 them
2022.35 to
2022.51 fund
2022.59 it?
2022.9 PACHECO
2022.9 -
2022.9 Yes.
2023.31 SMITH
2023.31 -
2023.31 I
2023.31 like
2023.47 that
2023.63 idea,
2024.59 that's
2024.71 a
2024.71 good
2024.83 idea.
2026.51 PACHECO
2026.51 -
2026.51 Especially
2026.51 since
2026.9 it's
2027.23 directly
2027.47 related
2027.95 to
2029.09 the
2029.25 regulatory
2029.41 environment
2030.21 of
2030.61 their
2030.77 business.
2031.01 You're
2032.77 not
2033.01 asking
2033.49 them
2033.89 to
2034.05 do
2034.13 something
2034.37 that's
2034.69 completely
2034.85 out
2035.33 of
2035.49 the
2035.57 realm
2035.73 of
2036.92 what
2037.01 they
2037.16 would
2037.24 normally
2037.57 be
2038.2 doing
2038.37 anyway.
2040.45 SMITH
2040.45 -
2040.45 Could
2041.64 you
2041.81 send
2041.96 us
2042.2 the
2042.45 most
2042.53 current
2042.77 version
2043.09 of
2043.33 the
2043.57 host
2043.64 agreement?
2050.6 PACHECO
2050.6 -
2050.6 Okay.
2050.6 HOOVER
2050.6 -
2050.6 Orlando,
2050.6 I
2051.16 wasn't
2051.48 able
2051.88 to
2052.2 look
2052.28 at
2052.36 my
2052.52 town
2052.76 email
2053.08 later
2053.56 this
2053.88 afternoon.
2054.2 Is
2055.61 the
2056.01 date
2056.18 of
2056.66 what
2056.89 you
2057.21 sent,
2057.45 dated
2058.89 4/21/2023?
2064.32 PACHECO
2064.32 -
2064.32 The
2064.32 date
2064.64 of
2064.96 the
2065.2 agreement?
2066.88 HOOVER
2066.88 -
2066.88 Yes.
2068 -
2068 No.
2070.52 HOOVER
2070.52 -
2070.52 What's
2070.52 the
2070.84 date
2070.91 of
2071.24 the
2071.47 agreement
2071.88 that
2072.28 you
2072.59 just
2072.84 sent?
2073.47 PACHECO
2073.47 -
2073.47 That
2073.47 I
2073.72 don't
2073.8 know
2073.95 off
2074.2 the
2074.36 top
2074.43 of
2074.68 my
2074.76 head,
2074.84 but
2074.99 the
2075.47 date
2075.72 on
2076.36 it
2076.52 would
2076.76 because
2077.81 they
2078.05 haven't
2078.21 actually
2078.53 revised
2078.93 the
2079.33 language
2079.49 in
2080.85 over
2081.09 a
2081.33 year,
2085.49 it
2085.66 definitely
2085.66 wouldn't
2085.97 be
2088.38 that
2089.89 recent.
2090.61 It's
2093.54 like
2094.42 25,
2094.58 30
2095.06 pages.
ON-GOING BUSINESS: Mission Host Agreement
During the discussion on the mission host agreement, Dawes and Pacheco outlined uncertainties due to the CCC (Cannabis Control Commission) not finalizing the draft host agreement, with community benefit payments set to be removed. They emphasized that towns can't demand payments from cannabis companies beyond what is lawfully required, focusing on companies covering costs for their impacts instead. The conversation moved towards the state's significant cut from cannabis revenues without adequately sharing with municipalities. The officials lamented the initial financial encouragements from cannabis companies that have since diminished, highlighting challenges in imposing beneficial agreements for the town under new regulations. They discussed potential impacts such as traffic and odor issues, and how they could be addressed in future agreements, stressing the importance of documenting actual impacts to ensure companies cover necessary remediation costs. The discussion also touched on the broader legislative landscape and its influence on local cannabis business dynamics. Concerns were raised about the loss of funding for community programs previously supported by cannabis companies, underlining the challenge of securing benefits for the community in the evolving regulatory environment.
2137.45 -
2137.45 The
2137.45 next
2137.45 is
2139.05 the
2139.21 mission
2139.45 host
2139.86 agreement,
2140.09 and
2140.57 I
2141.38 think
2141.53 we
2141.69 had
2141.86 a
2141.93 question
2142.01 about
2142.41 our
2142.89 plans
2143.14 going
2143.53 forward
2143.93 on
2144.57 that.
2144.82 I
2146.77 thought,
2146.85 Doug,
2147.09 maybe
2147.25 you
2147.41 could
2147.57 talk
2147.73 a
2147.89 little
2147.97 bit
2148.13 to
2148.29 that.
2150.69 DAWES
2150.69 -
2150.69 Well,
2150.69 Orlando
2151.41 and
2152.13 I
2152.37 have
2152.69 talked
2153.93 about
2154.24 the
2155.28 CCC
2155.45 and
2156.24 their
2156.48 draft
2156.8 host
2157.13 agreement,
2157.45 which
2157.84 they
2158.16 have
2158.72 not
2158.89 finalized.
2159.2 I
2159.93 believe
2160.09 the
2160.48 public
2160.64 comment
2161.05 period
2161.53 just
2161.93 ended
2162.16 January
2163.65 31st,
2167.09 and
2167.33 they
2167.33 have
2167.57 not
2167.81 finalized
2168.53 the
2169.09 draft
2170.21 host
2170.85 agreement
2171.25 nor
2172.47 have
2172.71 they
2172.8 ratified
2173.03 it.
2173.91 So,
2174.16 we
2174.32 don't
2174.47 know
2174.71 what
2175.19 the
2175.43 final
2175.51 version
2175.91 is
2176.23 going
2176.39 to
2176.64 look
2176.64 like.
2176.8 We
2178.88 did
2179.19 talk
2179.59 with
2179.91 one
2180.23 of
2180.47 the
2180.64 vendors
2182.87 in
2183.27 town
2183.51 who
2184.71 is
2185.35 eager
2185.59 to
2185.99 revise,
2188.07 and,
2188.71 so
2188.71 we
2189.11 sent
2189.43 that
2189.83 agreement
2190.39 and
2191.93 had
2192.01 a
2192.18 conversation
2192.34 with
2194.66 Nicole
2195.21 Constanza.
2196.97 We
2198.55 had
2198.71 a
2199.19 conversation
2199.35 with
2199.91 her
2200.15 about
2202.07 it
2202.31 and
2202.71 I
2203.43 asked
2203.51 her
2203.83 to
2204.47 just
2204.63 put
2205.35 a
2205.59 hybrid
2205.67 together
2206.15 of
2206.63 the
2206.87 CCC
2207.49 and
2208.13 what
2211.33 they
2211.49 put,
2211.72 and
2212.05 then
2212.77 we'll
2212.85 just
2213.16 have
2213.33 to
2213.57 make
2213.64 it.
2213.89 If
2214.05 the
2214.72 CCC
2214.8 says
2215.6 is
2216.24 in
2216.56 agreement
2216.88 with
2217.44 it,
2217.52 then
2218.32 we'll
2218.56 just
2218.8 make
2219.04 a
2219.28 change.
2219.36 But
2220.4 it's
2221.28 hard
2221.52 to
2221.84 do
2221.92 because
2222.16 you
2222.48 don't
2222.56 know
2222.8 what
2223.43 they're
2223.59 going
2223.68 to
2223.99 do
2223.99 and
2224.24 what
2224.39 they're
2224.64 going
2224.8 to
2225.04 change
2225.04 and
2226.07 what's
2226.56 going
2226.88 to
2227.2 remain
2227.2 and
2227.52 what
2227.68 isn't
2227.91 going
2228.16 to
2228.47 remain.
2228.47 So,
2230.07 that's
2230.21 where
2230.45 we
2230.61 are
2230.69 with
2230.85 that.
2231.25 PACHECO
2231.25 -
2231.25 The
2231.25 one
2231.41 thing
2231.57 that
2231.81 they
2231.89 made
2232.13 clear
2232.37 though
2232.69 is
2232.85 that
2233.09 community
2233.25 benefit
2233.65 payments
2234.05 are
2234.45 not
2234.61 going
2235.01 to
2235.33 remain.
2235.73 DAWES
2235.73 -
2235.73 Yes,
2235.89 that
2236.13 all
2236.37 went
2236.53 away,
2237.09 anything
2237.49 to
2237.49 do
2237.73 with
2237.89 money
2238.05 went
2238.37 away.
2238.77 PACHECO
2238.77 -
2238.77 All
2240.41 that
2240.64 stuff
2240.8 went
2241.13 away.
2241.29 I
2242.24 know
2242.41 there
2242.57 were
2242.72 some
2242.97 emails
2243.29 about
2247.36 the
2248.41 town
2248.49 should
2248.89 be
2249.13 getting
2250.15 more
2250.39 money
2250.71 from
2251.03 them,
2253.27 well,
2255.27 you
2255.51 can't
2255.75 get
2256.07 money
2256.31 it's
2256.55 not
2256.79 legally
2256.95 entitled
2257.43 to
2257.83 anymore,
2259.47 and
2260.84 we
2260.84 can't
2260.99 force
2261.39 them
2261.64 to
2261.95 pay
2262.11 anything
2262.43 that
2262.99 they're
2263.16 not
2263.47 willing
2263.72 to
2264.04 pay.
2264.6 -
2264.6 Towns
2264.6 are
2265.08 allowed
2265.24 to
2265.24 have
2265.32 lobbyists,
2265.56 like
2266.04 a
2266.28 status.
2267.19 PACHECO
2267.19 -
2267.19 You
2267.19 have
2267.35 the
2267.43 Mass
2269.67 Municipal
2270.07 Association,
2270.07 that's
2270.07 about
2270.07 it.
2270.31 But
2271.67 what
2273.35 we
2273.51 can
2273.91 do,
2274.23 which
2275.28 is
2275.45 what
2275.53 we've
2275.61 always
2276.01 done
2276.41 by
2276.72 Jorge,
2276.97 it's
2277.36 about
2277.61 anything
2277.84 new,
2278.24 is
2279.36 they
2279.53 pay
2279.84 for
2280.09 any
2280.49 of
2280.8 their
2280.97 impacts.
2281.28 If
2282.73 you
2282.89 demonstrate
2283.05 an
2283.69 impact,
2284.97 the
2285.29 new
2285.61 host
2285.93 agreements
2286.25 have
2286.65 a
2286.81 much
2286.89 more
2287.05 formalized
2287.29 process
2287.93 but
2288.97 if
2291.47 there's
2291.64 an
2291.95 odor
2292.11 issue,
2292.43 we
2293.72 don't
2293.95 go
2294.2 and
2294.43 pay
2294.59 and
2294.84 change
2294.91 the
2295.24 filters,
2296.43 they
2296.68 do
2296.68 that,
2297.32 that's
2297.55 at
2297.55 their
2297.8 cost.
2298.03 So,
2298.86 there's
2298.94 nothing
2299.18 the
2300.06 town
2300.38 does,
2301.9 the
2302.06 town
2302.06 does
2302.3 not
2302.54 out
2302.78 any
2303.02 cost.
2303.34 So,
2304.22 I
2304.38 think
2304.54 that
2304.78 that
2305.18 sort
2305.26 of
2305.5 needs
2305.66 to
2305.9 be
2306.06 made
2306.14 a
2306.38 little
2306.46 clear.
2307.07 You
2309.3 know,
2309.47 I
2309.55 think
2309.63 there's
2309.86 at
2310.74 least
2310.91 some
2311.14 discussion
2311.63 that
2312.11 perhaps
2312.82 we
2313.39 are
2313.63 incurring
2313.86 the
2314.34 cost
2314.51 and
2314.74 that's
2314.91 not
2315.14 the
2315.3 case.
2316.38 SMITH
2316.38 -
2316.38 That's
2316.38 something
2316.54 we
2316.78 can
2316.86 put
2317.1 in
2317.26 this
2317.42 host
2317.9 agreement?
2319.02 PACHECO
2319.02 -
2319.02 Yes,
2319.66 those
2319.82 are
2319.82 in
2319.9 the
2320.06 existing
2320.22 host
2320.62 agreements
2320.86 now.
2321.5 SMITH
2322.14 -
2322.14 Alright.
2322.14 So,
2322.94 the
2323.1 question
2323.18 here
2323.5 just
2323.66 so
2323.82 people
2323.98 who
2324.3 haven't
2324.62 first
2325.32 of
2325.49 all,
2325.57 can
2325.72 you
2325.97 define
2326.2 the
2326.93 acronym
2327.16 CCC
2327.57 is
2328.13 probably
2328.2 unfamiliar
2328.53 to
2329.16 folks
2329.32 now?
2329.57 PACHECO
2329.57 -
2329.57 Yes,
2329.97 the
2330.13 cannabis
2330.13 control
2330.61 commission.
2332.26 SMITH
2332.26 -
2332.26 And
2332.26 the
2332.5 challenge
2332.66 is
2333.14 when
2333.3 the
2333.7 cannabis
2333.86 companies
2334.34 first
2334.82 started
2335.06 coming
2335.38 into
2335.62 towns,
2335.86 the
2337.78 host
2337.94 agreements
2338.26 were
2338.66 very
2338.9 beneficial
2339.22 to
2339.7 the
2339.78 town.
2340.95 DAWES
2341.71 -
2341.71 They
2341.71 were
2342.16 because
2342.39 there
2342.64 were
2342.8 no
2342.95 rules.
2343.59 PACHECO
2344.16 -
2344.16 I
2348.31 just
2348.39 think
2348.71 the
2348.79 whole
2349.19 thing
2349.43 was
2352.23 really
2352.63 a
2353.11 bit
2353.19 of
2353.43 a
2353.59 scam.
2353.75 I
2356.68 guess
2356.84 my
2357.16 issue
2357.32 is
2357.64 would
2357.96 the
2358.2 town
2358.36 have
2358.61 approved
2358.84 the
2359.24 zoning
2359.41 knowing
2360.61 that
2361.89 the
2363.16 payment
2363.4 that
2363.72 they
2363.88 were
2364.04 going
2364.28 to
2364.52 go
2364.68 back
2364.84 to
2365 the
2365.16 legislature
2365.32 after
2365.96 they
2366.2 got
2366.36 approved
2366.6 and
2367.64 said
2367.88 no.
2368.28 You
2369 know,
2369.08 so
2369.24 now
2369.48 regardless
2370.99 of
2371.32 what
2371.47 you
2371.64 do,
2371.8 the
2372.43 zoning
2372.68 is
2372.99 in
2373.16 place
2373.32 and
2373.72 even
2374.04 if
2374.36 you
2374.52 take
2374.59 it
2374.76 away,
2374.91 it
2375.24 doesn't
2375.39 really
2375.64 change
2375.95 the
2376.76 impact.
2376.99 But
2377.32 I
2377.55 think
2379.28 a
2379.52 lot
2379.76 of
2379.88 people
2380 gave
2380.32 their
2380.56 word
2380.8 that
2381.52 this
2382.08 is
2382.32 what
2382.48 we're
2382.64 going
2382.72 to
2382.96 do
2382.96 and
2383.12 this
2383.2 is
2383.36 what
2383.44 we're
2383.6 going
2383.68 to
2384 pay
2384 the
2384.16 town.
2384.32 And
2384.64 then,
2384.72 a
2386.29 couple
2386.36 years
2386.61 into
2386.84 those
2387.16 approvals
2387.41 and
2387.89 all
2387.97 of
2388.13 a
2388.2 sudden,
2388.29 the
2389.24 bottom
2389.41 line
2389.64 didn't
2389.89 look
2390.2 so
2390.36 good.
2391.64 But
2391.97 I
2392.13 also
2392.29 fault
2393.01 the
2393.24 state
2393.41 because
2393.72 the
2394.24 one
2394.48 thing
2394.56 that
2394.72 the
2395.04 state
2395.2 didn't
2395.52 cut
2395.76 was
2396.08 their
2396.24 20%
2396.48 take
2397.36 on
2397.68 the
2398.48 bottom
2398.56 line.
2398.8 So,
2400 it
2400.16 was
2400.32 very
2400.56 easy
2400.8 to
2401.04 go
2401.2 after
2401.36 community
2401.68 benefit
2402 payments,
2402.48 but
2403.63 they're
2403.78 certainly
2403.95 not
2404.34 sharing
2404.59 in
2405.22 that
2405.39 piece
2405.55 of
2405.78 the
2405.86 revenue
2406.03 either
2406.43 and
2406.66 obviously
2406.82 I'm
2407.47 probably
2407.78 a
2408.18 little
2408.27 biased
2408.59 because
2408.91 I
2409.14 don't
2409.22 have
2409.47 to
2409.63 fund
2409.7 the
2409.95 state
2410.11 departments
2410.43 but
2410.99 I
2412.05 just
2413.33 don't
2413.57 see
2413.73 how
2413.89 you
2414.13 can
2414.21 say,
2414.45 well,
2414.61 your
2414.85 host
2415.01 agreement
2415.33 doesn't
2415.65 matter,
2415.89 but
2416.21 please
2416.37 make
2416.61 sure
2416.77 you're
2416.93 giving
2417.17 us
2417.41 our
2417.57 20%.
2417.73 I
2419.86 mean,
2419.94 that's
2420.66 the
2420.74 one
2420.98 thing
2421.22 Daryl,
2422.11 the
2422.51 lobbyists,
2422.74 have
2423.3 been
2423.55 saying
2423.63 for
2423.94 a
2424.03 long
2424.11 time
2424.34 is
2424.59 that
2424.82 the
2425.55 revenue
2425.7 share
2426.18 from
2427.3 the
2427.62 state
2427.7 to
2428.34 the
2428.66 municipalities
2428.9 has
2429.62 not
2429.78 necessarily
2429.94 been
2430.58 the
2430.82 best.
2430.9 It
2431.86 has
2432.1 gotten
2432.26 better;
2432.58 I
2433.06 think
2433.22 over
2433.7 the
2433.94 years
2434.1 but
2434.26 that's
2434.42 partially
2434.66 because
2435.06 there
2435.3 has
2435.46 been
2435.62 more
2435.78 money.
2437.72 DAWES
2437.72 -
2437.72 What
2437.72 happened
2437.97 was
2438.28 on
2438.68 question
2438.84 four
2439.16 for
2439.48 adult
2439.64 use,
2440.05 the
2441.09 voters
2441.32 voted
2441.89 on
2443.01 that
2443.24 and
2444.22 the
2444.38 fees
2445.02 or
2445.66 taxes
2445.82 that
2446.22 were
2446.46 going
2446.62 to
2446.78 be
2446.94 charged
2447.02 for
2447.26 the
2447.58 sales
2447.98 tax
2448.38 of
2448.62 6.25
2448.86 and
2450.86 a
2451.18 3.75%
2452.62 excise
2453.02 tax,
2454.53 that's
2454.84 what
2454.84 the
2455.09 state
2455.16 was
2455.41 going
2458.13 to
2459.81 charge,
2459.81 passed.
2459.81 And
2459.81 then
2460.05 shortly
2460.13 thereafter,
2460.45 the
2461.16 state
2461.33 treasurer
2461.57 added
2462.13 another
2462.61 7%
2463.5 to
2465.9 the
2466.1 state's
2466.3 excise
2466.7 tax
2467.1 which
2468.78 brought
2469.1 it
2469.34 up
2469.5 to
2469.74 17%.
2469.98 Then
2470.7 because
2471.02 we
2471.34 could
2471.5 do
2471.74 retail
2471.98 sales,
2472.46 the
2473.54 town
2473.78 enacted
2474.18 a
2474.82 retail
2475.93 global
2476.66 excise
2477.06 tax
2477.54 of
2477.78 3%
2477.93 which
2478.89 brings
2479.22 it
2479.45 to
2479.7 20%
2480.18 of
2482.04 these
2482.36 companies.
2485.32 LAMONICA
2485.32 -
2485.32 Are
2485.56 we
2485.64 anticipating
2485.96 the
2486.84 new
2487 agreement
2487.16 won't
2487.48 even
2487.72 allow
2487.88 us
2488.12 to
2488.36 have
2488.44 the
2488.68 excise
2488.92 tax?
2489.66 PACHECO
2489.66 -
2489.66 No,
2490.55 it
2490.78 won't
2490.78 allow
2491.03 the
2491.18 community
2491.34 benefit
2491.74 payments.
2492.78 LAMONICA
2492.78 -
2492.78 But
2492.78 we
2492.95 could
2493.11 still
2493.34 impose
2493.82 the
2494.14 excise
2494.22 tax?
2494.86 PACHECO
2494.86 -
2494.86 On
2494.86 the
2494.95 retail
2495.11 side.
2495.98 DAWES
2495.98 -
2495.98 But
2496.55 nobody
2499.04 could
2499.36 really
2499.76 identify
2501.36 what
2502.16 the
2502.4 impact
2502.64 was,
2505.6 because
2505.92 I
2505.92 called
2506.08 the
2506.32 statehouse,
2506.4 and
2506.88 I
2507.12 talked
2507.2 to
2507.44 people
2507.6 there,
2509.47 and
2509.72 I'd
2509.72 give
2509.88 them
2510.11 examples
2510.36 of,
2510.84 well,
2510.99 that
2511.32 all
2511.55 depends.
2511.8 Do
2512.2 you
2512.43 need
2512.51 to
2512.76 do
2512.84 that
2512.99 because
2513.23 that
2513.64 business
2513.8 isn't?
2514.11 Well,
2514.51 you
2515.47 know,
2515.64 that's
2516.36 subjective,
2517.59 so
2517.83 everything's
2517.83 been
2518.31 subjective.
2518.55 So,
2519.75 what
2519.99 we
2520.23 did
2520.39 with
2520.71 the
2520.95 original
2521.35 medical
2521.99 cannabis
2522.55 facility
2523.11 was,
2524.76 they
2525.16 said,
2525.49 how
2525.8 can
2526.05 we
2526.2 help
2526.36 towards
2527.89 education?
2528.28 I
2529.72 said,
2529.8 well,
2529.97 it'd
2530.2 be
2530.36 nice
2530.53 to
2530.84 have
2530.93 some
2531.89 type
2532.13 of
2532.28 donation
2534.59 from
2535.23 the
2535.55 facility
2538.27 to
2539.07 help
2539.31 that.
2539.47 And
2539.63 then
2539.79 we
2539.87 got
2540.43 a
2540.67 sliding
2540.92 scale
2541.27 side
2541.43 at
2541.66 10
2541.82 and
2542.22 wound
2542.39 up
2542.7 at
2542.86 25,
2544.07 and
2544.31 that's
2544.31 how
2544.47 we
2544.7 funded
2544.86 Georgetown
2545.27 Cares
2545.82 was
2546.55 through
2546.79 that,
2547.27 and
2547.43 that
2547.43 was
2547.59 for
2547.82 substance
2549.71 use
2550.03 and
2550.27 abuse
2550.43 education
2550.83 services.
2552.67 We
2552.67 signed
2552.91 up
2553.23 with
2554.91 the
2555.07 Pettengill
2555.23 House
2555.87 and
2556.75 got
2556.83 a
2557.07 new
2557.15 curriculum
2557.31 for
2557.87 the
2558.03 schools
2559.26 on
2559.74 substance
2560.22 abuse
2565.51 and
2565.74 East
2565.74 Coast
2565.98 Asset
2566.3 Builders,
2568.07 got
2568.23 with
2568.23 them.
2568.47 There
2569.35 were
2569.67 a
2569.75 couple
2569.83 other
2570.15 substance
2571.67 abuse
2572.15 facilities
2572.55 that
2573.11 we
2573.91 were
2574.15 able
2574.31 to
2574.55 contact
2574.79 and
2575.27 get
2576.08 in
2576.24 touch
2576.32 with,
2576.72 and
2577.04 we
2577.04 helped
2577.2 out
2577.43 the
2577.6 GCC
2577.76 and
2578.47 told
2579.36 them
2579.6 they
2579.76 needed
2579.91 to
2580.24 have
2581.2 that
2581.52 type
2581.68 of
2581.91 programming
2582.08 for
2583.28 them.
2583.43 So,
2583.99 now
2584.24 there
2587.09 are
2587.33 some
2587.49 things
2587.73 that
2587.97 we
2588.21 can
2588.29 put
2588.53 in,
2588.61 future
2589.49 host
2589.89 agreement,
2590.13 impact
2590.69 like
2591.09 traffic
2591.33 studies
2591.73 or
2592.13 environmental
2593.33 impact,
2595.14 everybody's
2595.55 concerned
2595.55 about
2596.03 water.
2596.26 On
2596.82 the
2597.07 CCC
2597.3 website,
2598.51 there
2599.95 is
2600.18 a
2600.34 section
2600.51 on
2600.98 water
2601.93 conservation,
2603.21 but
2603.53 it's
2603.53 advice
2603.85 for
2604.25 the
2604.41 businesses.
2604.65 So,
2606.09 there's
2606.57 a
2606.89 ton
2606.97 of
2607.21 information.
2608.81 PACHECO
2608.81 -
2608.81 They
2608.81 have
2608.81 certain
2608.97 design
2609.29 standards,
2609.77 though
2610.3 in
2610.53 the
2610.78 statute
2610.93 that
2611.49 the
2612.45 facilities
2613.66 have
2614.21 to
2614.45 meet,
2616.3 so
2616.45 that's
2616.61 where
2616.78 a
2616.89 lot
2617.01 of
2617.17 that
2617.34 water
2617.49 conservation
2617.82 comes
2618.61 from.
2620.59 DAWES
2620.59 -
2620.59 As
2620.59 far
2620.83 as
2620.99 anything
2621.15 else,
2621.39 if
2621.63 you
2621.79 say
2621.87 you're
2622.27 going
2622.51 to
2622.67 charge
2622.75 an
2623.07 impact,
2623.15 you
2624.51 can't
2624.75 charge
2625.07 more
2625.31 than
2625.47 3%,
2625.63 but
2626.11 you
2626.35 can't
2626.43 put
2626.67 a
2626.91 dollar
2626.99 figure
2627.39 in,
2629.05 and
2629.13 then
2629.13 you
2629.29 have
2629.45 to
2629.61 basically
2631.36 spend
2632.01 the
2632.32 money
2632.49 and
2633.53 you
2634.24 submit
2634.41 an
2634.8 invoice
2634.97 to
2635.36 them
2635.53 and
2636.24 then
2636.48 you
2637.04 do
2637.2 the
2637.44 deed.
2637.84 LAMONICA
2637.84 -
2637.84 But
2637.84 just
2637.92 to
2638.16 be
2638.32 clear
2638.4 so
2638.64 the
2638.88 residents
2639.04 understand,
2639.52 there's
2640.4 going
2640.72 to
2641.04 be
2641.04 no
2641.2 monetary
2641.44 benefit
2643.47 to
2643.8 the
2643.95 town,
2644.03 just
2644.43 quality
2644.76 of
2645.16 life,
2645.72 stuff
2645.95 we
2645.95 can
2646.11 ask
2646.28 for
2646.43 in
2646.59 the
2646.76 host
2646.84 agreement?
2648.28 PACHECO
2648.28 -
2648.28 You
2648.59 got
2648.76 to
2648.99 be
2648.99 careful
2649.07 what
2649.32 you
2649.47 even
2649.64 ask
2649.88 for
2650.03 in
2650.2 the
2650.36 host
2650.52 agreements
2654.59 because
2655.15 none
2655.15 of
2655.39 it's
2655.47 guaranteed.
2655.79 I
2657.07 mean,
2657.15 it's
2657.39 basically
2657.71 the
2659.92 agreement
2660.09 doesn't
2660.48 do
2660.89 much
2661.05 except,
2661.53 say,
2662.57 they
2663.61 will
2663.76 pay
2664.01 for
2664.24 the
2664.4 impacts
2664.57 if
2665.05 you
2665.2 document
2665.36 them,
2666.09 that's
2666.64 really
2666.64 what
2666.96 this
2667.13 comes
2667.36 down
2667.61 to.
2667.84 If
2668.76 we
2668.81 document
2668.87 them
2668.92 and
2669.64 we
2669.8 can
2669.96 show
2670.04 them,
2670.28 then,
2670.52 you
2671.32 know,
2671.56 they'll
2671.8 pay
2672.04 for
2672.2 them.
2672.36 This
2674.84 has
2675 already
2675.16 stopped,
2675.48 by
2675.8 the
2675.96 way,
2676.2 they've
2676.44 already
2676.44 stopped
2676.92 paying,
2677.64 there's
2678.04 no
2678.04 general
2678.74 fund
2679.07 money
2679.46 moving
2680.42 forward.
2680.74 If
2681.78 we
2681.94 document
2682.18 something
2682.66 and
2683.55 we
2683.78 give
2683.86 them
2684.03 the
2684.26 opportunity
2684.42 to
2684.98 cure,
2685.14 they'll
2685.46 do
2685.7 it,
2685.78 or
2687.05 they're
2687.29 supposed
2687.93 to,
2688.65 but
2689.53 beyond
2689.53 that.
2692.25 SMITH
2692.25 -
2692.25 The
2692.25 reason,
2692.41 I
2693.05 put
2693.21 this
2693.37 on
2693.53 the
2693.61 agenda
2693.69 was
2694.09 there's
2694.25 some
2694.41 confusion
2694.65 because
2695.05 when
2695.53 we
2695.61 first
2695.77 started
2696.32 getting
2696.64 cannabis
2697.05 companies
2697.45 opening,
2697.77 it
2698.57 was
2698.64 like
2698.89 these
2699.05 huge
2699.53 host
2699.84 agreements
2700.09 with
2700.49 all
2700.64 these
2700.81 people.
2701.05 LAMONICA
2701.05 -
2701.05 Well,
2701.05 like
2701.2 Orlando
2701.36 said,
2701.77 they
2702.01 kind
2702.41 of
2702.72 enticed
2702.72 you
2703.05 with
2703.2 that,
2703.77 and
2704.01 then
2704.01 it's
2705.38 like,
2706.1 never
2706.18 mind,
2706.18 we
2706.18 were
2706.18 joking.
2707.14 SMITH
2707.14 -
2707.14 Right.
2707.14 Now
2707.38 we're
2707.54 not
2707.62 clear
2707.78 what
2708.02 does
2708.1 the
2708.26 host
2708.34 agreement
2708.58 now
2708.98 mean
2709.22 with
2709.78 these
2710.02 companies.
2710.58 PACHECO
2710.58 -
2710.58 So,
2710.58 I
2710.74 mean
2710.82 beyond
2711.06 when
2711.38 the
2711.54 casinos
2711.7 are
2712.18 first
2712.42 looking
2712.66 for
2712.9 places
2713.06 to
2713.46 go,
2713.62 I
2714.1 mean,
2714.38 there
2714.54 was
2714.61 never
2714.7 a
2715.02 frenzy
2715.18 over
2715.66 host
2715.89 agreements
2716.3 like
2716.78 that.
2717.02 So,
2722.08 well,
2722.32 we've
2722.64 got
2723.44 to
2723.68 have
2723.68 an
2723.84 assessment
2724 which
2724.4 they
2724.56 would
2724.72 pay
2724.96 for.
2725.2 If
2726.24 we
2726.56 pay
2726.8 to
2727.2 correct
2727.44 it,
2727.76 we
2727.92 have
2728.16 to
2728.32 invoice
2728.48 them,
2730 I
2730.16 believe
2730.24 it's
2731.14 within
2731.3 60
2731.78 days,
2732.26 and
2733.46 the
2733.7 total
2733.86 impact
2734.34 cannot
2734.82 exceed
2735.14 3%
2735.63 of
2736.18 their
2736.34 gross
2736.66 annual
2736.98 revenue.
2737.3 Not
2741.86 necessarily.
2742.1 If
2742.74 that
2742.98 mean
2743.06 they
2743.3 have
2743.46 the
2743.62 right
2743.7 to
2743.86 object
2744.02 and
2744.66 the
2744.9 CCC
2745.14 would
2745.78 be
2746.02 the
2746.18 arbitrator.
2746.34 But
2749.64 if
2749.8 there's
2749.96 a
2750.13 documented,
2750.93 like,
2751.64 traffic
2751.97 issue,
2752.36 we
2754.93 would
2755.09 have
2755.24 enough
2755.41 data
2755.72 probably
2756.12 just
2756.28 from
2756.44 MVPC
2756.68 to
2757.32 be
2757.56 able
2757.72 to
2757.88 prove
2758.76 that
2759 case.
2759.24 I
2759.56 mean,
2759.64 I'm
2759.96 not
2760.12 saying
2760.2 we
2760.44 do,
2760.6 but
2764.04 the
2764.28 big
2764.36 issue
2764.52 seems
2764.84 to
2765.08 be
2765.24 odor.
2766.36 LAMONICA
2769.57 -
2769.57 Unfortunately,
2769.57 in
2770.2 that
2770.36 area,
2770.53 at
2771.33 least
2771.49 for
2771.64 Mission,
2771.81 it
2772.29 mostly
2772.53 impacts
2772.93 Raleigh
2773.33 than
2773.81 it
2774.05 does
2774.29 Georgetown.
2775.25 It's
2775.57 not
2775.89 a
2776.01 lot
2776.13 of
2776.37 residents.
2776.93 PACHECO
2776.93 -
2776.93 I'm
2776.93 noticing
2777.25 on
2777.97 a
2778.21 good
2778.29 day
2778.53 that
2778.77 smell
2779.25 does
2779.57 drift.
2780.13 LAMONICA
2780.13 -
2780.13 If
2780.69 you're
2780.77 driving
2781.01 on
2781.49 the
2781.73 road,
2781.81 it
2782.13 definitely
2782.53 carries,
2782.93 but
2783.25 I'm
2783.41 saying
2783.57 the
2783.81 rally
2784.55 being
2784.79 right
2785.11 there,
2785.35 they
2785.51 get
2785.74 the
2785.99 blunt
2786.14 of
2786.63 it.
2786.95 PACHECO
2786.95 -
2786.95 The
2787.18 one
2787.59 thing
2787.83 I
2787.99 did
2788.07 look
2788.22 into,
2788.47 there
2788.63 was
2788.63 an
2788.79 accident
2788.95 a
2791.51 year
2791.66 or
2791.91 two
2791.99 ago.
2792.22 I
2793.02 think
2793.18 they
2793.34 might
2793.5 have
2793.74 actually
2793.82 even
2794.06 been
2794.3 a
2794.46 fatality
2794.54 there,
2795.02 but
2795.9 it
2796.14 was
2796.22 not
2796.38 related
2796.62 to
2797.98 mission
2798.3 at
2798.7 all.
2798.78 It's
2800.62 just
2800.86 sometimes
2801.1 because
2802.72 that's
2802.96 the
2803.2 closest
2803.36 facility
2803.76 to
2804.24 the
2804.32 highway,
2805.36 that
2805.53 is
2805.53 the
2805.76 address
2806.09 that
2806.48 gets
2806.64 pinpointed
2806.89 in
2807.44 the
2807.61 system.
2807.76 But
2808.48 in
2812.23 that
2812.39 MV0
2813.03 that
2814.39 I
2814.71 presented
2814.95 to
2815.35 the
2815.43 board
2815.51 a
2815.63 couple
2815.75 weeks
2815.99 ago,
2816.31 that
2818.15 actually
2818.47 showed
2818.79 that
2819.11 was
2819.27 one
2819.43 of
2819.59 the
2819.67 fatalities
2819.91 because
2821.84 there
2822.16 have
2822.56 been
2822.8 four
2822.95 in
2823.36 Georgetown
2823.52 over
2823.99 the
2824.24 last
2824.32 five
2824.47 years.
2824.8 Daryle,
2832.14 I
2832.62 go
2832.7 back
2832.86 to
2833.1 what
2834.22 the
2834.7 taxpayers
2834.94 approved
2838.18 going
2838.43 back
2838.66 and
2838.82 looking
2838.99 at
2839.22 the
2839.39 history,
2839.47 they
2840.43 approved,
2840.82 if
2841.86 you
2842.03 look
2842.11 at
2842.34 the
2842.51 discussion,
2842.59 that
2843.07 there
2843.22 was
2843.39 enough
2844.18 monetary
2844.66 benefit
2845.3 to
2846.14 engage
2846.19 in
2846.25 this,
2848.14 and
2848.3 now
2848.3 that
2848.46 monetary
2848.7 benefit
2849.18 is
2849.5 going
2849.74 away,
2849.98 I
2851.02 just
2851.26 feel
2851.58 like
2851.82 it's
2852.94 a
2853.1 little
2853.18 unfair.
2853.5 But
2854.82 the
2855.55 goal
2855.78 post
2856.03 got
2856.34 moved.
2856.59 I
2861.94 will
2862.11 say
2862.42 there
2862.59 is
2862.82 a
2862.98 certain
2863.14 level
2863.46 of
2863.78 reinvestment,
2867.9 it
2868.14 is
2868.3 commercial
2868.54 property
2869.74 tax,
2870.22 so
2870.54 it
2870.7 is
2870.78 some
2871.77 tax-based
2872.41 diversification.
2876.89 LAMONICA
2876.89 -
2876.89 So,
2876.89 it'd
2877.53 be
2877.77 different
2877.84 if
2878.16 we
2878.32 had
2878.41 a
2879.29 tax
2879.53 rate
2879.84 that
2880.09 was
2881.1 able
2881.34 to
2881.58 tax
2881.82 the
2882.34 partial...
2883.18 PACHECO
2883.18 -
2883.18 Right,
2883.5 you're
2883.74 just
2883.74 adding
2884.46 growth.
2886.62 DAWES
2886.62 -
2886.62 What
2886.62 you
2886.7 get
2886.94 is
2887.34 you
2887.58 get
2887.74 your
2888.06 typical
2888.22 real
2889.58 estate
2889.82 tax
2890.14 and
2891.01 then
2891.16 the
2891.48 personal
2891.57 property
2891.97 tax
2892.45 because
2893.97 the
2894.36 building
2894.45 is
2894.76 being
2895.72 utilized
2895.97 and
2897.32 gains
2897.64 in
2897.97 value.
2898.13 One
2899.85 option
2900.25 we
2900.57 do
2900.81 have,
2901.05 which
2901.93 I
2902.25 don't
2902.33 think
2902.65 it
2902.97 would
2903.05 be
2903.29 a
2903.45 good
2903.53 idea,
2903.69 is
2904.49 that
2904.73 the
2904.97 town
2905.21 can
2905.53 waive
2905.93 host
2906.73 agreement,
2908.48 just
2908.72 have
2908.72 no
2908.97 host
2909.13 agreement.
2909.45 I
2910.01 don't
2910.16 think
2910.41 that's
2910.57 wise
2910.8 for
2911.05 the
2911.28 community.
2911.93 LAMONICA
2911.93 -
2911.93 I
2911.93 don't
2912.01 see
2912.01 how
2912.01 that
2912.01 would
2912.16 benefit
2912.32 the
2912.72 community.
2913.45 PACHECO
2913.45 -
2913.45 Well,
2913.45 I
2913.68 mean,
2913.76 your
2913.93 backstop
2914.8 is
2915.36 you'd
2915.68 have
2916.01 to
2916.09 have
2916.24 some
2916.41 sort
2916.64 of
2916.89 memorandum
2917.69 of
2918.09 understanding
2918.33 or
2918.81 some
2918.97 sort
2919.13 of
2919.29 contract.
2921.69 DAWES
2921.69 -
2921.69 But
2921.69 it's
2921.93 something
2922.09 that
2922.41 the
2922.89 cannabis
2923.37 control
2923.85 commission
2924.33 added
2924.81 or
2925.53 the
2925.61 state
2926.57 statute
2926.97 added
2927.45 that
2928.57 I
2929.45 don't
2929.61 think
2929.77 it's
2930.01 wise,
2930.16 I
2930.57 think
2930.64 we
2930.89 need
2931.05 to
2931.29 have
2931.68 something
2932.01 just
2932.72 in
2932.97 case
2933.13 an
2933.59 impact
2933.83 comes
2934.15 up
2934.39 that
2934.55 we
2934.71 didn't
2934.95 have
2935.11 the
2935.27 thought
2935.35 of.
2937.59 PACHECO
2937.59 -
2937.59 Well,
2937.59 the
2937.83 New
2938.07 Hampshire
2938.31 House,
2938.79 I
2939.91 believe,
2940.07 just
2940.39 approved
2940.63 legislation.
2941.11 I
2941.75 don't
2941.91 think
2942.07 the
2942.23 Senate
2942.39 has,
2942.79 but
2943.03 the
2943.58 New
2943.66 Hampshire
2943.89 House
2945.36 has.
2945.72 LAMONICA
2945.72 -
2945.72 For
2945.72 recreational?
2946.45 PACHECO
2946.45 -
2946.45 Yes,
2948.86 but
2950.75 that
2950.75 sort
2950.99 of
2951.31 gap
2951.47 between
2951.79 Massachusetts
2953.79 and
2954.43 Maine,
2955.39 if
2955.55 that
2955.55 gap
2955.79 gets
2956.03 filled
2956.27 and
2956.99 depending
2957.31 on
2957.63 how
2957.87 that
2958.46 pricing
2958.7 structure
2959.26 is
2959.66 done,
2959.82 you're
2960.78 going
2961.03 to
2961.26 see
2961.26 some
2961.66 folks
2961.82 in
2962.22 Massachusetts
2962.55 get
2963.26 really
2963.43 nervous.
2964.78 HOOVER
2964.78 -
2964.78 There
2970.83 was
2971.47 some
2971.79 money
2972.03 that
2972.35 was
2972.59 provided
2972.83 to
2973.55 and
2973.95 I
2974.19 was
2974.91 looking
2975.15 for
2975.39 my
2975.63 file
2976.24 and
2976.47 I
2976.56 can't
2976.72 find
2977.04 it.
2977.28 There
2977.52 are
2978.32 children
2978.88 after
2978.88 school
2979.2 program
2982.39 where
2982.39 they
2983.69 were
2983.85 providing
2984.17 some
2984.97 funding
2985.37 for
2986.97 that
2987.85 program
2988.97 and
2989.21 then
2989.21 that
2989.85 dried
2991.01 up,
2991.41 that
2992.05 went
2992.29 away
2992.53 when
2992.84 everything
2993.81 changed
2994.29 with
2994.68 the
2994.84 state.
2995.09 I
2996.61 just
2996.77 want
2997.09 to
2997.32 make
2997.32 sure
2998.66 there
2998.9 is
2999.22 no
2999.54 mechanism
2999.86 in
3000.5 place
3000.74 to
3001.62 somehow
3005.41 get
3006.61 some
3007.01 gesture
3007.32 back
3007.97 to
3008.29 this
3008.61 children's
3008.93 program?
3009.57 It's
3011.41 totally
3011.72 nothing
3012.2 we
3012.53 can
3012.61 do
3012.84 about
3013.01 that;
3013.62 I
3013.62 just
3013.7 want
3013.86 to
3014.1 be
3014.1 clear
3014.34 about
3014.66 that.
3015.3 PACHECO
3015.3 -
3015.3 Rob,
3015.3 I
3015.54 think
3015.62 what
3015.78 you're
3016.02 referring
3016.18 to
3016.58 is
3016.74 the
3016.82 $12,500
3017.06 that
3018.66 was
3018.9 directly
3019.14 going
3019.62 to
3019.86 the
3020.02 GYCC,
3022.14 the
3022.3 GYCC
3022.46 has
3023.26 approached
3023.51 them.
3023.9 I
3027.59 think
3027.74 it's
3027.9 important
3028.14 to
3028.46 note
3028.55 the
3028.79 folks
3028.87 we
3029.19 originally
3029.27 dealt
3029.83 with
3030.07 that
3030.31 mission
3030.47 are
3030.79 no
3030.95 longer
3031.11 the
3031.43 same
3031.59 people
3031.83 we
3032.07 deal
3032.23 with
3032.47 now.
3032.71 So,
3034.87 I
3035.67 think
3035.83 the
3036.59 new
3036.84 management
3037.39 which
3038.11 is
3038.28 not
3038.76 quite
3039.07 as
3039.39 localized,
3039.56 just
3041.56 maybe
3041.95 doesn't
3042.2 have
3042.52 the
3042.68 same
3042.76 passion
3043.07 for
3043.47 that.
3044.43 HOOVER
3044.43 -
3044.43 So,
3044.75 my
3045.07 question
3045.39 is
3045.71 there's
3045.95 nothing
3046.43 we
3046.67 can
3046.83 do
3046.99 about
3047.15 that,
3047.55 correct?
3048.91 PACHECO
3048.91 -
3048.91 No,
3049.15 because
3049.47 that's
3049.47 not
3049.71 a
3049.87 direct
3050.03 impact
3050.35 related
3051.15 to
3051.63 the
3052.51 establishment.
3053.86 HOOVER
3053.86 -
3053.86 Then,
3053.86 as
3054.49 far
3054.82 as
3054.97 the
3055.22 direct
3055.38 impact
3055.78 is
3056.41 concerned,
3056.97 I
3058.82 think
3059.14 when
3059.53 do
3059.78 we
3059.93 get
3060.26 to
3060.66 address
3061.45 the
3062.65 issues
3062.73 of
3065.13 water
3065.45 conservation?
3065.85 I
3068.97 don't
3069.13 know
3069.29 if
3069.45 there
3069.53 are
3069.65 any
3069.77 car
3070.17 accident
3070.57 issues
3071.29 that
3071.77 are
3071.93 associated
3072.39 with
3073.04 it
3073.2 now,
3073.36 The
3074.8 smell
3075.04 issue
3075.36 and,
3076.56 the
3078.24 slate
3078.47 issue,
3078.8 but
3079.11 the
3079.43 site
3079.68 lighting
3079.91 there
3080.95 in
3082.09 terms
3082.25 of
3082.65 community
3082.81 impacts.
3083.37 When
3084.65 do
3084.97 we
3085.05 get
3085.37 to
3085.61 address
3085.77 those
3086.25 in
3086.65 this
3086.89 process?
3088.25 PACHECO
3088.25 -
3088.25 Rob,
3088.25 you
3088.49 can
3088.65 actually
3088.89 address
3089.29 all
3089.86 those
3090.17 concerns
3090.41 now
3090.97 because
3092.09 they
3092.49 are
3092.73 currently
3092.97 in
3093.38 front
3093.61 of
3093.78 the
3093.93 planning
3094.09 board
3094.49 renewing
3094.89 their
3095.45 special
3096.57 permit,
3096.97 which
3097.74 is
3097.9 done
3098.14 every
3098.38 five
3098.7 years.
3101.58 HOOVER
3101.58 -
3101.58 Okay.
3101.58 So,
3101.9 I
3102.14 do
3102.3 that,
3103.98 those
3104.62 issues?
3104.62 PACHECO
3104.62 -
3104.62 Well,
3108.47 I
3108.63 don't
3108.78 think
3108.95 there's
3109.11 any
3109.34 car
3109.51 accidents,
3111.27 but
3111.66 certainly
3111.66 water
3112.14 conservation,
3112.47 lighting,
3113.03 those
3115.18 issues
3115.42 are
3115.74 all
3116.54 site
3116.62 plan
3116.86 review
3117.18 topics
3117.58 for.
3122.06 The
3122.22 only
3122.22 reason
3122.38 I
3122.62 know
3122.7 is
3122.86 because
3122.94 we
3123.18 recently
3123.34 looked.
3123.74 We
3124.32 don't
3124.47 have
3124.64 any
3124.8 car
3125.03 accident
3125.36 data
3126.07 attributed
3126.55 to
3127.11 that
3127.28 site,
3130.47 but
3130.64 we
3130.64 do
3130.8 have
3131.03 some
3131.19 concerns.
3131.68 Correct
3137.21 me
3137.53 if
3137.61 I'm
3137.77 wrong,
3140.81 it's
3141.74 133
3142.22 so
3142.7 the
3142.86 state
3143.02 owns
3143.26 the
3143.58 right
3143.66 of
3143.89 way.
3144.06 But
3145.82 I
3145.97 guess
3146.22 Rob
3147.89 what
3148.14 I'm
3148.3 saying
3148.45 is
3148.7 we
3148.93 think
3149.1 there's
3149.34 some
3149.58 sight
3149.74 distance
3150.06 issues
3150.45 coming
3152.58 in
3152.98 and
3153.14 out
3153.3 of
3153.46 that
3153.62 facility
3153.86 just
3154.42 because
3154.74 of
3154.98 the
3155.14 way
3155.3 everything
3155.62 is
3156.1 designed.
3156.34 I
3157.22 just
3157.38 don't
3157.62 know
3157.86 if
3158.1 the
3158.34 town
3158.89 is
3159.22 going
3159.45 to
3159.7 have
3159.7 the
3159.86 ability
3160.02 to
3160.41 rectify
3160.58 that
3161.14 where
3161.93 Mass
3163.61 DOT
3164.34 has
3164.34 sort
3164.66 of
3164.89 the
3165.14 jurisdiction
3166.23 over
3166.95 that
3167.19 entryway.
3167.51 But
3170.15 I
3170.27 think
3170.39 if
3170.63 you
3172.15 go
3172.31 in
3172.55 and
3172.71 out
3172.87 of
3173.03 there
3173.11 and
3173.35 some
3173.59 of
3173.83 our
3173.99 people
3174.31 have,
3174.71 I
3175.64 think,
3175.8 if
3176.84 somebody
3176.99 were
3177.32 going
3177.55 beyond
3180.43 a
3180.76 normal
3180.99 rate
3181.32 of
3181.55 speed,
3181.71 you
3182.49 could
3182.73 see
3182.81 where
3183.21 somebody
3183.53 having
3183.93 to
3184.17 kind
3184.33 of
3184.65 inch
3184.65 out
3184.89 to
3185.77 get
3185.85 a
3186.01 better
3186.17 look
3186.41 at
3186.57 133
3186.81 may
3188.01 have
3189.21 some
3189.37 issues.
3189.61 That's
3190.51 really
3190.76 the
3191.07 only
3191.15 thing
3191.32 we've
3191.55 sort
3191.8 of
3192.03 on
3192.51 a
3192.76 traffic
3192.84 side,
3193.55 I've
3194.19 really
3194.43 noticed.
3195.71 HOOVER
3195.71 -
3195.71 Okay.
3195.71 Has
3195.95 that
3196.28 information
3196.43 been
3196.91 communicated
3197.23 to
3197.71 the
3197.88 planning
3197.95 board?
3198.7 PACHECO
3198.7 -
3198.7 I
3198.7 think
3198.78 they're
3198.86 aware,
3199.5 they're
3199.74 aware
3199.74 of
3199.98 it.
3200.06 I
3201.82 don't
3201.9 know
3202.06 about
3202.22 the
3202.78 lighter
3203.42 water
3204.3 conservation
3204.7 issues
3205.34 because
3205.74 that's
3206.28 usually
3206.61 done
3207.01 at
3207.16 the
3207.24 original
3207.32 point
3207.72 of
3207.96 design.
VOTES BY THE BOARD: Approval of Apparatus Bay Lease Agreement with Erie 4
In a bid to approve a new leasing agreement between the town of Georgetown and Erie 4, Chief Matt McKay of the Georgetown Fire Department, along with the President of Erie ForgeRock Dower, presented the details of the arrangement to the board. Unlike previous agreements that involved leasing a fire engine, this new agreement focuses on leasing two apparatus bays from Erie 4 for the town's new engine. The lease, set at a ten-year term with the possibility of two additional tenured extensions, reflects a shift to accommodate the town's ownership of the new fire apparatus, ensuring continued access and operation from Erie 4's facilities. Additionally, it covers the lodging of some of the town's emergency communication systems at Erie 4 to enhance coverage. The financial terms involve a gradual increase in the lease amount, starting from a lower base about a decade ago. The agreement also unofficially encompasses Erie 4's commitment to equip the new engine with updated tools, including a significant donation of a new combi tool. This arrangement emphasizes the historical and cooperative relationship between the town and Erie 4, which dates back to 1854, reinforcing their mutual interest in maintaining the town's safety and heritage.
3224.18 SMITH
3224.18 -
3224.18 Let's
3224.18 move
3224.34 to
3224.51 votes
3224.66 by
3224.91 the
3225.07 board.
3225.22 Looks
3225.86 like
3226.11 we
3226.34 are
3226.51 being
3228.26 asked
3228.59 to
3228.82 approve
3228.91 apparatus
3233.26 bay
3233.74 lease
3233.98 agreement.
3234.3 Is
3234.62 that
3234.7 why
3234.86 you're
3235.1 here,
3235.26 Chief?
3255.14 MATT
3255.14 MCKAY
3255.14 -
3255.14 FIRE
3255.14 -
3255.14 I
3255.14 have
3256.82 President
3257.3 of
3257.3 Erie
3257.46 ForgeRock
3257.7 Dower
3258.26 here
3258.59 with
3258.82 me
3258.98 this
3259.78 evening.
3260.03 Chief
3260.98 Matt
3261.3 McKay,
3261.86 11
3261.86 junior
3262.11 blind.
3262.51 So,
3270.47 we
3270.71 are
3270.95 looking
3271.19 to
3271.67 get
3273.47 approval
3273.79 of
3274.43 a
3274.66 new
3274.82 agreement
3275.79 between
3276.43 the
3276.82 town
3276.91 of
3277.07 Georgetown
3277.22 and
3278.34 Erie
3278.74 4.
3279.07 I'm
3280.36 representing
3280.68 the
3281.16 town,
3281.32 obviously,
3281.56 rocks
3281.96 here
3282.2 representing
3282.52 Erie.
3283.24 This
3284.68 agreement
3284.92 would
3285.96 be
3287.05 different
3287.3 than
3287.61 the
3287.86 previous
3288.01 agreements
3288.49 and
3288.82 the
3289.05 fact
3289.14 that
3289.45 the
3289.69 last
3289.86 agreements
3290.09 were
3290.57 a
3290.89 lease
3291.05 of
3291.38 a
3291.61 piece
3291.69 of
3291.93 apparatus,
3292.66 so,
3292.82 that
3292.82 was
3292.97 our
3293.14 old
3293.3 engine
3293.45 4
3293.86 at
3294.63 Erie
3294.79 4.
3295.03 This
3296.31 new
3296.55 agreement
3296.79 switches
3297.43 that
3297.91 so
3298.15 it's
3298.31 actually
3298.55 leasing
3298.87 the
3299.27 bays
3299.51 two
3300.31 to
3300.47 be
3300.63 exact
3300.79 from
3301.43 Erie
3301.83 4.
3302.15 Erie
3303.03 4
3303.27 owns
3303.51 the
3303.75 building,
3303.91 owns
3304.53 the
3304.84 base,
3306.2 this
3306.45 would
3306.45 just
3306.68 rotate
3307.24 that
3307.81 same
3307.97 payment
3308.29 schedule
3308.68 into
3310.68 leasing
3311.16 two
3311.81 of
3312.05 the
3312.13 base
3312.29 to
3312.95 allow
3313.11 the
3313.35 town
3313.59 to
3313.83 park
3313.99 the
3314.71 new
3314.87 engine
3315.11 4,
3315.43 which
3315.67 we'll
3315.91 be
3316.15 receiving
3316.39 here
3316.79 in
3317.03 the
3317.11 next
3317.27 month
3317.51 or
3317.75 two,
3319.91 that
3320.07 is
3320.07 the
3320.31 purpose
3320.39 of
3320.79 this
3320.87 agreement.
3321.82 Couple
3323.82 of
3324.22 other
3324.38 notes
3324.61 that
3324.86 I
3324.93 wanted
3325.09 to
3325.34 mention
3325.49 in
3325.82 here.
3325.97 So,
3326.22 in
3327.26 addition
3327.41 to
3327.74 the
3327.89 parking
3328.05 base,
3328.38 the
3328.7 town
3328.86 also
3329.18 has
3329.57 some
3329.99 of
3330.23 our
3330.47 emergency
3330.55 communication
3331.35 systems
3331.83 at
3332.23 Erie
3332.39 4,
3332.63 which
3333.27 allows
3333.51 us
3333.91 to
3334.07 kind
3334.23 of
3334.95 hit
3334.95 multiple
3335.43 points
3335.91 north
3336.47 side
3336.71 of
3336.87 town,
3337.8 and
3338.03 there's
3338.03 a
3338.11 couple
3338.28 other
3338.59 repeaters
3339.32 throughout
3339.72 town,
3340.03 so
3340.28 it
3340.43 gives
3340.59 us
3340.76 good
3340.91 coverage.
3341.16 There's
3342.76 also,
3343.16 other
3344.51 infrastructure
3344.84 that
3345.39 we
3345.55 utilize
3345.72 within
3346.2 town
3346.51 within
3347.04 Erie
3347.36 communication
3347.92 wise,
3348.8 so
3349.6 that
3349.6 covers
3349.76 this.
3350.08 The
3351.68 term
3351.84 of
3352.08 this
3352.16 agreement
3352.4 is
3352.96 back
3353.12 to
3353.36 what
3353.44 the
3353.68 original
3353.84 agreement
3354.32 was,
3354.88 that's
3355.12 10
3355.12 years.
3355.36 The
3355.99 reason
3356.14 we're
3356.63 able
3356.79 to
3357.03 do
3357.11 that
3357.27 and
3357.59 bypass
3357.91 any
3359.27 Chapter
3359.74 30
3359.74 procurement
3360.55 laws
3361.18 or
3363.99 three-year
3364.14 contracts
3364.14 that
3364.63 only
3364.87 the
3365.11 selectmen
3365.57 could
3365.89 sign
3365.97 is,
3366.69 the
3367.49 legislature
3367.73 actually
3368.45 approved
3369.49 the
3369.89 special
3370.05 session
3370.37 law
3370.77 back
3371.01 in
3371.25 2008
3371.49 when
3373.04 the
3373.36 town
3373.43 formed
3373.84 a
3374.16 strong
3374.39 fire
3374.95 chief.
3376.32 It
3376.32 also
3376.72 put
3377.04 into
3377.2 the
3377.43 agreement
3377.59 and
3377.91 I
3378.08 have
3378.16 that
3378.39 here,
3378.56 the
3378.8 session
3378.88 law,
3379.2 so
3379.43 you
3379.52 can
3379.68 read
3379.84 it
3379.99 too.
3380.16 That
3381.1 the
3381.42 town
3381.5 could
3381.82 enter
3382.06 into
3382.38 special
3382.86 agreements
3384.06 with
3384.54 the
3385.02 Erie
3385.34 Fire
3385.66 Company,
3385.82 as
3386.3 well
3386.46 as
3386.62 the
3386.78 Central
3387.02 Fire
3387.42 Company,
3387.66 which
3387.98 has
3390.68 since
3391.01 been
3391.24 disbanded.
3391.57 So,
3392.13 within
3393.72 that,
3394.05 it
3394.2 talks
3394.36 about
3394.61 have
3394.76 being
3395.01 able
3395.16 to
3395.4 have
3395.48 tenured
3395.8 agreements
3396.36 with
3397.64 a
3397.89 succession
3398.05 of
3398.68 two
3399.07 other
3399.31 10-year
3399.79 terms,
3400.03 so
3400.35 essentially
3400.51 30
3400.91 years.
3401.15 So,
3401.55 that's
3401.95 covered
3402.19 in
3402.51 this
3402.59 as
3402.75 well,
3403.07 so
3403.23 this
3403.23 would
3403.39 be
3403.47 a
3403.63 10-year
3403.95 agreement.
3404.11 That's
3407.86 really
3408.09 the
3409.45 gist
3409.61 of
3409.93 it,
3410.01 talks
3410.18 about
3410.41 the
3410.66 availability
3410.82 of
3411.38 access
3411.61 to
3412.18 the
3412.34 station
3412.41 four
3419.12 firefighters
3419.36 and
3419.36 then
3419.36 everything
3419.52 else
3419.84 is
3420.16 just
3420.4 kind
3420.64 of
3420.88 rolled
3420.88 in
3421.12 from
3421.28 the
3421.44 original
3421.6 agreement.
3423.2 PACHECO
3423.2 -
3423.2 So,
3423.36 the
3423.6 only
3423.76 real
3424 difference
3424.24 is
3424.56 instead
3424.8 of
3425.12 ensuring
3425.36 a
3427.2 piece
3427.36 of
3427.6 apparatus
3429.99 on
3430.16 our
3430.39 insurance,
3430.56 we
3431.68 just
3431.84 have
3432.08 to
3432.24 note
3432.32 that
3432.47 we're
3432.64 leasing
3432.8 the
3433.2 bays
3433.36 and
3433.68 we're
3434.39 covered
3436.82 which
3437.06 we'll
3437.06 take
3437.3 care
3437.46 of
3437.62 when
3437.7 we
3437.78 do
3437.94 the
3438.1 renewal
3438.18 later
3438.58 this
3438.9 year.
3440.42 LAMONICA
3440.42 -
3440.42 Why
3442.34 the
3442.58 switch
3443.3 from
3443.54 the
3443.7 apparatus
3443.86 to
3444.34 the
3444.42 base
3444.58 is
3444.82 because
3444.9 the
3445.7 town
3445.86 owns
3446.34 the
3446.58 new
3446.82 apparatus
3447.06 that's
3447.45 coming
3447.61 in?
3448.02 MCKAY
3448.02 -
3448.02 Correct.
3448.02 So
3448.34 historically,
3448.58 Erie
3449.45 4
3449.78 owned
3449.78 the
3449.93 truck.
3450.74 LAMONICA
3450.74 -
3450.74 So
3451.38 now
3451.61 we're
3451.86 going
3452.02 to
3452.18 an
3452.34 owned
3452.49 piece
3452.74 of
3452.97 equipment
3453.14 to
3454.37 leasing
3454.45 the
3455.09 Bay.
3456.61 MCKAY
3456.61 -
3456.61 Correct.
3456.61 The
3456.61 reality
3456.77 is,
3457.17 it's
3458.85 a
3459.17 small
3459.33 financial,
3460.77 the
3460.93 sum
3460.93 is
3461.25 $4,800
3461.65 and
3463.57 change
3463.74 and
3464.06 the
3464.3 agreement
3464.45 is
3464.7 2,5%
3465.26 a
3465.49 year
3466.61 and
3466.7 that
3466.7 was
3466.86 started
3467.34 back
3467.82 around
3468.78 $3,000
3469.02 about
3469.97 10,
3470.3 12
3470.61 years
3470.93 ago.
3471.09 So,
3471.34 it's
3472.52 a
3472.68 very
3472.84 small
3473.08 financial,
3473.32 but
3474.52 it's
3474.76 something
3475.48 that
3475.88 kind
3476.52 of
3476.84 keeps
3476.84 the
3477.24 agreement
3477.4 going
3477.8 and,
3478.12 my
3480.28 opinion,
3480.36 the
3480.84 town
3480.91 and
3481.24 Erie
3481.55 are
3482.11 on
3482.91 good
3482.91 terms.
3484.99 JOE
3484.99 WALKO
3484.99 -
3484.99 ERIE
3485.32 FIRE
3485.47 -
3485.47 Yes,
3485.47 we
3485.47 have
3485.47 a
3485.64 lot
3485.72 of
3485.88 equipment,
3488.41 the
3488.81 Erie
3489.29 will
3490.01 equip
3490.33 the
3490.65 truck.
3490.89 What
3491.37 we
3491.61 had
3491.77 on
3491.93 our
3492.09 old
3492.25 truck
3492.49 that
3492.73 we
3492.89 got
3493.05 rid
3493.29 of,
3493.45 we
3493.77 have.
3494.01 So,
3494.72 when
3494.95 a
3495.36 new
3495.43 truck
3495.6 comes
3495.84 in,
3496.08 we'll
3496.39 put
3496.64 all
3496.8 the
3496.95 equipment
3497.04 back.
3497.43 As
3497.76 a
3497.91 matter
3497.99 of
3498.12 fact,
3498.24 at
3498.56 our
3498.72 last
3498.88 meeting,
3499.11 we
3499.99 voted,
3500.16 like,
3501.92 $15,000
3502.24 for
3503.92 a
3504.72 new,
3504.88 combi
3505.68 tool,
3506 which
3506.32 is
3506.56 a
3506.8 rescue
3507.04 tool,
3507.44 combination
3507.68 spreaders
3508.24 and
3508.64 cutters.
3508.8 Now
3509.99 like
3510.24 the
3510.39 jaws,
3510.47 so,
3510.88 we
3511.52 voted
3511.76 that
3512.07 to
3512.32 put
3512.39 on
3512.47 the
3512.64 new
3512.72 truck.
3512.88 We
3513.11 also
3513.28 voted
3513.43 to
3513.76 put
3513.91 a
3514.07 new,
3514.24 deck
3515.2 gun
3515.43 on
3515.68 the
3515.76 top,
3515.91 which
3516.16 is
3516.32 a
3516.47 big
3516.56 nozzle,
3516.88 and,
3518.03 everything
3519.23 else.
3519.55 So,
3520.27 we
3520.43 will
3520.59 keep
3520.75 the
3520.91 equipment
3521.07 up
3521.39 to
3521.47 date.
3521.71 LAMONICA
3521.71 -
3521.71 Is
3521.71 that
3521.87 all
3521.95 part
3522.11 of
3522.27 the
3522.35 agreement
3522.43 that
3523.15 the
3523.31 equipment
3523.55 will
3523.95 be
3524.19 or
3524.35 is
3524.59 that
3524.67 a
3524.91 handshake?
3525.59 MCKAY
3525.59 -
3525.59 That's
3525.59 a
3525.82 more
3525.9 of
3525.98 a
3526.14 handshake
3526.38 agreement.
3526.7 The
3527.74 association
3527.9 is
3528.46 going
3528.63 to
3528.86 do
3528.86 much
3529.03 with
3529.34 the
3529.51 equipment
3529.59 outside
3530.14 of
3530.46 being
3530.63 able
3530.86 to
3531.03 put
3531.11 it
3531.26 on
3531.34 a
3531.51 fire
3531.59 truck.
3531.98 LAMONICA
3531.98 -
3531.98 But
3531.98 I
3532.22 don't
3532.3 foresee
3532.63 an
3533.03 issue
3533.18 with
3533.74 the
3534.31 challenge
3534.55 saying,
3534.87 okay,
3535.19 we
3535.35 want
3535.51 our
3535.75 equipment
3535.91 back.
3536.63 MCKAY
3536.63 -
3536.63 I
3536.63 don't
3536.79 see
3536.95 an
3537.19 issue
3537.27 with
3537.51 that.
3537.83 WALKO
3537.83 -
3537.83 No,
3538.07 before
3538.39 even
3538.87 when
3539.59 we
3539.75 own
3539.91 the
3540.15 truck,
3540.31 once
3541.11 the
3541.35 bell
3542.55 hits
3542.79 the
3543.64 fire
3543.8 chief,
3543.97 whoever
3544.36 it
3544.61 is,
3544.77 is
3544.93 in
3545.01 charge,
3545.49 he's
3545.72 in
3545.72 charge
3545.8 of
3546.13 our
3546.2 equipment.
3546.36 A
3547.16 lot
3547.24 of
3547.41 times,
3547.49 they
3547.64 used
3547.8 to
3548.05 take
3548.13 engine
3548.61 4
3549.01 up
3549.57 to
3549.72 central
3549.89 to
3551.99 cover
3552.31 if
3552.55 one
3552.79 of
3554.07 the
3554.15 major
3554.31 trucks
3554.55 that
3554.87 they
3554.95 had
3555.03 had
3555.35 to
3555.43 get
3556.39 some
3556.71 work
3556.87 done
3557.11 on
3557.35 it
3557.51 or
3557.67 something
3557.75 like
3558.07 that.
3558.23 Chief
3566.8 Mitchell
3569.94 was
3570.26 always
3570.42 on
3570.66 my
3570.82 case,
3571.22 when
3571.46 are
3571.54 you
3571.62 going
3571.7 to
3571.94 get
3571.94 a
3572.02 new
3572.1 truck?
3572.26 I
3572.66 say,
3572.82 when
3573.06 we
3573.22 can
3573.38 afford
3573.54 one.
3573.86 Actually,
3574.26 it
3575.3 was
3575.46 top
3575.7 notch,
3577.66 Covid
3578.07 killed
3578.07 us.
3578.3 We
3578.86 lost
3579.03 a
3579.34 lot
3579.43 of
3579.66 money
3580.22 on
3580.55 that,
3580.63 having
3581.18 the
3582.86 benefits
3583.11 and
3583.59 stuff
3583.74 like
3583.99 that.
3584.14 I
3584.99 actually
3585.23 put
3585.63 a
3585.79 bid
3585.87 on
3586.03 a
3586.19 truck
3586.27 out
3586.51 in
3586.59 Iowa
3586.83 for
3587.15 $95,000
3589.39 but
3589.87 we
3589.87 got
3590.11 outbid
3590.27 and
3590.75 it
3590.83 went
3590.91 for,
3591.07 I
3591.31 think,
3591.39 $110,000
3591.79 to
3592.93 a
3593.09 local
3593.24 fire
3594.84 company
3595.16 out
3595.57 there
3595.72 in
3595.97 Iowa,
3596.68 and
3596.93 I
3596.93 understand
3597.01 that
3597.48 thing
3598.28 and
3598.68 it
3598.93 would
3599.24 have
3599.41 been
3599.57 a
3599.64 great
3599.72 deal
3599.97 for
3600.28 us,
3600.36 but
3600.61 it
3601.53 was
3601.69 still
3601.85 going
3601.93 to
3602.17 cost
3602.17 us,
3602.41 like,
3602.57 $5,000
3602.73 just
3603.69 to
3603.85 get
3604.01 it
3604.09 out
3604.17 here
3604.33 and
3604.49 have
3604.57 it.
3605.21 MCKAY
3605.21 -
3605.21 And
3605.21 to
3605.29 your
3605.45 point,
3605.53 Daryle,
3605.77 you
3605.93 know,
3606.09 some
3606.25 of
3606.49 the
3606.57 equipment
3606.73 that's
3607.21 outfitted
3607.53 on
3607.93 there
3608.09 isn't
3608.33 the
3608.65 essential
3609.13 pieces
3609.61 that
3610.3 are
3610.47 owned
3610.55 by
3610.86 Erie
3611.03 4.
3611.34 So,
3614.95 SCBAs
3615.34 and
3616.14 hose,
3616.39 for
3617.11 example,
3617.34 thermal
3617.66 those
3619.29 are
3619.61 things
3619.69 that
3619.93 are
3620.01 owned
3620.09 by
3620.33 the
3620.49 town.
3620.65 So,
3621.13 those
3621.29 are
3621.45 things
3621.53 that
3621.77 will
3622.01 go
3622.17 back
3622.25 on
3622.49 the
3622.89 truck.
3623.05 The
3624.17 other
3624.33 equipment
3624.81 is,
3625.61 things
3626.25 that
3626.55 we
3626.72 certainly
3626.8 utilize,
3627.59 don't
3627.84 get
3627.84 me
3627.99 wrong,
3629.59 but
3629.99 the
3629.99 financial
3630.24 investment
3630.72 isn't
3631.11 as
3631.43 high
3631.52 for
3631.76 some
3631.91 of
3631.99 the
3632.07 pieces
3632.24 of
3632.72 equipment.
3633.76 The
3634.63 combi
3635.51 tool
3636.95 is
3636.95 very
3636.95 generous
3637.27 donation
3637.67 from
3639.35 Erie
3639.59 4
3639.59 to
3639.83 be
3639.91 able
3640.07 to
3640.39 put
3640.63 that
3640.79 on
3641.03 the
3641.11 truck,
3641.27 because
3641.91 that
3642.15 is
3642.31 a
3642.47 truck
3642.63 that
3642.86 will
3642.95 go
3643.18 out
3643.34 on
3643.51 the
3643.59 highway.
3643.99 One
3644.11 of
3644.11 the
3644.22 nice
3644.31 things
3644.55 about
3644.86 that
3645.11 station
3645.34 is
3645.66 it
3645.91 can
3645.99 go
3646.14 up
3646.95 through
3647.03 Byfield
3647.27 and
3647.66 come
3647.83 Southbound.
3648.07 Whereas
3648.79 if
3649.62 we're
3649.7 coming
3649.86 out
3650.02 of
3650.18 central
3650.42 station,
3650.74 we
3651.06 go
3651.22 out
3651.38 to
3651.62 the
3651.7 highway,
3651.86 have
3652.18 to
3652.34 go
3652.5 all
3652.66 the
3652.74 way
3652.82 up
3652.98 to
3653.14 Byfield
3653.38 Central
3653.86 Street
3654.26 to
3655.14 come
3655.38 back
3655.54 down
3655.62 on
3655.78 the
3655.94 Southbound
3656.1 side.
3656.74 There's
3659.27 a
3660.07 a
3660.39 great
3660.47 relationship,
3661.43 it's
3661.66 a
3661.66 historical
3661.91 relationship,
3663.74 coming
3664.07 up
3664.07 on
3664.22 175
3664.63 years
3665.34 pretty
3665.66 soon.
3665.99 So,
3666.8 I
3666.88 think
3667.12 those
3667.44 are
3667.68 the
3667.76 things
3667.92 that,
3668.24 if
3669.68 we
3669.84 can
3670 maintain
3670.4 the
3670.8 fabric
3671.04 of
3671.44 this
3671.52 town
3671.76 with
3672.08 certain
3672.48 relationships
3672.96 like
3673.52 that,
3673.6 I
3673.92 think
3674.24 it's
3674.4 only
3674.56 a
3674.88 benefit
3674.96 to
3675.95 the
3676.2 department,
3676.36 and
3676.91 the
3677.16 community.
3677.72 WALKO
3677.72 -
3677.72 As
3677.95 far
3678.04 as
3678.28 we're
3678.6 concerned,
3678.84 we're
3679.32 the
3679.47 oldest
3679.64 fire
3681.24 company
3681.56 that's
3682.91 contracted
3683.32 to
3683.95 a
3684.11 town
3684.2 in
3685.75 the
3685.83 country.
3685.91 1854,
3686.63 I
3687.75 believe,
3688.15 wasn't
3688.39 it?
3688.63 MCKAY
3688.63 -
3688.63 Correct.
3688.95 WALKO
3690.95 -
3690.95 I
3690.95 wasn't
3691.11 there,
3692.55 this
3693.52 is
3693.52 what
3693.59 I
3693.84 heard.
3694.47 There
3695.11 was
3695.36 one
3695.84 town
3696.24 in
3696.24 Texas
3696.47 that
3696.95 claimed
3697.11 they
3697.84 were
3697.99 older
3699.04 and
3699.43 Texas
3699.59 wasn't
3699.99 even
3700.32 a
3700.47 state
3700.64 at
3700.8 that
3700.8 time.
3703.9 It's
3703.9 been
3704.06 a
3704.22 good
3704.3 relationship;
3704.62 I've
3705.5 been
3705.74 Chief
3705.98 for
3706.22 a
3706.3 couple
3706.38 of
3706.62 years
3706.7 now
3707.5 as
3707.58 President.
3734.19 DAWES
3734.19 -
3734.19 Madam
3735.15 Chair,
3735.55 I
3735.55 move
3735.77 that
3736.01 the
3736.25 board
3736.89 approves
3737.53 the
3737.93 lease
3738.17 agreement
3738.49 between
3739.13 Erie
3740.33 Fire
3740.57 Association
3740.97 number
3741.93 4
3742.25 Inc
3743.29 and
3743.53 the
3743.53 town
3743.69 of
3743.93 Georgetown
3744.17 to
3745.43 expire
3745.66 on
3746.63 30th
3746.95 June
3747.43 2034.
3755.63 SELECT
3755.63 BOARD
3755.63 -
3755.63 Alright.
3755.63 Thank
MINUTES & WARRANTS: Approval of meeting minutes from January 8, 2024
In this segment, Smith addresses the matter of approving the minutes from the January meeting. Initially, Smith seems to realize that they had intended to include the minutes in the current discussion but quickly decides it's acceptable to postpone this approval. Smith suggests moving the approval of the January meeting minutes to the next meeting, emphasizing the need to double-check the details at that time.
3917.44 SMITH
3917.44 -
3917.44 Now
3917.44 I
3917.61 thought,
3917.76 we
3919.21 have
3919.29 the
3919.53 minutes
3919.69 in
3920.01 here.
3969.72 SMITH
3969.72 -
3969.72 Right.
3969.72 That's
3969.89 fine.
3970.13 So
3970.36 we,
3970.53 was
3970.93 on
3971.16 the
3971.24 yeah.
3971.64 We'll
3971.88 just
3972.04 move
3972.12 that
3972.36 to
3972.52 the
3972.6 next
3972.68 meeting.
3973 The
3973.32 approval
3973.56 of
3973.96 the
3974.12 meeting
3974.28 minutes
3974.84 for
3975.32 January.
3976.04 The
3977.72 next
3977.88 week
3978.12 double
3978.52 check.
3978.84 This
3979.16 Yeah.
TOWN ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: Migration to Office 365
Pacheco provided an update on the Office 365 migration, stating it will begin in full on Thursday, March 14, and conclude by Monday, March 18. Smith expressed experiencing issues with accessing mail on the desktop, to which Pacheco assured that preliminary preparations were underway. Concerns were raised about potential changes to email and system settings, but Pacheco clarified that significant changes like domain adjustments wouldn't be necessary, though the appearance of Outlook might change slightly. Discussions also touched on the implementation of two-factor authentication, driven by cybersecurity needs and insurance mandates, with an acknowledgment of possible initial hurdles. Training necessity was questioned, with Pacheco suggesting it might not be extensive except for current email issues, emphasizing that the migration process is designed to be smooth and should not significantly disrupt daily operations.
3984.01 PACHECO
3984.01 -
3984.01 So,
3984.41 madam
3986.33 chair,
3986.72 you
3986.72 actually
3986.89 requested
3987.36 an
3987.84 update
3988.01 for
3988.24 the
3988.49 Office
3988.86 365
3989.82 migration.
3990.06 So,
3991.66 the
3991.82 full
3991.98 migration
3992.22 will
3992.86 start
3993.1 Thursday,
3993.34 March
3993.82 14th,
3994.94 that's
3995.18 not
3995.18 to
3995.34 say
3995.5 that
3995.66 things
3996.14 aren't
3996.46 happening
3996.7 behind
3997.34 the
3997.74 scenes.
3998.46 SMITH
3998.46 -
3998.46 I
3998.46 was
3998.53 wondering
3998.86 about
3999.01 that
3999.26 because
3999.41 I
4001.49 can
4001.66 use
4001.82 my
4002.14 mail
4002.38 on
4002.61 my
4002.78 phone,
4002.93 but
4003.17 I
4003.41 can't
4003.49 use
4003.73 it
4003.89 on
4004.05 my
4004.21 desktop,
4006.57 I
4007.05 will
4007.21 file
4007.45 a
4007.69 ticket,
4007.77 but
4008.09 I
4008.25 was
4008.33 wondering
4008.49 if
4008.81 they
4008.97 had
4009.05 already
4009.21 started.
4010.17 PACHECO
4010.17 -
4010.17 They
4010.89 started
4011.85 prepping
4012.17 everything
4012.57 to
4013.05 get
4013.21 it
4013.37 ready.
4013.45 So,
4013.77 what
4013.93 they're
4014.09 going
4014.17 to
4014.49 do
4014.49 is
4014.57 Thursday
4014.73 14th
4015.29 through
4016.07 Monday
4016.32 18th.
4016.71 That's
4018.47 when
4018.8 the
4018.95 full
4019.11 migration
4019.28 will
4019.84 take
4019.99 place,
4020.16 and
4020.95 they'll
4021.11 be
4021.36 here
4021.51 on-site,
4021.91 because
4023.36 generally,
4023.76 there
4024.23 are
4024.39 some
4024.55 kinks
4024.8 that
4025.11 usually
4025.76 get
4026.08 worked
4026.48 out.
4027.12 LAMONICA
4027.12 -
4027.12 We're
4027.44 going
4027.68 to
4027.92 have
4027.92 to
4028.64 change
4028.8 something
4029.2 on
4029.52 our
4029.68 end,
4029.84 on
4030 our
4030.16 phones
4030.32 and
4030.64 the
4030.8 computers?
4031.84 PACHECO
4031.84 -
4031.84 No,
4031.84 I
4032 think
4032.16 Outlook
4032.4 will
4032.72 look
4032.88 a
4033.04 little
4033.12 different
4033.36 though.
4034.33 LAMONICA
4034.33 -
4034.33 Well,
4034.33 we
4034.64 won't
4034.89 have
4035.2 to
4035.53 change
4036.41 how
4036.72 we
4036.97 got
4037.2 domain
4037.45 and
4037.77 all
4037.85 that
4038.01 stuff.
4038.97 PACHECO
4038.97 -
4038.97 No.
4039.05 SMITH
4039.05 -
4039.05 But
4039.05 I
4039.13 thought
4040.09 that
4040.41 Red
4040.64 said
4040.81 we'd
4040.97 be
4041.13 using
4041.29 two
4041.53 factor
4041.68 authentication
4042.01 and
4042.57 we'll
4042.72 be
4042.89 using
4043.09 to
4045.41 log
4045.41 in?
4048.45 HOOVER
4048.45 -
4048.45 It's
4048.45 going
4048.61 to
4048.93 be
4048.93 a
4049.17 nightmare.
4051.89 PACHECO
4051.89 -
4051.89 The
4053.49 two
4053.81 factors
4053.81 really
4054.29 that's
4055.57 coming
4055.81 from,
4057.72 it's
4058.04 a
4058.04 cyber
4058.29 security
4061.36 issue
4061.36 but
4061.36 the
4061.36 insurance
4061.52 companies
4061.84 are
4062.24 really
4062.56 pushing
4062.8 it
4063.12 too.
4063.28 I
4067.13 do
4067.16 expect
4067.33 there
4067.64 to
4067.89 be
4067.97 some
4068.13 kinks
4068.29 to
4068.53 be
4068.61 worked
4068.77 out
4069.01 like
4069.24 there
4069.41 are
4069.57 with
4069.64 any
4069.81 of
4069.97 these
4070.05 issues,
4070.29 but
4070.68 I
4071.24 think
4071.41 you'll
4071.81 find
4072.13 it'll
4072.36 all
4072.93 go
4073.09 by
4073.24 very
4073.41 quickly.
4074.13 SMITH
4074.13 -
4074.13 And
4074.13 how
4074.29 about
4074.45 training?
4076.14 PACHECO
4076.14 -
4076.14 I
4076.14 think
4076.3 they're
4076.78 planning,
4077.82 I'm
4078.06 not
4079.42 sure
4079.74 what
4079.98 they
4080.22 plan
4080.46 to
4080.62 do
4080.78 about
4081.02 training
4081.26 because
4081.66 I
4082.62 don't
4082.78 know
4083.02 if
4083.18 we'll
4083.34 need
4083.58 it
4083.82 other
4084.34 than
4084.49 if
4084.61 you're
4084.73 already
4084.97 having
4085.38 problem
4085.61 with
4085.93 the
4086.09 email,
4086.89 you
4087.13 should
4087.13 probably
4087.21 have
4087.53 training
4087.69 now
4091.38 because
4091.69 the
4091.69 migration
4091.78 to
4092.26 365
4092.49 won't
4093.13 really
4093.3 impact
4093.61 us
4095.04 on
4095.2 a
4095.36 day-to-day
4095.84 basis
4096.16 unless
4096.56 something
4097.36 just
4097.68 wasn't
4097.92 transitioned
4098.8 over.
4099.52 So,
4100.64 we're
4100.8 going
4101.04 through
4101.28 all
4101.44 the
4101.68 emails
4102.24 now
4102.72 and
4102.96 just
4103.12 making
4103.39 sure
4103.7 that
4103.86 any
4104.43 of
4105.06 them
4105.14 that
4105.3 should
4105.47 have
4105.63 been
4105.7 disconnected
4106.51 are
4109.78 done
4110.02 and
4110.02 all
4110.02 that
4110.18 stuff.
4110.34 So,
4110.59 that
4110.74 when
4110.98 they
4111.22 load
4112.74 all
4112.98 that
4113.14 up
4113.3 to
4113.46 the
4113.54 cloud,
4113.94 that's
4114.18 all
4114.42 included
4114.66 in
4115.14 there.
4115.3 But
4117.74 yes,
4118.18 Thursday
4118.66 evening
4119.3 right
4120.82 through
4120.98 Monday
4121.23 morning.
TOWN ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: Middle High School Electrification Study
In a recent public hearing, discussions revolved around a building electrification study, highlighting options for making municipal buildings more energy-efficient and moving towards carbon neutrality. One option includes installing air to air VRF and RTU heat pumps, with an estimated cost offset by a potential $1,400,000 utility rebate from National Grid, leading to a net cost of approximately $1,311,000. Other mentioned possibilities were geothermal systems and replacing boilers, with costs and benefits analyzed for each. The conversation also touched on the financial mechanisms behind utility rebates, emphasizing that these funds essentially come from the consumers, not the utilities, and debated the financial viability and long-term benefits of electrification versus traditional gas. Skepticism was voiced regarding the pace of technological advancements and their impact on such investments. The next steps include engaging with the school department and the Department of Energy Resources (DOER) to explore additional funding avenues, with National Grid showing support due to its corporate responsibility initiatives tied to climate adaptation. Concerns about infrastructure transitions and the rapid obsolescence of technologies like heat pumps were also discussed, along with the broader challenges of shifting from gas to electrification in the context of existing investments and municipal planning.
4125.63 So,
4125.63 a
4125.74 couple
4125.86 of
4126.19 meetings
4126.82 ago,
4127.15 I
4127.55 told
4130.17 the
4130.41 board
4130.49 about
4130.73 the
4132.33 building
4132.41 electrification
4132.81 study
4133.53 we
4133.85 were
4134.01 looking
4134.17 at
4134.41 as
4134.57 part
4134.81 of
4134.97 a
4135.05 special
4135.21 program
4135.61 that
4136.81 National
4137.13 Grid
4137.53 offers.
4137.85 The
4140.22 reason
4140.3 why
4140.53 we're
4140.78 looking
4140.94 at
4141.26 electrification
4141.49 is
4142.38 because
4142.61 the
4143.57 incentives
4143.82 for
4144.3 electrification
4144.61 come
4145.41 from
4145.66 the
4145.9 gas
4146.14 side.
4146.45 So,
4148.05 yes,
4148.37 we
4148.45 have
4148.61 a
4148.73 municipal
4148.85 light
4149.33 department,
4149.49 but
4149.89 we
4150.05 have
4150.13 National
4151.49 Grid
4151.65 gas,
4151.65 so
4151.65 we
4151.65 are
4151.81 eligible
4151.97 for
4152.45 this
4152.61 money
4152.85 for
4153.17 the
4153.33 study.
4153.49 So,
4154.93 I
4155.09 presented
4155.25 the
4155.73 board
4155.81 a
4156.05 draft
4156.21 study
4156.53 probably
4157.66 a
4157.91 month
4157.99 or
4158.23 two
4158.39 ago.
4158.55 This
4160.06 is
4160.31 the
4160.47 complete
4161.1 study,
4161.9 and
4162.3 I
4162.3 think
4162.55 the
4162.86 real
4165.06 difference
4165.38 you
4165.78 see
4165.94 here
4166.1 is
4166.34 in
4167.3 the
4167.46 executive
4167.62 summary,
4168.18 there's
4168.58 real
4168.98 pricing,
4169.3 because
4170.82 we
4171.14 didn't
4171.38 have
4172.1 potential
4173.53 rebate
4174.01 cost.
4175.38 So,
4175.53 if
4175.53 you
4175.69 look
4175.85 at
4176.01 option
4176.26 one,
4177.53 air
4177.77 to
4178.01 air
4178.18 VRF
4178.49 and
4178.9 RTU
4179.14 heat
4179.61 pumps,
4179.77 basically,
4180.26 ductless
4181.38 mini
4181.7 splits
4182.1 everywhere.
4182.42 So,
4197.04 if
4197.2 you
4197.32 look
4197.44 at,
4197.68 you
4197.92 know,
4198.08 what
4198.24 you
4198.4 saw
4198.56 in
4198.8 the
4198.96 draft
4199.12 was
4199.52 a
4199.68 cost
4199.84 of
4200.08 $2,726,897.
4204.65 The
4204.65 opinion
4204.89 of
4205.13 probable
4205.36 cost
4205.76 hasn't
4206.01 changed,
4206.32 but
4207.2 now
4207.44 we
4208.56 have
4208.73 an
4208.89 estimated
4209.05 potential
4209.52 utility
4210.01 rebate,
4210.48 which
4210.89 is
4211.05 $1,400,000.
4213.08 So,
4213.16 that
4213.16 brings
4213.32 your
4213.48 net
4213.72 cost
4213.96 to
4214.2 $1,311,000,000.
4218.2 You
4218.36 have
4218.36 other
4219.4 central
4220.2 air
4220.68 to
4220.84 water
4220.92 heat
4221.24 pump
4221.48 is
4221.8 an
4222.04 option,
4223.63 distributed
4224.19 ground
4224.19 source
4224.43 heat
4224.66 pumps,
4224.9 geothermal
4225.3 that
4226.66 comes
4226.9 with
4227.15 a
4228.02 massive
4228.26 $15,000,000
4228.66 price
4229.63 tag.
4230.43 Probably
4231.23 not
4231.79 something
4232.11 we
4232.35 would
4232.51 pursue
4234.51 or
4234.75 we
4234.91 could
4235.07 just
4235.15 buy
4235.63 new
4235.87 boilers.
4236.11 So,
4238.35 this
4238.59 is
4238.75 all
4238.83 part
4239.07 of
4239.31 just
4239.39 a
4240.34 deep
4240.49 dive
4240.81 looking
4241.14 into
4242.26 carbon
4242.57 neutrality
4242.98 for
4243.61 the
4243.77 building
4243.94 and
4244.81 just
4244.9 getting
4245.3 more
4245.61 energy
4245.94 efficient
4246.26 and
4246.66 just
4246.81 trying
4246.98 to
4247.22 control
4247.38 cost.
4248.1 -
4248.1 Just
4248.1 to
4248.34 be
4248.57 clear,
4249.23 so
4249.55 National
4250.91 Grid
4251.39 is
4251.79 going
4251.87 to
4252.19 offer
4252.19 a
4252.51 rebate
4252.59 for
4253.47 services
4254.11 they're
4254.75 not
4254.99 providing?
4256.44 PACHECO
4256.44 -
4256.44 Yes.
4257.24 LAMONICA
4257.24 -
4257.24 Okay.
4257.24 Good
4258.68 thing
4258.84 I
4259.07 don't
4259.24 go
4259.56 in
4259.64 stock
4259.8 in
4260.03 National
4260.6 Grid.
4261.48 PACHECO
4261.48 -
4261.48 You'd
4261.48 be
4261.64 a
4261.8 rich
4261.88 man
4262.11 if
4262.28 you
4262.44 did.
4262.52 So,
4265.64 it's
4266.1 not
4269.14 really
4269.3 relevant
4269.62 to
4270.02 this,
4270.18 Daryle,
4270.5 but
4270.9 I
4271.14 don't
4271.46 think
4271.7 people
4271.94 understand
4272.34 how
4273.64 the
4273.88 utilities
4274.11 work.
4274.76 So,
4275.8 there's
4276.03 this
4276.27 thing
4276.44 called
4276.68 decoupling,
4278.76 and
4278.99 so
4278.99 basically,
4279.23 the
4280.71 utilities
4280.95 are
4281.35 guaranteed
4281.59 at
4281.99 10%
4282.07 rate
4282.55 of
4282.79 return
4282.95 no
4284.55 matter
4284.71 what.
4284.95 So,
4285.91 buy
4286.15 all
4286.39 the
4286.55 stock
4286.63 you
4286.95 can
4287.11 because
4287.43 they're
4287.67 not
4287.9 losing
4288.06 money.
4289.02 LAMONICA
4289.02 -
4289.02 But
4289.18 there's
4289.65 no
4289.98 monetary
4290.3 benefit
4290.85 with
4291.49 this.
4292.22 PACHECO
4292.22 -
4292.22 Well
4292.22 first
4292.53 of
4292.69 all,
4292.77 you're
4292.85 assuming
4293.18 that
4293.49 this
4293.73 is
4293.98 utilities
4294.14 money,
4295.49 it's
4295.73 not.
4295.73 It's
4295.98 your
4296.22 money.
4296.45 You
4297.75 pay
4297.91 a
4298.03 gas
4298.15 bill,
4305.49 there's
4305.73 a
4305.73 energy
4306.3 efficiency
4306.77 charge
4307.26 within
4307.81 that
4308.14 gas
4308.45 bill
4308.77 that
4309.26 goes
4309.41 into
4309.57 this
4309.81 massive
4310.14 pot
4310.61 of
4310.85 money
4311.01 and
4311.81 that's
4312.05 where
4312.3 that
4312.45 $1,400,000
4312.77 comes
4313.73 from.
4313.98 So,
4317.93 I
4318.33 always
4318.49 just
4318.65 try
4319.61 to
4319.77 use
4319.93 that
4320.09 to
4320.41 educate
4320.57 people
4320.97 when
4321.29 they
4321.37 think,
4321.53 like,
4321.77 the
4322.01 utility
4322.17 is
4322.57 doing
4322.73 them
4322.89 a
4323.13 favor,
4324.24 they're
4324.49 not,
4324.49 they're
4324.49 just
4324.49 giving
4324.73 you
4324.97 back
4325.05 your
4325.28 own
4325.45 money.
4326.73 LAMONICA
4328.81 -
4328.81 That
4328.97 1.3
4329.28 that
4330.57 would
4330.73 come
4330.97 out
4331.13 of
4331.28 the
4331.36 town's
4331.53 expense,
4333.31 that
4333.63 would
4333.87 just
4334.11 be
4334.27 an
4334.51 investment
4334.75 in
4336.51 being
4336.67 carbon
4336.99 neutral.
4337.39 Like,
4337.87 there's
4338.03 no
4338.27 return.
4339.31 PACHECO
4339.31 -
4339.31 Well,
4339.31 I
4339.55 think
4339.71 the
4340.51 return
4340.67 is
4341.23 the
4342.4 future
4342.56 reduction
4342.97 in
4343.44 energy
4343.84 expense.
4344.4 So
4344.8 one,
4344.97 the
4345.93 cost
4346.09 of
4346.4 gas
4346.56 versus
4346.89 the
4347.28 cost
4347.36 of
4347.52 electricity
4347.76 over
4348.24 the
4348.48 life
4348.65 cycle
4348.89 is
4349.76 substantially
4349.93 less.
4350.56 But,
4351.22 yes,
4351.46 just
4351.62 this
4351.94 number
4352.18 on
4352.5 the
4352.74 surface
4352.82 would
4353.78 not
4354.02 be
4354.26 enough
4354.5 to
4356.5 make
4356.66 that
4356.9 move.
4357.14 But
4357.54 there's
4357.86 other
4358.69 money
4358.85 out
4359.26 there
4359.41 that
4359.57 we
4359.81 haven't
4359.98 really
4360.3 looked
4360.53 at
4360.77 yet.
4361.02 There
4364.22 are
4364.45 all
4364.45 sorts
4364.61 of
4364.85 decarbonization
4365.18 grants
4366.16 that
4366.88 we
4367.12 haven't
4367.28 really
4367.52 looked
4367.68 at.
4367.92 This
4368.8 has
4369.04 actually
4369.2 been
4369.44 one
4369.6 of
4369.68 the
4369.84 projects
4370 I've
4370.32 talked
4370.56 to
4370.72 congressman
4370.88 Moulton
4371.44 about
4371.84 federal
4373.04 earmarks.
4377.2 -
4377.2 I
4377.2 mean
4377.36 I'm
4377.52 just
4377.6 saying
4377.76 that
4378.01 it
4378.24 would
4378.48 have
4378.56 to
4378.73 be
4379.05 some
4379.2 considerable
4379.44 like
4380.48 grants
4383.32 and
4383.64 stuff
4383.8 because
4384.12 again,
4384.44 we're
4384.76 going
4385.24 to
4385.48 be
4385.48 talking
4385.56 about
4385.96 overrides
4386.2 and
4386.6 I
4386.84 don't
4386.92 know
4387.24 how
4387.28 to
4387.28 do
4387.28 the
4387.28 boilers.
4387.28 PACHECO
4387.28 -
4387.28 We
4387.28 have
4387.32 estimated
4387.32 just
4387.32 to
4387.32 do
4388.68 the
4388.92 boilers
4389.64 alone,
4392.99 it's
4393.78 $350,000.
4393.78 So,
4393.78 that
4393.78 gives
4394.02 you
4394.27 the
4394.35 baseline,
4395.31 here's
4395.63 where
4395.63 I'm
4395.78 at.
4395.95 A
4396.35 new
4396.51 boiler
4396.74 would
4397.15 be
4397.31 more
4397.47 efficient
4397.63 than
4398.02 the
4398.19 existing
4398.35 boilers.
4398.82 So,
4401.98 if
4402.06 you've
4402.3 got
4402.54 to
4402.78 buy
4402.86 new
4403.02 boilers
4403.18 and
4403.58 they're
4403.74 more
4403.9 efficient,
4404.14 you
4404.94 have
4405.18 to
4405.34 factor
4405.66 that
4405.98 into
4406.22 the
4406.46 equation
4406.62 of
4407.02 do
4407.18 you
4407.26 take
4407.34 the
4407.66 deep
4407.82 dive
4408.06 and
4408.3 then
4409.9 analyzing
4410.15 the
4410.7 life
4410.86 cycle
4411.19 of
4411.51 how
4411.66 long
4411.82 we
4412.06 think
4412.7 many
4413.43 splits
4413.66 will
4413.98 last
4415.9 and
4416.15 we
4416.3 don't
4416.39 know
4416.63 the
4417.94 gamble
4418.1 you
4418.5 take
4418.58 is
4418.74 you
4418.9 don't
4418.98 know
4419.14 what's
4419.22 going
4419.38 to
4419.54 happen
4419.54 to
4419.78 electrical.
4421.94 LAMONICA
4421.94 -
4421.94 The
4421.94 school
4422.5 gets
4422.74 the
4422.98 electricity
4423.38 from
4423.94 the
4424.34 Georgetown.
4426.85 PACHECO
4426.85 -
4426.85 Yes.
4426.85 So,
4427.09 anyway
4427.09 at
4427.56 least
4427.73 you've
4427.97 got
4428.2 a
4428.45 kind
4428.52 of
4428.77 a
4428.93 complete
4429.01 picture
4429.49 now
4429.89 obviously,
4432.23 unless
4432.87 somebody
4433.11 were
4433.51 to
4433.67 do
4433.75 you
4433.91 a
4434.39 massive
4434.47 favor,
4435.11 you
4435.99 know,
4436.07 we're
4436.15 not
4436.39 going
4436.47 to
4436.63 dump
4436.63 $15,000,000
4436.87 into
4437.99 a
4438.39 geothermal
4438.55 system
4439.19 even
4439.95 if
4440.74 it
4440.91 paid
4441.06 itself
4441.31 on
4441.63 just
4441.78 coming
4441.95 up
4442.19 with
4442.35 that
4442.43 kind
4442.82 of
4442.99 money
4443.15 would
4443.47 be
4444.82 problematic.
4446.27 SMITH
4446.27 -
4446.27 So
4446.27 what
4446.51 are
4446.59 the
4446.66 next
4446.82 steps
4446.99 on
4447.23 this?
4448.88 PACHECO
4448.88 -
4448.88 I
4448.88 mean,
4448.96 I've
4449.2 shared
4449.36 it
4449.6 with
4449.68 the
4449.76 school
4449.84 department,
4450.16 and
4452.56 I've
4452.72 shared
4452.96 it
4453.12 with
4453.28 DOER
4453.44 and
4454.88 just
4455.04 trying
4455.36 to
4455.6 get
4455.68 a
4455.84 working
4456 group
4456.24 together
4456.48 to
4456.96 sort
4457.12 of
4457.36 look
4457.52 at
4458.06 what
4458.23 other
4458.39 funding
4458.7 is
4459.19 available.
4459.34 But
4461.43 I
4461.74 will
4462.23 tell
4462.39 you,
4462.55 National
4462.7 Grid
4463.02 has
4463.26 been
4463.34 very
4463.51 supportive
4463.74 because
4464.86 to
4465.19 a
4465.34 certain
4465.43 extent
4465.74 that
4466.47 company's
4467.05 corporate
4467.45 responsibility
4468.17 is
4469.13 somewhat
4469.29 related
4469.69 to
4470.09 climate
4470.57 adaptation
4471.13 as
4471.69 well.
4472.97 LAMONICA
4472.97 -
4472.97 I
4472.97 get
4473.13 that.
4473.37 I
4475.85 mean
4476.01 the
4476.16 problem
4476.24 is
4476.49 that
4476.73 the
4476.89 technology
4477.05 changes
4477.53 so
4477.93 much.
4478.09 Like
4478.24 I
4478.41 said,
4478.49 me
4478.81 personally
4478.97 I
4479.36 got
4479.45 a
4479.69 heat
4479.77 pump
4480.01 eight
4480.49 years
4480.73 ago
4480.89 and
4481.36 it's
4481.6 almost
4481.85 already
4482.32 obsolete
4482.73 as
4483.43 far
4483.67 as
4483.83 its
4484.03 efficiency.
4484.23 So,
4485.27 like
4485.51 heat
4485.75 pumps
4485.99 sound
4486.71 great
4486.95 but
4487.27 what
4488.55 a
4488.87 heat
4488.95 pump
4489.11 could
4489.59 do
4489.75 today
4489.99 is
4490.31 totally
4490.47 drastic
4490.87 of
4491.27 what
4491.35 a
4491.47 heat
4491.59 pump
4491.75 could
4491.99 do
4492.07 eight
4492.39 years
4492.55 ago.
4493.15 PACHECO
4493.15 -
4493.15 Well,
4493.15 that's
4494.1 funny
4494.34 because
4494.59 I
4494.74 was
4494.9 on
4494.98 the
4495.15 phone,
4495.31 I
4495.63 was
4495.86 talking
4496.66 with
4496.98 Mike
4497.23 Anderson,
4497.39 the
4498.59 school
4498.74 facilities
4498.98 director
4499.47 and
4499.78 the
4499.86 folks
4499.94 from
4500.19 National
4500.43 Grid
4500.66 and
4500.98 I
4501.15 said,
4501.23 you
4501.39 know,
4501.55 one
4502.02 of
4502.18 the
4502.34 problems
4502.42 you
4503.7 have
4503.86 is
4504.1 selling
4504.34 projects
4505.14 like
4505.54 this
4505.7 for
4505.86 that
4506.1 reason.
4506.26 You
4507.62 know,
4509.11 it
4509.27 was
4509.44 just
4509.68 a
4509.91 few
4509.99 years
4510.16 ago
4510.48 people
4510.64 were
4510.95 talking
4511.11 about
4511.44 going
4511.6 from
4511.84 oil
4512.07 to
4512.31 gas,
4512.56 and
4513.11 now
4513.35 we've
4513.44 already
4513.76 abandoned
4514.95 gas,
4516.48 so
4516.72 you've
4516.88 got
4517.11 all
4517.27 these
4517.52 people
4517.68 who
4517.99 made
4518.23 that
4518.4 transition
4518.83 and
4519.71 have
4519.87 all
4520.03 this
4520.19 new
4520.35 infrastructure
4520.59 in
4521.47 their
4521.71 homes
4521.87 and
4522.11 their
4522.27 businesses,
4523.39 they're
4523.55 not
4523.55 going
4523.79 to
4524.03 just
4524.03 jump
4524.27 to
4524.51 electrification,
4525.31 they
4525.55 still
4525.55 got
4525.79 to
4526.11 depreciate
4526.11 those
4526.59 assets
4526.91 over
4527.31 time.
4528.36 LAMONICA
4528.36 -
4528.36 I
4528.69 know
4529.16 Revere
4529.16 forced
4529.16 residents
4529.56 to
4530.05 have
4530.2 gas
4530.36 lines
4530.6 into
4530.85 their
4531.09 houses
4531.24 to
4531.81 kind
4532.69 of
4533.01 entice
4533.56 them
4533.89 to
4534.05 get
4534.2 rid
4534.28 of
4534.45 their
4534.52 oil
4534.69 tank,
4535.97 so
4536.25 every
4536.25 building
4536.49 had
4536.73 to
4536.89 get
4537.05 a
4537.21 gas
4537.29 line,
4537.93 that
4538.17 was
4538.17 just
4538.33 five
4538.49 years
4538.65 ago.
4539.05 PACHECO
4539.05 -
4539.05 Yes,
4539.21 so
4539.29 you
4539.29 got
4539.37 all
4539.53 those
4539.69 new
4539.85 gas
4540.17 boilers
4540.49 now.
4541.45 SMITH
4541.45 -
4541.45 There
4542.01 was
4542.09 a
4542.89 company
4543.05 looking
4543.45 at
4543.69 using
4544.26 that
4544.57 gas
4544.82 infrastructure
4545.3 for
4546.49 the
4546.74 geothermal
4550.34 pumps,
4550.49 there
4550.49 was
4550.66 a
4550.9 test
4551.38 down
4551.61 in
4551.85 Boston,
4552.02 I
4552.57 think.
4552.66 Anyway,
4553.53 it
4553.85 was
4553.93 the
4554.41 differential
4555.29 above
4555.85 the
4556.17 heat
4556.33 the
4556.65 geothermal
4556.81 ground.
4558.09 PACHECO
4558.09 -
4558.09 They're
4558.65 end
4558.89 up
4559.13 using
4559.37 some
4559.85 of
4560.01 that.
4560.55 I
4560.7 mean,
4560.78 I
4560.86 don't
4560.94 feel
4561.19 bad
4561.43 for
4561.59 the
4561.74 gas
4561.82 company,
4562.94 they'll
4563.59 end
4563.66 up
4563.82 making
4566.78 money
4567.1 just
4567.59 battery
4568.44 storage
4568.68 and
4569.24 things
4569.48 of
4569.8 that
4569.88 nature.
4570.12 Like
4572.28 I
4572.44 said,
4572.6 their
4572.92 return
4573.96 is
4574.36 guaranteed.
TOWN ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: Public Safety Building Update
The initial phases of a public safety building feasibility study are underway, with the chosen site being a vacant lot next to the current campus. Both police and fire chiefs have completed and returned a detailed questionnaire from the architect, while wetland flagging has begun with Park Corp as the subcontractor. Further field survey work is scheduled for the week of March 24th to provide a clearer site layout, crucial for advancing the project. Funding for this phase has been allocated, but additional funds will be sought at the town meeting to complete the feasibility study. The next phase involves design, anticipated to cost around 10% of construction cost, with architects providing a rough cost estimation. The design will account for the expected growth of the town and emergency services, aiming to address current deficiencies and future needs over a projected 50-year lifecycle. Discussions are ongoing about a Bill to create a building authority for public safety buildings, though its success in the current session remains uncertain. Questions were also raised about the contour survey's specifics and the basis for the design fee percentage, highlighting a standard in the industry but acknowledging variability.
4579.01 moving
4579.24 forward
4579.56 quietly,
4579.97 but
4580.52 progressing
4581.24 with
4581.73 the
4581.97 sort
4582.6 of
4582.85 initial
4583.09 phases
4583.41 of
4583.81 the
4583.97 public
4584.13 safety
4584.52 building
4584.93 feasibility
4585.32 study.
4585.97 You
4587.95 know,
4588.11 both
4588.27 chiefs
4588.59 were
4588.91 sent
4589.15 a
4589.39 large
4589.55 questionnaire
4589.87 from
4590.51 the
4590.75 architect,
4590.99 which
4591.47 they
4591.95 have
4592.11 answered
4592.35 and
4592.75 sent
4592.83 back.
4593.07 The
4594.19 wetland
4594.43 flagging
4594.91 has
4595.39 just
4595.55 started
4595.79 now,
4596.19 I
4596.73 believe
4596.9 they
4597.01 were
4597.14 here
4597.38 today.
4597.69 Park
4598.9 Corp
4599.14 is
4599.45 doing
4599.53 that
4599.77 as
4600.01 the
4600.26 subcontractor
4600.9 to
4601.61 the
4601.77 architects.
4603.05 LAMONICA
4603.05 -
4603.05 I'm
4603.05 sorry,
4603.69 where's
4603.93 the
4603.93 site
4604.09 for
4604.41 that?
4605.45 PACHECO
4605.45 -
4605.45 That
4605.45 would
4605.69 be
4606.65 this
4606.81 campus
4606.97 here.
4607.77 LAMONICA
4607.77 -
4607.77 So
4607.77 where
4608.09 it
4608.33 is?
4609.13 PACHECO
4609.13 -
4609.13 No,
4609.13 it's
4609.45 the
4609.77 lot
4609.93 next
4610.17 to
4610.41 it.
4611.21 LAMONICA
4611.21 -
4611.21 The
4611.37 vacant
4611.53 lot
4611.85 in
4612.17 front
4612.25 of
4612.41 it.
4613.09 PACHECO
4613.09 -
4613.09 That's
4613.81 at
4614.14 least
4614.22 where
4614.45 we're
4614.61 focusing
4614.77 the
4615.18 feasibility
4615.9 on
4616.53 which
4616.77 is
4617.01 why
4617.34 the
4617.57 town
4617.73 purchased
4618.22 the
4618.69 property.
4618.85 There'll
4622.42 be
4622.66 field
4622.82 survey
4623.14 work,
4623.78 so,
4624.02 the
4624.02 actual
4624.1 surveyors
4624.42 will
4624.98 be
4625.14 out,
4625.3 the
4625.94 week
4626.02 of
4626.18 March
4626.34 24th.
4626.66 I
4627.94 think
4628.1 giving
4628.42 everybody
4629.46 a
4629.94 better
4630.1 layout
4630.58 of
4631.06 the
4631.52 site,
4631.77 I
4632.56 think
4632.73 will
4633.05 help
4633.36 us
4633.6 progress
4633.84 the
4634.32 project
4635.05 more.
4636.09 LAMONICA
4636.09 -
4636.09 Is
4636.09 this
4636.24 all
4636.4 coming
4636.56 out
4636.8 of
4636.97 the
4637.05 funding
4637.13 that's
4637.44 already
4637.69 been
4637.93 allocated
4638.09 to
4638.56 us?
4638.65 PACHECO
4638.65 -
4638.65 That's
4638.65 correct.
4638.8 I
4640.12 mean,
4640.2 we'll
4640.44 need
4640.76 a
4641 little
4641.08 bit
4641.24 more
4641.48 at
4641.72 town
4641.88 meeting
4642.12 this
4642.44 year
4642.6 to
4643 see
4644.2 the
4644.36 full
4644.44 feasibility
4644.68 through.
4645.32 But
4647.08 then
4648.18 the
4648.41 following
4648.49 year,
4648.98 I
4649.22 think
4649.3 some
4649.53 decisions
4649.7 need
4650.18 to
4650.41 get
4650.49 made
4650.66 about
4650.98 if
4654.49 the
4654.66 site
4654.81 works
4655.14 going
4656.02 into
4656.74 design
4657.06 that
4657.46 will
4657.7 take
4657.86 a
4658.1 year,
4660.9 so
4661.06 I
4661.3 think
4661.38 the
4661.62 board
4661.7 is
4662.02 going
4662.26 to
4662.42 need
4662.42 to
4662.58 discuss
4662.74 timeline.
4664.82 LAMONICA
4664.82 -
4664.82 That
4664.82 is
4664.82 going
4664.82 to
4664.82 be
4664.82 a
4664.82 considerable
4664.82 chunk
4664.82 of
4664.82 change
4664.9 for
4665.28 just
4665.53 the
4665.69 design
4665.77 phase,
4666.24 right?
4667.2 PACHECO
4667.2 -
4667.2 Yes,
4667.36 I
4667.6 mean,
4667.69 I
4667.85 would
4667.93 think
4668.16 design
4668.41 will
4668.73 be
4668.97 10%
4669.05 or
4669.53 around
4669.77 10%
4670.01 of
4670.41 construction
4670.56 cost.
4671.05 So,
4671.69 we'll
4673.12 have
4673.44 a
4673.68 cost
4673.84 estimation,
4674.24 at
4674.88 least
4675.04 a
4675.52 rough
4675.76 cost
4676 estimation
4676.32 from
4677.04 the
4677.6 architects
4677.84 when
4678.24 we
4678.4 get
4678.48 to
4678.72 that
4678.8 point.
4680.7 -
4680.7 And
4680.7 they're
4680.86 projecting
4680.94 growth
4681.51 obviously
4681.82 with
4682.23 this
4682.39 building?
4684.94 So
4685.34 the
4685.34 life
4685.59 cycle
4685.82 of
4686.15 the
4686.23 building
4686.47 is
4687.34 going
4687.72 to
4687.96 anticipate
4687.96 what
4688.44 they
4688.6 anticipate
4688.84 the
4689.32 growth
4689.48 of
4689.72 the
4689.8 town
4689.96 and
4690.36 the
4690.92 different
4691.08 emergency
4691.4 services
4691.96 that
4692.52 are
4692.68 going
4692.84 to
4693 be
4693 required.
4693.4 SMITH
4693.4 -
4693.4 Or
4693.4 fully
4693.56 staffed
4693.88 department.
4695.08 LAMONICA
4695.08 -
4695.08 Say
4695.08 the
4695.32 life
4695.48 cycle
4695.64 is
4695.96 50
4696.12 years,
4696.36 they're
4697.15 going
4698.1 to
4698.1 design
4698.1 this
4698.43 building
4698.66 to
4699.15 accommodate
4699.39 what's
4699.99 happening?
4700.66 PACHECO
4700.66 -
4700.66 That's
4700.66 the
4700.99 idea.
4701.07 I
4701.7 think
4701.86 also
4702.1 you're
4703.07 not
4703.31 just
4703.47 designing
4703.7 for
4704.19 the
4704.35 future,
4704.43 but
4704.82 you're
4705.07 designing
4705.39 for
4706.1 a
4707.84 department
4708 that's
4708.56 going
4708.88 to
4709.2 look
4709.28 very
4709.52 different.
4709.84 You
4712.96 know,
4713.04 just
4713.2 a
4713.52 lot
4713.6 of
4713.76 the
4713.92 deficiencies
4714 we
4714.72 have
4715.04 in
4715.91 the
4716.15 existing
4716.23 buildings,
4716.7 locker
4717.35 room
4717.59 facilities
4717.82 and
4718.39 things
4718.47 like
4718.78 that.
4718.86 So,
4719.99 you've
4720.31 got
4720.55 to
4720.78 resolve
4720.78 all
4721.02 those
4721.19 issues
4721.43 on
4721.82 top
4721.99 of
4722.15 designing
4722.95 for
4723.43 the
4723.59 future.
4734.14 But
4734.14 I
4734.3 will
4734.38 say
4734.61 every
4734.78 time
4735.02 we
4735.18 get
4735.34 the
4735.49 chance,
4735.57 we
4735.9 do
4736.14 discuss
4737.1 with
4739.3 our
4739.46 legislators
4739.7 pushing
4740.5 that
4740.98 Bill
4741.22 that
4741.46 would
4741.62 create
4741.86 the
4742.9 building
4743.06 authority
4743.46 for
4743.86 public
4744.02 safety
4744.26 buildings
4744.58 too.
4747.06 LAMONICA
4747.38 -
4747.38 Is
4747.38 that
4747.38 getting
4747.54 any
4747.86 traction?
4748.81 PACHECO
4748.81 -
4748.81 A
4748.81 little
4748.89 bit.
4749.05 I
4750.01 mean,
4750.24 I
4750.48 don't
4751.36 know
4751.6 if
4751.69 it's
4751.93 really
4752.09 in
4752.32 the
4752.41 cards
4752.56 for
4752.89 this
4753.05 session,
4753.28 but
4753.69 we'll
4754.09 see.
4754.24 I
4756.56 mean,
4756.86 certainly
4757.02 there's
4757.18 a
4757.58 number
4757.66 of
4757.9 different
4757.98 scenarios
4758.38 on
4758.86 how
4759.02 to
4759.18 fund
4759.26 it
4761.66 and
4761.82 how
4762.06 much
4762.22 you
4762.38 fund
4762.46 it,
4764.52 but
4764.77 really
4764.93 the
4765.24 fireside
4765.4 is
4765.89 almost
4766.05 more
4766.44 critical
4766.77 when
4767.73 it
4767.97 comes
4768.13 to
4768.28 facilities
4768.52 because
4769.01 the
4769.32 fire
4769.48 houses
4769.73 are
4770.05 so
4770.2 much
4770.36 older.
4773.39 HOOVER
4773.39 -
4773.39 Orlando,
4780.84 do
4781.73 you
4781.89 know
4782.05 if
4782.36 the
4782.52 survey
4782.76 is
4784.52 a
4784.84 1-
4785.01 or
4785.24 2-foot
4785.65 contour
4785.89 survey?
4787.37 PACHECO
4787.37 -
4787.37 I
4787.37 don't
4787.53 but
4787.85 I
4788.01 can
4788.09 find
4788.25 out.
4789.37 HOOVER
4789.37 -
4789.37 Okay.
4789.37 And
4790.01 then
4790.25 I'm
4790.65 curious
4790.81 when
4791.21 you
4791.45 said
4791.61 10%,
4791.85 my
4792.81 mouth
4793.05 dropped,
4794.49 percent
4794.89 of
4794.89 construction.
4795.05 Where
4796.44 do
4796.76 you
4796.91 come
4796.99 up
4797.23 with
4797.31 that
4797.48 fee
4801.15 as
4801.31 a
4801.55 design
4801.72 fee
4801.95 in
4802.27 the
4802.35 industry?
4803.31 PACHECO
4803.31 -
4803.31 That's
4803.31 just
4803.55 been
4803.8 what
4803.95 other
4805.11 communities
4805.35 have
4805.91 been
4806.07 seeing,
4807.35 it
4807.51 could
4807.67 be
4807.83 very
4807.99 different,
4808.23 but
4810.87 we
4811.19 do
4811.35 know
4811.51 some
4812.71 towns,
4812.95 I
4813.43 mean
4813.63 all
4813.86 architects
4814.02 are
4814.51 different,
4814.74 but
4816.43 there
4816.59 have
4816.66 been
4816.82 some
4816.98 scenarios
4817.15 where
4817.55 it's
4817.7 been
4817.78 up
4818.02 to
4818.1 15%
4818.27 of
4819.55 construction
4820.02 cost,
4824.53 but
4824.77 10%
4824.77 seems
4825.25 to
4825.49 be
4825.65 the
4825.73 number,
4825.89 Rob,
4826.13 that
4826.45 a
4826.93 lot
4827.01 of
4827.25 the
4828.13 more
4829.49 recent
4829.81 projects
4830.13 have
4830.61 carried.
4832.32 HOOVER
4832.32 -
4832.32 For
4833.28 this
4833.35 type
4833.6 of
4833.84 building?
4847.15 PACHECO
4847.15 -
4847.15 Yes.
4847.15 Rob,
4847.15 is
4847.39 there
4847.55 a
4847.87 preference
4848.11 on
4848.83 the
4848.99 contour
4849.15 survey?
4851.44 HOOVER
4851.44 -
4851.44 No
4851.76 question.
4851.91 1,
4853.19 but
4853.52 it
4853.52 costs
4853.52 more.
4856.72 LAMONICA
4856.72 -
4856.72 What's
4856.72 the
4856.95 difference?
4857.97 PACHECO
4857.97 -
4857.97 Let
4858.85 me
4859.17 find
4859.41 out
4859.65 the
4859.73 difference
4859.89 and
4860.21 if
4860.45 there
4860.69 is
4860.85 one,
4865.01 better
4865.33 to
4865.57 have
4865.73 this
4865.89 in
4866.81 the
4867.14 works
4867.22 before
4867.45 it
4867.85 starts.
The planning board is seeking assistance for a potential master plan update or overall zoning review, leveraging the possibility of grant funding from the one-stop grant application, contingent on the town adopting MBTA zoning to be eligible. There's a challenge in ensuring robust community participation in the planning process, often skewed by the limited demographic that typically engages in town meetings. Suggestions include conducting a town-wide survey to more accurately gauge community interests and desires, emphasizing the importance of finding strategies to ensure broader community participation in the planning meetings and processes.
4873.85 of
4874.41 the
4874.57 planning
4876.15 board
4876.39 as
4876.71 you
4876.79 know
4876.87 they
4877.75 had
4877.91 come
4878.15 to
4878.31 the
4878.47 board
4878.63 some
4879.51 time
4879.75 ago
4879.91 and
4880.15 we're
4880.79 looking
4881.11 for
4881.35 some
4881.51 assistance
4881.75 in
4882.23 grant
4883.19 funding
4883.43 for
4883.83 perhaps
4884.15 a
4884.47 master
4884.55 plan
4884.87 update.
4885.19 Well,
4886.78 the
4887.02 grant
4887.19 program
4887.51 itself
4887.91 is
4888.31 now
4888.39 not
4889.59 open
4889.99 yet,
4890.31 but
4890.55 it
4890.7 will
4890.86 be
4891.02 opening.
4891.19 So,
4892.31 I
4892.55 did
4892.7 submit
4893.51 the
4893.99 expression
4894.39 of
4894.86 interest
4895.02 to
4896.59 the
4896.83 one
4897.39 stop
4897.63 grant
4897.95 application.
4898.27 So,
4900.11 the
4900.27 applications,
4900.59 I
4901.23 believe,
4901.39 go
4901.79 in
4901.95 right
4902.59 after
4902.91 town
4903.23 meeting,
4903.55 which
4904.41 would
4904.65 be
4904.81 good
4904.98 because
4905.38 assuming
4905.77 the
4906.41 town
4906.57 adopts
4906.98 MBTA
4907.53 zoning,
4908.18 we'd
4908.57 be
4908.73 eligible.
4908.9 But
4909.77 you
4909.94 have
4910.09 to
4910.34 be
4910.41 approved
4912.3 MBTA
4912.7 community
4913.26 to
4913.82 be
4913.9 eligible
4914.06 for
4914.46 the
4914.54 one
4914.7 stop
4914.86 grant.
4916.14 So,
4917.1 I
4917.26 think
4917.34 we
4917.5 need
4917.74 to
4917.9 pursue
4917.98 as
4918.38 if
4918.54 it's
4918.7 going
4919.42 to
4919.58 happen,
4919.58 and
4919.58 if
4919.58 it
4919.74 doesn't,
4919.82 then,
4920.22 we
4921.74 tried.
4921.9 But
4923.02 I
4923.26 have
4923.34 to
4923.43 work
4923.51 with
4923.66 the
4923.82 planning
4923.9 board
4924.22 more
4924.47 on
4924.7 what
4924.94 they
4925.1 want
4925.34 for
4925.51 numbers
4925.74 for
4926.15 a
4926.3 consultant
4926.47 and
4927.43 what
4927.51 the
4927.74 scope
4927.98 is,
4931.64 and
4931.72 if
4931.72 not,
4931.88 the
4933.24 backstop
4933.32 is
4933.88 maybe
4934.36 just
4934.68 doing
4934.84 an
4935.08 overall
4935.24 zoning
4935.64 review
4936.2 which
4938.53 is
4939.6 almost
4939.84 the
4940.23 same
4940.31 thing
4940.48 as
4940.72 in
4940.88 you're
4941.03 really
4941.6 just
4941.84 targeting
4941.99 what
4942.8 you
4942.95 want
4943.19 built
4943.44 where.
4943.76 We
4947.91 did
4948.07 get
4948.23 some
4948.4 feedback
4948.64 from
4950.86 DHCD
4951.66 already
4951.98 in
4952.54 terms
4952.78 of
4953.02 the
4953.18 one
4954.46 stop
4954.78 application
4955.18 if
4955.58 we
4955.74 were
4955.82 to
4956.06 submit
4956.22 one
4956.78 and
4956.86 the
4956.86 big
4956.94 item
4957.26 is
4957.66 always
4957.9 robust
4958.93 community
4959.4 participation.
4959.97 That
4963.24 can
4963.4 be
4963.56 tough
4963.73 because
4964.13 generally
4967.04 what
4967.6 happens
4967.76 with
4968.08 master
4968.32 plans,
4968.64 it's
4968.96 the
4969.2 same
4969.36 group
4970.48 of
4970.8 people
4970.96 sort
4971.36 of
4972.24 pushing
4972.8 a
4974.13 particular
4974.36 philosophy
4974.93 and
4975.4 a
4975.52 lot
4975.65 of
4975.8 other
4975.89 people
4976.05 tend
4976.36 to
4976.6 just
4976.69 walk
4977.01 away
4977.24 from
4977.48 that
4977.65 process.
4977.89 So,
4978.77 you
4978.93 end
4979.09 up
4979.24 with
4979.32 a
4979.48 master
4979.56 plan
4979.89 that's
4980.13 not
4980.28 really
4980.52 indicative
4980.69 of
4981.09 what
4981.24 the
4981.48 town
4981.56 really
4981.89 wants.
4982.13 So,
4984 it's
4984.24 kind
4984.4 of
4984.56 what
4984.72 I've
4984.88 said
4985.04 of
4985.28 town
4985.44 meeting.
4985.68 Is
4986.64 town
4986.8 meeting
4987.04 really
4987.36 the
4987.6 voice
4987.68 of
4987.92 the
4988 community
4988.08 or
4988.48 in
4990.48 a
4990.64 town
4990.8 of
4991.04 9,000
4991.2 people,
4991.76 is
4992 it
4992.24 this
4992.88 5/100
4993.74 people
4993.99 that
4994.23 show
4994.39 up?
4996.86 LAMONICA
4996.86 -
4996.86 It's
4996.86 the
4997.1 5/100
4997.27 people
4997.43 that
4997.74 show
4997.82 up.
4997.99 I
4998.39 mean,
4998.55 that's
4998.78 ultimately
4999.19 what
4999.59 it
4999.74 is.
5000.94 HOOVER
5000.94 -
5000.94 When
5004.46 we
5004.78 put
5004.94 together
5005.1 that
5005.82 2017
5006.22 master
5007.34 plan
5007.66 or
5007.98 whatever
5008.22 the
5008.54 date
5008.7 was,
5008.86 it's
5009.1 been
5009.41 so
5009.65 long
5009.81 now,
5012.61 we
5013.65 never
5013.9 did
5014.3 a
5015.41 town
5015.65 wide
5016.22 survey,
5016.69 and
5017.63 that
5017.79 might
5018.03 be
5018.27 something
5018.51 that
5018.99 we
5019.23 want
5019.47 to
5019.79 consider
5019.79 in
5021.31 terms
5021.47 of
5021.79 getting
5022.03 more
5023.63 of
5023.87 a
5024.03 feeling
5024.19 of
5024.59 what
5024.67 the
5024.91 town
5025.07 is
5026.81 interested
5027.13 in
5027.6 because
5027.85 Orlando
5028.56 is
5029.13 exactly
5029.45 right
5030.01 about
5030.24 the
5030.65 people
5030.73 that
5031.05 show
5031.28 up.
5031.52 So,
5034.1 I
5034.34 just
5034.5 put
5034.74 that
5034.9 out
5035.14 there
5035.3 Orlando
5035.62 that
5036.18 when
5037.06 we
5037.3 get
5037.46 around
5037.7 to
5037.86 it
5038.02 that
5038.18 might
5038.34 be
5038.5 something
5038.66 we
5038.98 want
5039.14 to
5039.38 consider.
5039.94 PACHECO
5039.94 -
5039.94 I
5041.24 think
5041.4 that's
5041.72 a
5041.88 good
5041.95 way
5042.2 to
5042.44 sort
5042.68 of
5042.84 get
5043.64 feedback
5043.95 from
5044.35 people.
5044.6 The
5046.2 other
5046.44 thing
5046.6 is
5046.84 get
5046.99 getting
5047.31 people
5047.72 into
5048.03 meetings
5048.27 on
5048.68 a
5048.84 regular
5048.91 basis
5049.31 is
5050.39 going
5050.55 to
5050.79 be
5050.95 easy
5051.35 for
5051.67 some
5051.91 and
5052.15 hard
5052.31 for
5052.55 others,
5053.83 and
5054.07 I
5054.07 think
5054.15 you
5054.31 got
5054.47 to
5054.79 find
5054.79 a
5054.95 way
5055.03 to
5055.35 bridge
5055.67 that
5055.99 gap
5056.23 to
5056.39 make
5056.55 sure
5056.71 you're
5056.95 getting
5057.11 the
5057.35 wide
5057.51 range
5057.75 of
5057.99 participation.
John Castle resigns from his position, with his last day being March 9, to become the director of planning and economic development for the city of Woburn, a move made easier by the proximity to his home and the opportunity it presents for extended work years despite approaching retirement. In response to inquiries about a successor and interim plans, it’s mentioned that the planning board has been sent the job description and last used ad, but no successor is named, with an assurance that imminent work will not be backlogged nor will projected work be stymied owing to John’s regular communication. Tribute is paid to John's significant contributions and dedication as a town planner, highlighting his impact on projects like the rail trail and expressing confidence in his ongoing support despite leaving. The need for a successful successor search is acknowledged, reflecting on the town's history with planners.
5066.69 somewhat
5067.01 sad
5067.48 news,
5067.73 I
5067.97 guess,
5068.13 John
5069.28 Castle
5069.6 is
5070.08 resigning
5070.4 and
5071.6 his
5071.92 last
5072.4 day
5072.64 will
5073.2 be
5073.44 March
5073.68 9th.
5073.92 He
5075.36 is
5075.52 going
5077.02 to
5077.35 be
5077.51 the
5077.74 director
5077.91 of
5078.23 planning
5078.47 and
5078.86 economic
5079.1 development
5079.51 for
5079.98 the
5080.15 city
5080.31 of
5080.47 Woburn,
5084.38 which
5084.62 it's
5084.62 not
5084.86 that
5085.1 sad
5085.34 because
5085.5 he
5085.66 was
5085.9 going
5085.98 to
5086.22 be
5086.22 retiring
5086.38 from
5087.1 us
5087.34 this
5087.58 summer
5087.82 either
5088.22 way,
5089.02 but
5089.26 now
5089.26 that
5089.42 he's
5089.58 going
5090.22 to
5090.54 work,
5090.54 right
5091.16 down
5091.48 the
5091.65 street
5091.73 from
5091.97 his
5092.13 house,
5092.28 he's
5092.84 going
5093.09 to
5093.4 probably
5093.4 work
5093.73 a
5093.97 few
5094.05 extra
5094.2 years.
5098.69 LAMONICA
5098.69 -
5098.69 So,
5099.33 do
5099.49 we
5099.73 have
5099.89 a
5101.49 successor?
5102.85 PACHECO
5102.85 -
5102.85 No.
5104.05 LAMONICA
5104.05 -
5104.05 What
5104.05 stood
5104.29 mechanism
5104.45 in
5105.41 his
5105.57 absence?
5106.05 PACHECO
5106.05 -
5106.05 So,
5106.05 I've
5106.13 sent
5106.37 the
5107.86 planning
5108.1 board
5108.59 a
5108.91 copy
5109.06 of
5109.31 the
5109.39 existing
5109.55 job
5109.95 description
5110.27 for
5110.74 them
5110.91 to
5111.06 review,
5111.23 and
5112.51 the
5113.06 last
5113.55 ad
5113.78 that
5114.02 was
5114.19 used,
5114.35 John's
5114.8 been
5114.96 with
5115.12 the
5115.16 town
5115.2 for
5115.6 about
5115.68 a
5116.16 little
5116.24 over
5116.48 seven
5116.64 years
5116.96 now.
5116.96 LAMONICA
5116.96 -
5116.96 This
5116.96 is
5117.2 next
5117.52 week,
5119.28 so
5119.44 what's
5119.76 happens
5120.16 in
5120.48 the
5120.72 interim?
5130.97 PACHECO
5130.97 -
5130.97 I'm
5130.97 sure
5131.13 Harry's
5131.36 got
5131.69 a
5131.84 plan.
5154.4 PACHECO
5154.4 -
5154.4 I
5154.4 think
5154.48 the
5154.88 part
5155.04 of
5155.28 the
5155.52 timing
5155.68 was
5156.24 when
5157.44 there
5157.76 wasn't
5158 a
5158.78 whole
5158.94 lot
5159.1 in
5159.26 front
5159.49 of
5159.57 the
5159.74 board.
5159.9 You
5160.3 know,
5160.38 they
5161.82 should
5161.98 have,
5162.22 whatever
5162.7 they're
5163.1 dealing
5163.26 with
5163.49 mellow
5163.9 wrapped
5164.3 up
5164.61 and
5164.7 then
5165.1 the
5165.41 only
5165.57 other
5165.74 real
5166.94 item
5167.26 in
5167.58 front
5167.66 of
5167.82 them
5167.9 is
5171.1 the
5171.1 emission
5171.26 special
5171.66 permit
5171.98 right
5172.38 now.
5172.54 So,
5173.18 at
5173.34 least
5173.5 that
5173.66 the
5173.82 timing
5174.06 is
5174.46 good
5175.66 that
5176.03 I
5176.39 don't
5176.47 think
5176.63 you'll
5176.78 see
5177.09 a
5177.39 particular
5177.69 backlog.
5180.55 LAMONICA
5180.55 -
5180.55 Does
5180.55 it
5180.78 stymie
5181.35 any
5181.66 projected
5182.31 work
5182.86 coming
5183.1 up?
5183.79 PACHECO
5183.79 -
5183.79 No,
5184.03 I
5184.11 mean,
5184.19 John
5184.43 and
5184.91 I
5185.07 are
5185.31 communicating
5185.95 regularly
5186.51 on
5186.99 that
5187.15 stuff
5187.31 anyway.
5187.55 So,
5187.95 if
5188.35 something
5188.43 comes
5188.75 up,
5188.91 we'll
5189.07 be
5189.31 able
5189.47 to
5189.79 work
5190.11 through
5190.35 it.
5191.98 HOOVER
5194.06 -
5194.06 Daryle,
5197.82 just
5198.39 FYI,
5198.63 knowing
5200.14 John
5200.54 the
5200.86 way
5201.02 I
5201.18 do
5201.34 and
5201.74 having
5201.98 conversations
5202.38 with
5203.1 him,
5203.26 I
5203.5 know
5203.66 he's
5203.9 going
5204.22 to
5204.54 be
5204.54 making
5204.62 himself
5205.02 available,
5208.34 he
5208.9 won't
5208.98 just
5209.3 drop
5209.45 off
5209.77 the
5209.94 face
5210.1 of
5210.26 the
5210.41 earth,
5210.49 so
5210.81 I'm
5211.45 really
5211.69 confident
5211.94 about
5212.49 that.
5212.66 But
5213.85 I
5214.02 did
5214.18 want
5214.41 to
5214.73 say,
5214.73 I
5215.45 work
5215.69 with
5215.94 John
5216.18 a
5216.97 lot
5217.13 and,
5217.77 I've
5218.65 worked
5218.89 with
5219.13 a
5219.29 lot
5219.37 of
5219.53 town
5219.77 planners,
5220.09 and
5220.81 I'm
5221.85 going
5222.09 to
5222.49 sorely
5222.49 miss
5223.05 him.
5223.29 He
5224.28 has
5224.52 done
5224.85 more
5225.09 for
5225.32 this
5225.48 town
5225.81 than
5226.28 most
5226.85 people
5227.16 really
5227.56 realize.
5228.05 I
5231.01 just
5231.24 wanted
5231.48 to
5231.81 publicly
5232.79 thank
5233.51 him
5233.75 for
5236.15 the
5236.39 excellent
5236.63 work
5237.27 that
5237.59 he
5237.83 has
5237.99 done
5238.23 as
5238.55 a
5238.71 town
5238.87 planner
5239.19 for
5239.59 Georgetown
5239.83 and
5240.47 wishing
5241.56 really
5242.05 all
5242.6 the
5243.01 best
5243.16 moving
5243.56 forward,
5243.89 but
5244.2 he's
5245.8 a
5246.13 good
5246.28 one.
5247.8 PACHECO
5249.48 -
5249.48 Well,
5249.48 I
5249.56 think,
5250.11 Rob,
5250.27 that's
5250.83 exactly
5251.15 why
5251.63 the
5251.79 new
5251.95 Mayor
5252.75 who
5253.07 I've
5253.31 met
5253.55 and
5253.79 I
5254.03 actually
5254.19 had
5254.59 a
5254.67 conversation
5254.83 with
5255.39 at
5255.63 MMA.
5255.87 Its
5257.23 exactly
5257.39 why
5259.88 John
5260.03 is
5260.35 there,
5261.64 it's
5261.88 his
5261.88 hometown,
5262.2 and
5262.52 it's
5262.68 going
5263.16 to
5263.4 be
5263.4 a
5263.56 special
5263.64 landing
5264.27 spot
5264.68 for
5264.99 him,
5265.16 but
5265.31 I
5266.03 think
5266.35 John
5266.6 is
5266.84 a
5266.91 phenomenal
5267.07 planner.
5267.65 I
5267.85 think
5268.05 he's
5268.37 really
5269.25 a
5269.57 good
5269.73 person.
5270.21 He's
5271.01 incredibly
5271.33 dedicated
5271.97 to
5272.61 the
5272.69 town.
5272.85 I
5273.65 don't
5273.81 know
5273.97 if
5274.13 this
5274.29 rail
5274.53 trail
5274.77 project
5275.09 would
5275.49 have
5275.65 gotten
5275.81 as
5276.05 far
5276.21 as
5276.53 it
5276.66 did
5276.78 without
5277.02 him,
5278.78 and
5279.1 that's
5279.1 one
5279.34 of
5279.57 many.
5281.26 But
5281.41 for
5281.41 somebody
5281.57 who's
5281.9 just
5282.3 had
5282.53 to
5282.7 deal
5282.85 with
5283.1 this
5283.34 stuff
5283.57 in
5285.03 terms
5285.35 of
5285.59 traffic
5285.83 intersections
5286.15 and
5286.71 those
5286.95 type
5287.11 of
5287.27 projects,
5287.43 I
5288.63 mean,
5288.79 right
5289.43 of
5289.67 way
5290.07 is
5290.07 difficult
5290.23 for
5290.71 that,
5291.03 but
5291.35 on
5291.35 rail
5291.51 trails,
5291.75 it's
5292.07 a
5292.23 whole
5292.63 another
5292.79 animal.
5293.11 I
5295.15 think
5295.23 he's
5295.47 leaving
5295.72 us
5296.03 in
5296.35 very
5297.23 good
5297.55 shape.
5297.8 Again,
5299.31 he's
5299.55 the
5300.11 consummate
5300.27 professional
5300.84 and
5307.08 people
5307.08 tend
5307.56 to
5307.88 really
5309.65 like
5309.97 people
5310.76 who
5311.09 tell
5311.24 you
5311.4 what
5311.65 you
5311.97 want
5314.2 to
5314.44 hear
5314.44 but
5314.44 it's
5314.44 hard
5314.76 to
5315.09 get
5315.24 good
5315.73 people
5315.89 to
5316.2 tell
5316.36 you
5316.52 what
5316.69 you
5316.84 need
5317.01 to
5317.32 hear
5317.48 and
5318.31 be
5318.55 fearless
5318.63 about
5319.99 what
5320.07 it
5320.31 is
5320.47 they're
5320.71 saying.
5320.95 I
5323.11 don't
5323.19 think
5323.43 that
5323.75 gets
5324.07 enough
5324.31 appreciation
5324.79 in
5325.51 a
5325.67 very
5325.83 political
5326.07 environment.
5326.71 In
5331.19 the
5331.35 short
5331.51 time
5331.74 I've
5331.99 known
5332.55 John,
5332.86 I've
5334.09 developed
5334.52 an
5334.84 incredibly
5335.16 high
5335.64 level
5335.88 of
5336.2 respect
5336.36 for
5336.76 him.
5337.4 I
5338.44 know
5338.6 I'll
5338.84 stay
5340.12 in
5340.36 touch
5340.44 with
5340.6 him.
5346.48 DAWES
5346.48 -
5346.48 I
5346.48 have
5346.72 to
5346.88 agree
5348.23 with
5348.64 both
5349.99 Rob
5350.8 and
5351.03 Orlando
5351.35 because
5352.37 I've
5352.69 sat
5353.01 with
5353.33 John
5353.81 on
5354.21 a
5355.01 number
5355.17 of
5355.41 occasions,
5355.49 I'm
5355.97 sure
5356.13 we
5356.37 all
5356.45 have,
5357.17 and
5357.33 he's
5357.33 always
5357.57 had
5357.89 time.
5358.13 He's
5359.25 always
5359.57 been
5359.89 very
5360.05 knowledgeable
5360.45 about
5360.93 various
5362.07 projects
5362.48 going
5363.2 forward
5364.4 and
5364.56 we
5364.56 will
5364.8 miss
5364.95 him.
5365.2 But
5365.84 everything
5367.35 ends
5367.76 at
5367.91 certain
5368.56 times,
5369.6 well
5369.94 he
5369.94 was
5370.02 going
5370.18 to
5370.26 be
5370.26 gone
5370.42 this
5370.74 summer
5370.9 anyhow.
5384.65 PACHECO
5384.65 -
5384.65 I
5384.65 mean,
5384.81 hopefully,
5385.05 you
5387.44 know
5387.52 you
5387.84 get
5388 another
5388.24 successful
5388.64 search.
5389.12 I
5389.44 mean
5389.52 the
5390.24 town's
5390.32 had
5390.72 some
5390.88 pretty
5391.04 good
5391.2 planners
5391.36 over
5392.08 the
5392.4 years,
5392.56 so
5392.88 it's
5393.52 had
5393.68 some
5393.84 maybe
5394.34 that
5394.73 I
5394.77 wish
5394.81 it
5395.22 didn't,
5395.3 but
5395.61 for
5395.85 the
5396.02 most
5396.09 part,
5396.26 the
5397.3 town's
5397.45 been
5397.85 in
5398.09 pretty
5398.18 good
5398.41 shape.
5398.74 LAMONICA
5398.74 -
5398.74 And
5398.74 that's
5398.9 a
5399.06 full-time
5400.65 position,
5402.79 right?
5402.79 PACHECO
5402.79 -
5402.79 Yes.
5402.79 SMITH
5402.79 -
5402.79 Does
In a recent update, DAWES highlighted the initiation of motorcycle awareness starting March 24th, a collaborative effort with Lieutenant Hatch for a presentation similar to the previous year’s. Additionally, DAWES announced a care package event organized for April 20th in alliance with the American Legion and the Newhart Bible Chapel, aiming to support Operation Troop Support. This nonprofit, founded by retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Dick Moody over 21 years ago, has successfully distributed over a million packages to troops. Collection boxes for the event are currently placed at Crosby's, with further involvement from local churches expected. Community participation is encouraged, emphasizing the assembling and packing of boxes on the day of the event. The community is informed and invited to participate via social platforms, with a special note on the postage cost of $17 a box, highlighting the importance of donations for covering these expenses.
5404.71 on
5405.03 the
5405.35 TA
5405.51 report?
5406.55 DAWES
5406.55 -
5406.55 No,
5406.55 I
5406.87 would
5407.11 like
5407.27 to,
5407.43 not
5408.87 as
5409.19 a
5409.35 surprise,
5409.51 but
5410.15 Paul
5411.44 Cote
5411.68 got
5412.15 hold
5412.4 of
5412.55 me
5412.72 and
5412.95 to
5413.03 remind
5413.27 me
5413.59 that
5413.76 motorcycle
5413.99 awareness
5414.72 begins
5415.91 March
5416.95 24th,
5417.59 I
5418.48 think
5418.64 it
5418.8 is.
5418.95 So,
5420.52 Lieutenant
5420.84 Hatch
5421.48 and
5421.72 I
5421.88 are
5422.04 going
5422.2 to
5422.44 be
5422.44 working
5422.52 on
5422.84 something
5423.64 for
5426.04 presentation
5426.44 like
5427.8 we
5427.89 did
5428.13 last
5428.36 year.
5428.6 I
5431.24 thought
5431.48 I'd
5433.16 announce
5433.4 it
5433.8 now
5433.97 being
5434.13 that
5434.67 I
5434.79 won't
5434.91 be
5435.15 here
5441.55 in
5441.87 the
5447.06 next
5451.38 meeting.
5452.18 The
5452.18 American
5452.18 Legion
5452.58 and
5455.54 the
5455.78 Newhart
5455.94 Bible
5456.34 Chapel,
5456.66 which
5456.98 is
5457.14 the
5457.3 old
5457.38 VFW
5457.7 building
5458.26 has
5459.2 partnered
5459.36 with
5459.84 us
5460.01 to
5460.32 have
5461.44 an
5461.68 operation
5462.24 troop
5462.72 support
5463.05 care
5463.93 package
5464.16 event
5464.56 on
5465.68 April
5466.09 20th.
5466.48 There
5469.45 is
5469.61 a
5469.85 box
5469.93 right
5470.25 now
5470.41 at
5470.81 Crosby's,
5471.21 I
5472.49 still
5472.65 have
5472.89 to
5473.13 talk
5473.21 to
5473.45 Chief
5474.33 McKay.
5474.65 A
5476.8 couple
5476.95 of
5477.11 the
5477.35 churches
5477.51 have
5478.47 also
5478.72 agreed
5479.19 to,
5479.51 have
5480.72 little
5480.88 collection
5481.19 boxes
5481.68 so
5482.55 they
5482.72 can
5482.88 participate.
5483.11 This
5484.18 is
5484.42 really
5484.5 good,
5485.14 and
5485.38 this
5485.38 is
5485.62 the
5485.74 first
5485.86 time
5486.1 we've
5486.26 done
5486.5 this
5486.74 in
5486.9 Georgetown.
5487.14 I've
5487.62 been
5487.78 to
5487.94 a
5488.74 number
5488.9 of
5489.14 these
5489.22 and
5489.62 the
5490.26 annual
5490.42 dinners
5490.74 and
5491.14 all.
5491.3 But
5491.56 Operation
5493.09 Troops
5493.56 Support
5493.89 has
5494.2 been
5494.52 around
5494.93 for
5495.81 21
5496.77 years
5498.13 and
5498.52 it
5498.69 began
5498.84 by
5499.24 a
5500.05 gentleman,
5500.2 by
5501.68 the
5501.72 name
5501.76 of
5502.08 Dick
5502.24 Moody,
5502.48 retired
5502.96 air
5503.36 force,
5503.52 lieutenant
5503.84 colonel,
5505.6 and
5506.08 he's
5506.08 moved
5506.32 that
5506.56 forward.
5506.8 And
5507.76 to
5508.08 now,
5508.24 well
5508.64 over
5508.88 1000000
5509.2 packages.
5511.01 LAMONICA
5511.01 -
5511.01 Been
5511.01 the
5511.32 beneficiary
5511.49 of
5511.85 the
5513.57 packages,
5514.05 very
5514.05 much
5514.05 appreciated.
5515.32 PACHECO
5516.23 -
5516.23 Was
5516.53 he
5516.69 was
5518.84 he
5519 in
5519.16 like
5519.4 downtown
5519.64 Danvers
5520.04 for
5520.52 a
5520.68 while?
5522.04 DAWES
5522.04 -
5522.04 What
5522.04 do
5522.28 you
5522.36 mean?
5522.44 He
5524.2 doesn't
5524.36 live
5524.68 too
5524.92 far
5525.08 from
5525.32 the
5525.56 downtown.
5527.24 PACHECO
5527.24 -
5527.24 There
5527.24 was
5527.56 always
5527.8 somebody
5528.03 in
5528.35 downtown
5528.52 Danvers
5528.91 who
5529.31 was
5529.4 doing
5529.64 collections.
5530.91 DAWES
5530.91 -
5530.91 Oh,
5530.91 it
5531.23 may
5531.4 have
5531.56 been
5531.64 him
5531.88 in
5532.11 the
5532.19 beginning.
5533.07 SMITH
5536.84 -
5536.84 Daryle,
5536.84 what's
5537.08 the
5537.32 number
5537.48 one
5537.64 thing
5537.8 we
5538.04 should
5538.2 think
5538.28 about?
5539.48 DAWES
5539.64 -
5539.64 Just
5540.04 be
5540.28 looking
5540.44 for
5540.76 this
5540.92 on
5541.16 Facebook,
5543.91 and
5544.07 there's
5544.07 a
5544.23 list
5545.44 that
5545.68 comes
5545.76 with
5545.99 it.
5546.23 Believe
5546.4 me,
5546.64 I
5546.8 had
5546.95 to
5547.19 do
5547.27 it
5547.44 in
5547.52 this
5547.68 size
5547.84 font
5548.07 and
5548.4 it
5548.64 still
5548.72 shrunk
5549.03 it
5549.27 up
5549.44 to
5549.6 nothing
5549.76 in
5550.07 Facebook.
5551.35 LAMONICA
5551.35 -
5551.35 If
5551.35 it
5551.68 can
5551.84 last
5551.99 in
5552.23 your
5552.31 cargo
5552.99 pocket
5553.39 for
5553.63 a
5553.71 week,
5553.79 then
5554.03 it's
5554.19 usually
5554.27 a
5554.47 keeper,
5556.35 it's
5556.67 going
5556.83 to
5557.07 be
5557.07 durable.
5557.87 DAWES
5557.87 -
5557.87 So,
5559.71 it'll
5559.95 be
5560.27 a
5560.35 good
5560.51 event
5560.67 and
5560.99 we're
5561.23 hoping
5561.63 that
5562.03 people
5563.14 from
5563.3 the
5563.45 public
5563.77 will
5564.1 come
5564.18 in
5564.41 on
5564.73 Saturday
5565.06 of
5566.1 April
5567.45 20th.
5567.77 All
5569.94 we
5570.41 really
5570.57 do
5570.81 is
5571.06 pack
5571.22 boxes
5571.45 and
5572.14 second
5572.3 assembly
5572.78 line,
5574.22 and
5574.3 then
5574.3 they,
5574.54 tape
5575.5 them
5575.66 up,
5575.9 address
5576.94 them,
5577.34 frame
5577.98 to
5578.3 the
5578.46 post
5578.62 office.
5578.86 Now,
5579.66 it's
5580.3 $17
5580.3 a
5581.26 box
5581.42 for
5581.81 postage,
5581.97 believe
5582.6 it
5582.93 or
5583.09 not,
5583.81 so
5584.05 they
5584.05 do
5584.2 look
5584.36 for
5584.6 donations
5585.48 of
5586.05 money
5586.2 for
5586.6 postage,
5588.6 but
5589.48 you
5589.64 should
5589.76 be
5589.88 able
5590.12 to
5590.28 see
5590.36 it
5590.52 on
5590.6 Facebook.
5590.76 We'll
5591.24 be
5591.4 having
5591.56 more
5591.96 spots;
5592.44 I
5592.76 just
5592.84 have
5593.08 an
5593.24 American
5593.48 Legion
5593.88 page
5594.2 on
5594.44 my
5594.52 own
5594.68 right
5594.92 now.