Georgetown Conservation Commission
Friday August 23, 2024
SPEAKER164.25 -64.25 So64.25 we'll64.49 just64.73 say64.89 we65.13 can't65.29 begin65.45 the65.77 meeting.65.93 Everybody,66.81 please67.29 put67.53 yourselves67.69 on68.17 mute.68.41 71.53 SPEAKER271.53 -71.53 K.71.53 Well,71.77 72.01 SPEAKER372.01 -72.01 I72.01 can72.17 talk.72.33 73.7 SPEAKER173.7 -73.7 You73.7 can73.86 talk,74.03 but74.27 we74.42 can't74.58 talk74.83 about74.98 any75.14 of75.31 the75.39 projects75.55 or75.94 anything76.03 else.76.34 77.31 SPEAKER377.31 -77.31 Hi,77.31 David.77.55 We78.03 don't78.19 have78.34 a78.5 quorum78.67 yet.79.06 We79.86 don't80.03 have80.27 a80.42 quorum80.58 yet,80.98 so81.86 we're82.19 waiting.82.34 86.13 Worst86.13 case,86.37 everybody's86.77 coming87.33 back87.57 from87.81 vacation88.05 next88.53 week,88.77 so89.09 we89.25 will89.41 have89.65 a89.81 quorum89.97 or91.97 next92.21 month,92.45 I92.93 should93.17 say.93.41 99.33 SPEAKER499.33 -99.33 He's99.33 he's99.89 muted.100.29 Okay.101.98 113.58 SPEAKER3113.58 -113.58 We113.58 did113.83 we114.26 did114.5 hope114.66 that115.14 the115.38 1115.54 person115.86 that116.18 was116.5 going116.82 to117.06 be117.14 at117.3 the117.46 meeting117.54 would118.02 log118.26 in,118.5 but118.82 she119.06 hasn't119.3 logged119.7 in119.94 yet.120.26 So,120.66 we've122.66 been122.9 texting123.14 her.123.54 135.83 We'll135.83 give136 it136.16 about136.31 10136.63 we'll137.25 give137.64 it138.01 10138.4 8139.35 minutes139.59 and140.31 10141.83 minutes.142.07 We142.4 probably142.63 should143.03 give143.12 it143.44 10143.68 minutes,143.91 and144.4 we'll146.13 see148.05 what148.29 happens.148.45 161 SPEAKER5161 -161 We161 should161.16 have161.31 waiting161.63 music.161.96 163.31 SPEAKER3163.31 -163.31 I'm163.31 sorry?163.56 164.35 SPEAKER5164.35 -164.35 We164.35 should164.51 have164.75 waiting165 music.165.31 166.68 SPEAKER3166.68 -166.68 Oh,166.68 yeah.166.91 We167.16 should.167.31 You167.72 can167.88 play168.11 some168.35 music168.51 if168.83 you169 want.169.16 170.19 SPEAKER1170.19 -170.19 I170.19 can't170.28 because170.59 I'm170.83 on171 my171.16 phone171.31 right171.56 now.171.72 If171.96 I172.11 could172.19 find172.35 my172.88 iPad.173.2 173.44 SPEAKER3173.44 -173.44 I173.44 I173.68 can't.173.76 I174.08 don't174.24 I174.48 don't174.64 have174.8 a175.04 radio175.2 in175.6 here.175.76 177.36 SPEAKER4177.36 -177.36 If177.36 I177.44 177.52 SPEAKER1177.52 -177.52 could177.52 find177.68 my177.92 iPad178.16 at178.56 the178.64 moment,178.8 I179.12 would179.28 put179.44 music179.68 on180 for180.16 everybody.180.32 181.44 SPEAKER3181.44 -181.44 We181.44 we181.68 could181.84 have,182.08 oh,184.56 we185.13 could185.36 be185.53 like185.84 the186.08 chick186.49 what187.04 were187.28 they187.53 called?187.69 The188 chicks188.16 on188.56 the,188.72 convention?189.21 We189.84 could190.08 do190.49 acapella.190.81 Sing192.41 a192.64 song.192.72 193.44 SPEAKER1193.44 -193.44 Nobody193.44 wants193.84 to194.16 play194.32 this194.49 today.194.72 Nobody196.08 wants196.49 that.196.88 No.197.93 I198.73 could198.89 put199.13 on199.29 some199.53 cello200.09 music,200.49 the201.45 Bach201.69 cello.202.09 Yeah.203.13 That's203.29 nice.203.77 I204.41 don't204.57 know204.81 where204.97 that205.13 is,205.29 though.205.53 207.05 SPEAKER3207.05 -207.05 Yeah.207.05 I207.29 don't207.45 have207.69 a207.93 I208.17 used208.25 to208.49 have208.57 a208.73 radio208.89 in209.29 here,209.45 but209.69 I210.17 don't210.33 have210.49 a210.65 radio210.81 in211.21 my211.29 office211.53 anymore.211.85 216.57 Open216.57 space,216.97 you217.29 don't217.45 have217.69 a217.94 radio.218.01 219.94 SPEAKER1219.94 -219.94 Yeah.219.94 Sound220.25 doesn't220.5 travel.220.81 Right.222.33 224.66 SPEAKER3224.66 -224.66 Wait.224.66 You225.06 could225.13 have225.38 satellite225.61 radio.226.09 I226.57 imagine.226.66 238.21 SPEAKER2238.21 -238.21 I'll238.21 be238.37 right238.61 back,238.85 and239.25 I'll239.41 make239.57 a239.81 call.239.97 241.09 SPEAKER3241.09 -241.09 Okay.241.09 249.91 SPEAKER2249.91 -249.91 You,249.91 428.34 SPEAKER3428.34 -428.34 Chris,428.34 did428.66 you428.9 try429.06 to429.3 call429.46 her?429.62 430.26 SPEAKER2430.26 -430.26 Yep.430.26 Yeah.430.66 You432.02 left432.18 a432.42 message.432.58 Yeah.433.78 You434.66 left434.82 a435.06 message435.22 to435.62 both435.78 of436.02 them.436.18 437.46 SPEAKER3437.46 -437.46 Both437.46 who?437.78 439.29 SPEAKER2439.29 -439.29 Heidi439.29 and439.61 443.37 Becky.443.37 Yeah.443.62 536.28 SPEAKER1536.28 -536.28 The536.28 jeopardy536.36 539.72 SPEAKER2539.72 -539.72 Sorry?539.72 542.71 SPEAKER1542.71 -542.71 Is542.71 that542.87 what543.02 you543.11 say?544.3 The545.5 jeopardy545.75 theme546.38 the547.42 jeopardy547.66 theme548.23 song548.54 is548.95 going549.11 through549.5 my549.99 head550.23 right550.47 now.550.71 Oh,551.5 553.5 MICHELE
553.5 -
554.07 -
554.07 Okay.
554.07 So,
554.07 I
555.9 guess
556.07 we
556.3 should
556.54 decide
558.57 now
559.13 because
559.53 we're
561.21 one
561.53 minute
561.77 away,
562.09 and
562.57 I
562.89 don't
562.97 think
563.21 I
563.45 just
563.61 gonna
563.77 come
564.01 on.
564.25 She
565.21 would
565.45 call
565.69 and
565.85 say,
566.01 oh,
566.33 I'm
566.49 sorry.
566.73 You
567.21 know?
568.49 SPEAKER2568.49 -568.49 Yeah.568.49 Since569.05 nobody569.53 571.91 SPEAKER1571.91 -571.91 Do571.91 you572.04 have572.15 quorum572.63 with573.12 3573.43 members?573.84 No.575.04 No.575.67 576.63 SPEAKER3576.63 -576.63 No.576.63 Only577.04 4.577.6 580.48 Well,580.48 there's581.04 only581.27 6581.6 of581.91 us.582.08 Right?582.32 583.51 SPEAKER2583.51 -583.51 No.583.51 We583.75 have583.91 7584.15 on584.48 the584.55 board.584.63 No.584.96 585.12 SPEAKER1585.12 -585.12 We585.12 have585.2 7.585.43 Oh,585.75 we585.91 586.08 SPEAKER3586.08 -586.08 do586.08 have586.32 7586.63 now?586.88 Yep.587.34 589.98 SPEAKER2589.98 -589.98 And589.98 1590.86 other591.18 person591.42 was591.82 supposed592.06 to593.34 be593.5 here593.66 tonight,593.98 596.3 SPEAKER3596.3 -596.3 but596.3 Chris596.46 is596.86 not.597.02 599.02 SPEAKER1599.02 -599.02 2599.02 are599.26 on599.34 vacation.599.58 601.02 SPEAKER3601.02 -601.02 Mhmm.601.02 601.74 SPEAKER1601.74 -601.74 1601.74 wasn't601.98 coming.602.46 1603.28 was603.52 coming.603.76 604.49 SPEAKER2604.49 -604.49 1604.49 was604.73 coming.604.96 Correct.605.45 GRENIER
609.85 -
609.85 Oh,
609.85 yes.
610.08 Seven.
610.96 Okay.
611.52 Well,
611.92 do
614.64 you
614.88 wanna
615.04 try
615.61 for
615.85 a
616.08 meeting
616.16 next
616.57 week?
616.88 CHRIS
618.23 CANDIA
618.23 -
618.23 MEMBER
618.23 -
618.23 I
618.23 would.
618.39 I
619.35 mean,
619.51 I
619.67 620.39 GRENIER
620.39 -
620.39 Just
620.39 to
620.39 get
620.39 these
620.55 because
620.79 the
621.03 tree
621.19 got
621.43 621.99 CANDIA
621.99 -
621.99 I
621.99 want
621.99 to
621.99 get
621.99 this
622.15 agenda
622.47 taken
622.95 care
623.27 of.
623.51 And
623.99 the
624.23 tree,
624.31 gentlemen.
624.71 Residents
625.75 that
627.03 have,
627.27 you
627.75 know,
627.99 directed
628.47 stuff
630.8 for
631.04 us
631.28 to
631.52 take
631.68 care
631.85 of.
632.16 And
632.49 we
634.64 can
634.8 do
635.13 that
635.37 as
635.76 soon
636.33 as
636.57 we
636.64 can.
636.96 640.49 GRENIER
640.49 -
640.49 Yep.
640.49 I'm
642.16 free.
642.57 645.13 CANDIA
645.13 -
645.13 Tom,
645.13 are
645.37 you
645.45 available
645.61 next
646.25 week?
646.49 647.53 GRENIER
647.53 -
647.53 Next
647.53 Thursday?
647.85 649.37 THOMAS
649.37 HOWLAND
649.37 -
649.37 MEMBER
649.37 -
649.37 Next
649.37 Thursday?
649.77 Got
650.41 anything
650.57 going
650.89 on
651.13 next
651.37 Thursday?
651.61 I
652.73 don't
652.89 think
653.13 I'll
653.37 check
653.69 my
653.93 calendar
654.17 again.
654.81 I
657.58 think,
657.74 659.01 GRENIER
659.01 -
659.01 And
659.01 I
659.25 can
659.34 do
659.5 the
659.65 same
660.3 Zoom
661.1 too.
661.58 662.54 HOWLAND
662.54 -
662.54 Yeah.
662.54 I
662.77 can
662.86 do
663.1 it,
663.25 665.5 GRENIER
665.74 -
665.74 Which
665.74 is
665.74 kinda
665.89 neat.
666.3 We
666.54 should
666.7 probably
666.86 just
667.25 have
667.42 a
667.58 reoccurring
667.74 Zoom.
668.38 669.43 CANDIA
669.43 -
669.43 Mr.
669.43 Allen,
669.91 are
670.23 you
670.31 okay
670.55 coming
670.95 back
671.27 for
671.67 next
671.83 Thursday?
672.15 I'm
673.11 really
673.35 sorry.
673.67 674.55 DAVID
674.55 ALLEN
674.55 -
674.55 -
674.55 Oh,
674.55 that's
674.63 okay.
674.95 It
675.27 should
675.51 be
675.75 fine
675.91 for
676.47 me.
676.63 678.55 GRENIER
678.55 -
678.55 Okay.
678.55 I
679.11 mean
679.19 should
679.67 you
679.91 not
680.15 be
680.39 able
680.63 to,
680.95 682.23 ALLEN
682.23 -
682.23 Is
682.23 that
683.03 the
683.27 28th?
683.35 685.63 GRENIER
685.63 -
685.63 August
687.07 29.
687.47 688.67 ALLEN
688.67 -
688.67 Okay.
688.67 7
689.55 o'clock?
689.87 691.14 GRENIER
691.14 -
691.14 Yes.
691.14 692.59 ALLEN
692.59 -
692.59 Okay.
692.59 694.02 CANDIA
694.02 -
694.02 Thank
694.02 you
694.26 so
694.43 much.
694.67 I'm
694.9 sorry.
695.23 696.9 ALLEN
696.9 -
696.9 You
696.9 guys.
697.07 Sorry.
697.55 It
697.95 didn't
698.11 work
698.59 out.
698.9 But
700.18 SPEAKER1700.18 -700.18 Yeah.700.18 So700.82 sorry.701.22 Enjoy701.62 your701.94 evening.702.1 703.62 SPEAKER2703.62 -703.62 Thanks703.62 so703.94 much.704.1 704.42 SPEAKER1704.42 -704.42 You704.42 had704.5 a704.66 good704.74 time?704.9 Well,705.14 I705.3 wasn't705.46 singing,705.78 so706.18 that's706.34 why706.58 you706.74 had706.9 a707.02 good707.14 time.707.3 708.98 SPEAKER2708.98 -708.98 Take708.98 care.709.3 We'll709.54 see709.7 you709.86 next710.02 week.710.26 No.710.5 710.74 SPEAKER6710.74 -710.74 You710.74 you'll711.06 have711.3 to711.54 sing711.62 now711.86 so712.1 I712.34 can712.42 tell712.58 whether712.82 that's713.14 true713.38 or713.62 not.713.7 714.1 SPEAKER1714.1 -714.1 Oh,714.1 no.714.66 I'm714.9 not715.06 subject.715.3 No.715.75 Goodbye.716.79 Have717.2 a717.51 nice717.6 night.718.08 Good719.43 night,719.6 everybody.719.91 721.36 SPEAKER2721.36 -721.36 Good721.36 night.721.51 See722 you722.24 next722.32 week,722.55 everyone.723.12 Bye724 bye.724.24 Bye724.72 bye724.88 now.725.84